• 那些可怕科学说应该一举行一

    Those dreaded scientists claim that once a year is about right.


  • 一天戏,我卸完妆以后,再看看自己的脸,好像看到了可怕的科学怪人

    When I washed my face and took my makeup off at the end of the day, there was some sort of horrible Frankenstein staring back at me.


  • 人们出生前注射一种特殊的疫苗,以防止他们患上可怕的疾病,这一直是科学界的梦想。

    It's long been a scientific dream: to give people a special vaccine before birth to prevent them from getting terrible illnesses.


  • 然了,最好的东西是治疗严重疾病的药。许多科学家正在努力对抗各种疾病,如埃博拉病毒这种可怕的疾病,而非洲已有几千人因此丧命。

    Well, of course, the best thing is medicine for really bad diseases (疾病). A lot of scientists are working very hard to stop diseases like Ebola, a terrible disease that has killed many thousand people in Africa.


  • 然而消除可怕致命疾病方面权威科学家中,有支持摧毁所有剩余病毒的计划。

    However, one of the most prominent figures in wiping out the deadly, disfiguring disease is in favor of destroying all remnants of it.


  • 带着可怕预测气候科学困惑不已、引发怀疑论者质疑的有关南极冰原的矛盾现象似乎已经得到解决。

    An Antarctic ice paradox that has puzzled climate scientists and fueled skeptics' arguments appears to have been resolved, with a dire forecast.


  • 一些家长科学江湖郎中之间,毫无理智认为疫苗其能防止疾病可怕

    Some parents caught in the crossfire between scientists and charlatans have decided, against all reason, that the vaccines are more dangerous than the diseases they protect against.


  • 彗星星体中松动冰块也许固态小行星还要可怕,况且科学家们清楚如何对付那些不稳定的“亲戚们”。

    The loose chunks of ice debris within a comet's gaseous body might also prove more of a nightmare than solid asteroids, and scientists still don't know exactly how to deal with the rockier Cousins.


  • 科学家们在研究中海发现,麦卢卡蜂蜜可怕甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)更易受到抗生素的攻击,从而降低细菌的抗性。

    They also learned that found that manuka honey can make the dreaded MRSA more susceptible to antibiotics. Which could help reverse the bacteria's resistance.


  • 日前传出可怕警告日本岛第一核电站危机四伏,它的核辐射扩散将日本、甚至美国加州造成致命后果。科学家称,这种警告可能是言过其实

    Dire warnings of radiation spreading from Japan's embattled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to deadly effect across Japan, or even to California, are likely overblown, they say.


  • 一些科学预言二三十年后不会再有大片森林真的是一可怕事情

    Some scientists say that there will be no vast forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a terrible thing.


  • 瓦连纳托斯詹金斯解释这些毒素后边的科学及其一系列可怕影响致癌蜜蜂死亡

    Vallianatos and Jenkins explain the science behind these poisons and their many dire effects, from cancer to the death of honeybee colonies.


  • 也许我们我们已经明白如果没有讨论科学发生可怕错误

    Perhaps in the back of our minds we already understand, without all the science I've discussed, that something terribly wrong is happening.


  • 英国科学马克?林纳最近发布一则到目前为止,可能可怕的新闻

    Recently, Mark Lynas, a British scientist, released what might be the scariest news yet.


  • 英国科学马克·林纳最近发布一则到目前为止,可能可怕的新闻

    Recently, Mark Lynas, a British scientist, released what might be the scariest news yet.


  • 科学技术个人勇气群体努力送上月球同时我们带来整个地球陷入冬天可怕武器

    The same technological wizardry, individual bravery, and group effort that put us on the moon have also given us weapons that can blow our whole planet into permanent winter.


  • 现在科学家们已经获悉许多关于鲨鱼的鼻子是如何指导这种世界上最可怕的鱼类行动的。

    Now, scientists have learned more about how those noses work to help the much-feared fish direct its movements.


  • 而且其他科学跑步者可能出现损伤可怕预言完全没有发生。

    And the dire injury predictions other scientists made for runners have fallen completely flat.


  • 计算机科学这个词让人产生可怕的误解

    "Computer science" is a horrible and misleading term.


  • 不过卸妆卸到一半时候,忽然决定自己不想把脸干净了,她还是像一个可怕疯狂科学,所以我们就这样玩了一整天,”萨曼莎说道

    Of course half way throw the washing-off process she decided she didn't want to wash it off and she did want to be a scary mad scientist and went about our day, ' Samantha said.


  • 举例来说,玛莉·雪莱科学怪人》中,名叫弗兰肯斯坦的科学拼凑死人身体创造出一个可怕生物

    For example, in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a scientist named Dr. Frankenstein creates a horrific creature from parts of dead bodies.


  • 致命病毒失去鲜活载体而随之消亡——然而只是科学家们观点实际上病毒远比他们想象的更可怕

    The deadly virus is also a vehicle for the loss of fresh disappear along - however, this is only the scientists point of view, in fact, the virus is more terrible than they imagined.


  • 科学释放出可怕的破坏力量,把全人类卷入预谋意外的自我毁灭深渊之前让我们双方重新开始寻求和平

    Let both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.


  • 科学家们已经发现了许多类似HD209458b行星-拥有庞大的大气层,却它们的恒星很近的运行,可怕炎热剧毒大气

    Scientists have found many planets like HD 209458 b – huge gas giants that orbit hazardously close to their stars and have hellishly hot, poisonous atmospheres.


  • 科学家们已经发现了许多类似HD209458b行星-拥有庞大的大气层,却它们的恒星很近的运行,可怕炎热剧毒大气

    Scientists have found many planets like HD 209458 b – huge gas giants that orbit hazardously close to their stars and have hellishly hot, poisonous atmospheres.


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