• 本来可以删掉语句,省去很多页数

    He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages.


  • 通过混色可以纹理使用多重纹理,从而获得更丰富效果

    With blending, you can also use multiple textures on top of each other to achieve additional effects.


  • 也就是说,属性可以相关集合(列表);例如,一个项目可以多重定义的属性值。

    That is, an attribute name can have a collection (or list) of associated values; a word item could, for example, have multiple-definition attribute values.


  • 组织具有供应/需求分析成熟能力时,多重能力可以资源建立关联

    As an organization matures its ability to do supply/demand analysis, multiple competencies can be associated with a resource.


  • 意味着可以使用多重soa消除EAI应用程序之间系统之间差异

    What this means is that you could use multiple SOAs to bridge the gaps between EAI applications or systems.


  • 用作限定作用域资源时,相同名称可以多重虚拟门户中重用

    When used for a scoped resource, the same name can be re-used in multiple virtual portals.


  • 代理可以通过扩展方式实现多重身份认证进一步强化互联网用户认证需求

    The proxy can be extended to implement multi-factor authentication and further strengthen the authentication requirements of Internet users.


  • 也许我们可以原谅威尔逊先生一点点确实知道自己多重

    Perhaps, we could excuse Mr. Wilson a little bit, that he really had no idea of how sick he was.


  • Jazz模型通过多重开发方向,以及分队可以轻松支持较大团队结构。

    The Jazz model can support reasonably large teams with multiple development lines and subteams (Figure 12).


  • 由于Python支持多重继承抽象可以达到相当有害复杂程度

    Because Python supports multiple inheritance, abstraction can be taken to a level of complexity that is quite unhealthy.


  • 一个得了癌症时,说明这个人有多重营养缺乏这些缺乏可以归因于基因环境、食物和生命系统因素。

    When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental.


  • Hydra可以连接任意网络的任意多服务器,它可以维护多重用户身份

    Hydra can connect to as many servers on as many different networks as you wish and is able to maintain multiple user identities.


  • 基本上只要方法最后个参数一个对象数组或者是一个的参数,可以这个方法传入多重参数

    Basically, whenever the last argument of a method is an array of objects, or a parameter declaration with a triple dot, you can pass multiple parameters to this method.


  • 允许运用应用程序后台运行时可以执行多重任务。 你可以完全定制设备外观和触觉电池指示器图标显示

    You can also enable multitasking by allowing applications to run in the background and you can completely customize the look-and-feel of the device from battery indicators to icons.


  • 多重性:可以指派两个实体之间关系具有多重性。例如每一节篮子编织课程上必须2030名学生

    Multiplicity: You can designate the multiplicity of a relationship between two entitiesfor instance, each basket-weaving class must have between 20 and 30 students.


  • 作为孩子时候的很事情可以成为密码

    Something important to you as a child may be a theme throughout your passwords.


  • 如果工作简单地看作一些待完成的活动集合,那么你就可以打破角色和职责的界限允许队员多重领域创造价值

    When you look at work simply as activities to be accomplished together, you break down role boundaries and allow team members to add value in multiple areas.


  • 不过多重继承只能在被认为可以减轻一问题接口实现中。

    However, multiple inheritance being used only for interface implementation was thought to alleviate this problem somewhat.


  • 然而科学界里理论现象多个现象一种广义解释,它是可检验、可证可以多重证据的。

    In the world of science, however, a theory is a broad explanation of a phenomenon or phenomena that is testable, falsifiable and has multiple lines of evidence.


  • 可以修改程序保持一个多重映射如果知道每个链接,您可以自动生成网站层次互连映射

    You can also modify the program to maintain a multimap: if you know the source of each link, you can automatically generate a map of the site hierarchy and interconnections.


  • 尽管如此不列颠哥伦比亚省已经加拿大其他地区证明,在一个人均排放量国家,排碳税可以最小成本实现多重收益

    Even so, British Columbia has shown the rest of Canada, a country with high carbon emissions per head, that a carbon tax can achieve multiple benefits at minimal cost.


  • 我们可以复杂系统分解几个协作部分进一步简化可以获得建模开发流程

    We could decompose a complex system into collaborating parts to further simplify the modeling and development processes that could result in more reuse.


  • 可以鼓励子女开始工作告诉他们多重但是不要经济给予过多支持

    You can encourage your child to start job searching and stress the importance of it, but don't overdo the financial support.


  • 改变慢慢到来的,因此可以看到变化趋势——比如人口统计

    A lot of important change comes slowly, so you can see where it is headedlike demographics.


  • 可以利用这些水平来向用户指示,处理这些产生结果到底有

    You can use these levels to indicate to the user how important it is to address the results produced.


  • 节约了大量时间,从而使得可以处理事情,挣更多的并且感觉到我的一天很轻松

    It’s helped me create more time for the things that matter in my life, make more money in my business, and increase the feeling of ease throughout my day.


  • 作为一个集体北约也许可以发发火气,但是冷酷事实在于量级成员需要继续俄国合作

    As a collective, NATO may huff and puff, but the cold fact is that many of its big members need a lot of business with Russia to continue.


  • 可以应用同步消息方法创建其他交换模式比如接收多重通知请求(例如股票报价变更通知)。

    You could apply either means of asynchronous messaging to create other exchange patterns, such as a request to receive multiple notifications (such as notifications for changes in stock quotes).


  • 埃丽诺展示实例人们可以没有警察的情况下遵守产权规则

    Elinor showed that there are lots of important cases where people follow rules about ownership without police officers.


  • 格尔说,这项研究还有问题没有解决。比如什么年龄可以开始接受扫描

    Unger notes that the study leaves many important questions unanswered, such as: At what age should people begin screening?


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