• 任何书写都会成为流通支票

    Any writing may become a negotiable check.


  • 因为收据流通到期二级市场交易很多

    Because the receipt is negotiable, it can be traded any number of times in the secondary market prior to its maturity.


  • 人工采摘桑叶制作桑叶饲料成本始终未能把桑叶转换流通商品禽畜饲料。

    Feed purely made from mulberry leaves which are picked up by manpower is high in cost so that the mulberry leaves are still not transformed into commercial feed for the livestock in circulation.


  • 鲍威尔的言论不是古典文学式的含沙射影,至少时至今日我们明确一点:该论调有逐渐演变为主流通识的危险

    Today Powell’s arguments, if not his classical allusions, are becoming dangerously mainstream.


  • 如果债权国要求,债务国必须黄金偿还债务,如果允许自由流通,黄金通常流向(1)最安全的国家,(2)有利的国家。

    Nations must pay their debts in gold (if asked) and, allowed to choose its home, free gold will always go where (1) it will be safest and (2) make the most money.


  • 棕榈岛集团表示一半承包商会得到现金支付款,另一半承销商欠款现金流通借据形式支付。

    That should clean Nakheel's SLATE with half its contractors, the firm says. The other half will have their claims settled by a mix of cash and a tradable IOU.


  • 并不有损于商品思想自由流通很多美国人认为不是这样

    It has not undermined the case for the free movement of goods and ideas and people, but many Americans think it has.


  • 技术上利美房地都是私人公司它们股票流通购买房利美和房地美的股票。

    Technically, Fannie and Freddie are private companies -they're traded stocks; you can buy shares in Fannie and Freddie.


  • 而且雷曼兄弟2008年破产后常春公司也受到了打击常春公司损失了七分之一流通包括转换票据的复杂交易中。

    And it was hurt when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in 2008; Evergreen lost one-seventh of its outstanding shares in a complex transaction involving convertible notes.


  • 棕榈岛集团表示,一半承包商会得到现金支付款,另一半承销商欠款以现金流通借据的形式支付。

    The other half will have their claims settled by a mix of cash and a tradable IOU.


  • 西方石油巨头股票的可流通股票占总股本比例也明显高于新兴市场的大型能源公司

    And Western majors enjoy much higher free floats than large, emerging-market energy companies.


  • 不记名背书:一种支票流通票据的背书,没有收款人名字支付票人。

    Blank endorsement n. an endorsement on a check or negotiable note that names no payee making it payable to the bearer.


  • 一种支票流通票据的背书没有收款人名字支付票人。

    An endorsement on a check or negotiable note that names no payee, making it payable to the bearer.


  • 产生一种重构外观后方厨房额外的窗户被打开时,它能够使空气流通

    This results in a shifting, reconfigurable facade that enables cross ventilation when additional windows in the rear-facing kitchen are also opened.


  • 同事即便比不上那么流通钱具有一样真实性资本

    Your colleagues are a form of capital as real as money, even if not as liquid.


  • 电击治疗中,医生给患者使用肌肉松弛麻醉剂,并让患者大脑部分区域,电流引发疾病短时间突然发作有助于治疗抑郁症

    In ECT treatment, patients get a muscle relaxant and an anesthetic and an electrical current is passed to part of their brains, triggering a brief seizure that can help treat the depression.


  • 比如瑞士再保险公司如果为设在伦敦总部大楼安装开启窗户产生额外的高成本,虽然能够降低空气流通费用,但要十年以上才能与投入相抵。

    For example, Swiss re's installation of Windows that can be opened in its striking new London headquarters will take more than a decade of reduced ventilation bills to justify their extra cost.


  • 转让存单只是银行流通定期存款。

    A negotiable CD is simply a bank time deposit that is negotiable.


  • 有关可流通票据法规已经非常标准化

    The law with respect to negotiable instruments has been well standardized.


  • 现有住宅分割方式重新翻修,以便房间之间空间相互流通

    The existing house was broken up in a way that made circulation between rooms seem unnatural and laborious.


  • 商业票据”是发行体满足流动资金需求发行期限2至270天的、可流通转让债务工具

    "Commercial bills" refer to negotiable and transferable debt instruments issued by the issuing body for a period of between 2 days and 270 days to meet the demands of liquid assets.


  • ADR即美国凭证美国存托银行美国的投资者发行的,代表美国公司股票所有权的流通证券。

    ADR American Depositary Receipts, were issued by American Depositary Bank to American investors, which represent, a sort of circulative stocks owned by non American companies.


  • 本文通过实证方法进行研究发现制度因素、中签率、流通新股数量和新股发行价发行有着非常显著的影响。

    This text passed the method of substantial evidence to carry on a research detection: System factor, win a label rate and can circulate a new an amount to publish price to all suppress the influence.


  • 随着粮食流通体制改革深化没有政策工业企业如何走出困境

    Deepen as what current system reforms commissariat, how does grain do industrial business to walk out of predicament without policy meal comestible?


  • 燃油泵压力流通能力专门的仪器进行检查油压力下降引起供油不足,降低发动机性能

    Fuel-pump pressure and capacity can be checked with special gauges. Low pump pressure will cause fuel starvation and poor engine performance.


  • 利说:“一次逛街每小时消耗最多130卡热量。 试衣服不时地伸手弯腰所有动作都有利于伸展肌肉促进血液流通。”

    'You can burn up to 130 calories an hour on a shopping trip, ' says Healy. 'All that contorting and pulling items on and off is good for stretching muscles and increasing blood flow, too.


  • 据此设计缩短利用降低温升钻头形,设计人员提供了理论依据

    From theoretical analysis, such bits have characteristics of slow temperature rise for bit face and low final balance temperature, which are the theoretical basis for bit design.


  • 大额转让存单”是银行发行金融市场转让流通一定期限的银行存款凭证。

    "Large amount transferable deposit receipts" refer to bank deposit certificates with a fixed term issued by a bank which may be transferred and negotiated on financial markets.


  • 回到全球化这个资金人才观点物质自由流通不同国界调制解调器——全球化的概念诞生于1975年瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛

    Returning to globalisation, the modern form - the free flow of money, people, ideas and materials across national boundaries - was born at the 1975 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.


  • 回到全球化这个资金人才观点物质自由流通不同国界调制解调器——全球化的概念诞生于1975年瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛

    Returning to globalisation, the modern form - the free flow of money, people, ideas and materials across national boundaries - was born at the 1975 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.


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