• 了解审判可以辨认纽约语调进行

    He understands that the trial will be held in recognizable New York accents.


  • 靠近接触马的时候说说话或者发出可以辨认声音

    Speak or make a recognizable noise before approaching or touching the animal.


  • 可以一些简单和弦旋律所以至少有些音调还是可以辨认

    I can put together a few simple chords and a couple of melodies so that at least some of the tunes are recognizable.


  • 所有邮件使用可以辨认一致电子邮件地址以及来自姓名

    Use a recognizable and consistent email address and "from" name for all of your emails.


  • 不过所有泡沫都是可以辨认,即使仅凭肉眼能观察文中所描述过程

    But all bubbles are identifiable, and the process described in the paragraph above is not invisible to the naked eye.


  • 例如如果应用程序进行串的比较判断该字串是否可以辨认XML标记,则这项比较就区分文化特性的。

    For example, if an application compares a string to determine whether it is a recognized XML tag, the comparison should not be culture-sensitive.


  • 可以根据形状辨认这种

    You can recognize the fish by the shape of their fins.


  • 可以它们颜色大多是带有黄色斑点的棕色)、下唇凹陷辨认出来。

    They are recognizable by their coloring (mostly brown with yellow spots), large pointed teeth, and the notch in their lower lip.


  • 如果学会辨认跟踪大脑状态,你可以思维清醒专注重要脑力工作,当创造性洞察遇到难题,就要反道而行了。

    If you learn to recognize and track your mental state, you can concentrate on important mental tasks when your mind is most "awake". For creative insight into a problem, do the opposite.


  • 所以你们应该可以大概辨认并且画出概率分布大致形式

    So, you should be able to generally identify and draw the general form of these radial probability distributions.


  • 此外灰尘我们依稀可以辨认X市级文物标志

    Besides, in the dust we can vaguely read a sign stating that the site was once deemed a municipal culture relic.


  • 两种外套都有标志性的外观战略性考量安置标志,通过这些品牌名称没有被人看到的情况下人们仍可以辨认品牌。

    Both jackets have signature styles and strategically placed logos that can identify the brand without the name being seen..


  • 然后他们听力正常回放录音看看他们是否可以从不同声音辨认出发声人情绪

    Then they played back those recordings for a group of hearing individuals, to see if they could decipher the emotion behind each sound.


  • 在这里甚至可以清晰辨认画面前方这个双胞胎胎儿手上根血管

    Here you can even make out a vein on the hand of the twin in the foreground.


  • 一个暗语,万一丢失了存折我们可以确切地辨别您的身份或者由于某种需要,用以准确地辨认身份。

    It's a code word we use to positively identify you in case you lose your passbook or there is some other need for positive identification.


  • XML文档辨认结构:一系列可以随意包含属性元素的元素。

    An XML document has a recognizable structure: a series of elements that can optionally contain attributes and child elements.


  • 很容易可以辨认错误——可以一个正规调试器来找到它。

    That's an easy kind of error to spot — the kind you can find with a regular debugger.


  • 第一次经商一年结束时很快可以辨认哪些潜在客户谈话者”,哪些是“拖延者”还有哪些是“行动者”。

    By the end of your first year in business, you should have a very good idea of which prospects are "talkers", which are "delayers" and which are "doers".


  • 只有在那之后此运用商圈的时候,营销商可以辨认这个过程策略可以竞争对手更胜一筹。

    Only then can marketers identify the processes and strategies that, when applied to the business world, can provide a leg up on their competitors.


  • 看起来它们可以辨认不同形状鱼鳍意味着他们辨别出不同的鱼类。”这么告诉BBC新闻频道

    "They seem to be able to discriminiate between different shapes, which might even mean they discriminate between different species of fish," he told BBC News.


  • 可以利用这个数据整个过程中跟踪结果辨认一个构架另一个构架或者发布版本到发布版本的性能

    You can use the data to trend results over time and spot eroding performance from build to build or release to release.


  • 小部分课程我们知道你们是否可以根据其他信息辨认出这拍子或者二拍子,所以不要担心哪怕这样做了。

    Some people are going and in this course we would know whether you're hearing duple or triple based on some other information so don't worry about if you're doing.


  • 此外人们可以迷人影片中辨认地球电离层(薄薄的黄色线)银河中的星星

    In addition, the Earth's ionosphere (thin yellow line) and the stars of our galaxy can be made out in the fascinating footage.


  • 当然公司可以辨认自己资料判断出自己排名顺序中的位置

    Firms can, of course, recognise their own data and judge where they stand in the pecking order.


  • 尽管没法预测具体赢家,我可以告诉你辨认赢家的秘方。

    But though I can't predict specific winners, I can offer a recipe for recognizing them.


  • 假如不能入睡夜晚可以辨认月光下阿尔卑斯山清晨时能看见意大利湖泊然后水城下车融入另外人流嘈杂

    If you can not sleep, you can make out the Alps by moonlight and the Italian Lakes in the early morning before stepping off the train into a different kind of crowd and noise in the Lagoon City.


  • 如果医生可以尽早辨认患者的状况,甚至症状出现有所识别,那么拯救患者神经细胞阻止患者大脑功能衰退

    But if doctors can identify patients sooner, perhaps even before their symptoms start, they may be able to save neurons and stop the gradual loss of mental functions.


  • 版块的交界线红线标示出来但是即使没有红线,我们可以根据距离海岸100千米(62海里)那条海沟来辨认

    The boundary where the two plates converge is marked by a red line, but even without the line, its location would be revealed by the trench located about 100 kilometers (62 miles) offshore.


  • 录像中可以辨认出站在一旁警员都隶属西约克警署其中至少名警员出示警徽

    The footage shows them standing near officers from West Yorkshire police, at least four of whom were not showing their badge numbers.


  • 录像中可以辨认出站在一旁警员都隶属西约克警署其中至少名警员出示警徽

    The footage shows them standing near officers from West Yorkshire police, at least four of whom were not showing their badge numbers.


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进来说说原因吧 确定