• 可以相信达林太太仔细检查了那个影子一个很普通影子。

    You may be sure Mrs. Darling examined the shadow carefully, but it was quite the ordinary kind.


  • 文向我们展示了,只要年轻人足够勇敢相信自己,他们就可以带来改变。

    Severn showed that young people can make a difference if they're brave enough to believe in themselves.


  • 可以没完没了说下去,不会相信的。

    You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe it.


  • 相信可以没有迟缓重复清晰表达,我相信发生果然成真。

    I trusted that I could speak clearly and without hesitation or repetition. I believed it could happen, and it did.


  • 哈吉斯这暗示可以挑挑拣拣选择山达基部分信条相信

    The implication, Haggis said, was that he could "pick and choose" which tenets of Scientology to believe.


  • 相信可以打赌至少急不可待一把过酒开始炫耀其酒经。

    Believe me, you can bet there will always be at least one person who can't wait to grab the wine list and show off.


  • 相信自己,将消极思维转换成积极思维相信自己可以成功实现梦想目标

    Believe in yourself.Replace negative thoughts about yourself with thoughts of yourself successfully obtaining your dreams and goals.


  • 通过共同努力,相信我们可以稳定朝着进步实现我们对于人民责任我们共同未来前进

    Together, I am confident that we can move steadily in the direction of progress, and meet our responsibility to our people, and to the future that we will share.


  • 拜访者迷惑了,弟子清楚解释道:“如果师傅讲学的话,我们可以讲学之外获益。 师傅关心的不是我们所相信的--而是我们所看到的。”

    The visitor couldn't make sense out of this, so the disciple made it clearer: "If the Master were to teach, we would make beliefs out of his teachings.


  • 真的相信可以现在这么一直强度工作下去影响身体健康吗?

    Do you honestly believe you can continue to work at the intensity you are currently at without it seriously affecting your health and well-being?


  • 我们相信这种类型电子表格可以有效应用于采用任何一种方法学项目中。

    We believe that this type of spreadsheet can be used on any project with any type of methodology very effectively.


  • 相信巨大价值所以想要偷偷买下这样可以提供另外一个人,收起一定的费用

    He believed the book had great value, so he wanted me to purchase it secretly so he could offer it to the other man-at a price.


  • 一个朋友:“依然固执相信,我可以试穿自己衣服。”

    One friend says: "I still stubbornly believe that I can try on my own clothing."


  • 但是确实相信那么几个关键因素,在人们勇敢开始段感情可以帮助人们受到对方的关注。

    But, I do believe that there are several key factors that help keep human beings centered when they are brave enough to enter into a relationship.


  • 到现在不敢相信这么棒的系统免费的,不仅可以随心所欲系统进行增加调整修改而且不用为此一分钱。

    I still have trouble believing that this wonderful system is free, both in the ability to add, change, and modify it as you wish, but also free of monetary cost.


  • 相信核电站已经稳定下来附近居民可以不再担惊受怕生活着了。

    I believe the plant is stabilised to the level that residents in surrounding communities can live without fear.


  • 他们相信他们现在已经证明的是:尽管问题严峻但援助品可以有效缅甸派发

    They believe they have proved that, despite the huge problems, aid can be delivered effectively in Myanmar.


  • 相信自己,将消极思维转换成积极思维,相信自己可以成功实现梦想目标

    Believe in yourself. Replace negative thoughts about yourself with thoughts of yourself successfully obtaining your dreams and goals.


  • 如果简单通过数字不同处理便可以得出如此截然相反结论人们当然最好还是相信常识最为一致结果

    But if such drastically opposing conclusions can be drawn simply by shuffling the figures a different way, it is surely best to believe the outcome that most accords with common sense.


  • 相信,只要花费相当于一个矿井一半的费用,所有这些就都可以实现。

    All of this can be done, Mr Heydon believes, for about half as much as opening a new landbased mine.


  • 休斯表示,希望的一些新的举措可以国际社会相信美国真心实意每个国家和平相处。

    Hughes says she hopes her new initiatives will prove to the international community that America does want to be friendly with every country.


  • 如果了解一些相信冯桂婷可以在会后更多介绍我们这项业务

    And if you would like to know more, I'm sure Karin can tell you some more about our particular operations afterwards.


  • 实际情况我们律师自己会含蓄我们相信可以依赖提出建议

    In practice, our lawyer herself implicitly assures us that we canrely on the legal advice she is giving.


  • 相信,只要花费相当于矿井一半的费用,所有这些就都可以实现

    All of this can be done, Mr Heydon believes, for about half as much as opening a new land-based mine.


  • 部分原因权力人傲慢 - 让他们相信那些约束正常人行为一般规则暂时管不着了,刑不上大夫了,上人可以为所欲为胡搞,而受惩罚了。

    The other part is that there is an arrogance that attaches to power — that the normal rules of behavior are suspended and you're able to get away with things that normal people can't.


  • 基金会去年巴基斯坦部落区的调查显示只有16%的人相信无人机可以准确袭击激进分子

    The foundation’s own poll in the tribal areas last year found only 16% believe the drones accurately target militants.


  • 虽然许多开发人员勉强使自己相信忽略锁定需求可以接受的,但忽略锁定需求不是策略

    Simply ignoring the need for locking is not a good strategy, though many developers seem disturbingly willing to convince themselves that this approach is acceptable.


  • 很多项目管理人员真诚相信通过完成方案全面分析可以得到鲁棒的方案设计。

    Many project managers sincerely believe that by performing a thorough analysis of the solution it is possible to obtain robust solution designs.


  • 可以相信,饭一口一口吃饱;路一步一步走,目的总能到达;一个一个爬,总能登上

    We believe that we will finally eat our fill by biting gradually, finally get the destination step by step and reach the peak after climbing numerous slopes.


  • 可以相信,饭一口一口吃饱;路一步一步走,目的总能到达;一个一个爬,总能登上

    We believe that we will finally eat our fill by biting gradually, finally get the destination step by step and reach the peak after climbing numerous slopes.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定