• 只要你希望一个世界就近在咫尺。

    Where another world is just a wish away.


  • BoltBus公司发言人TimStokes,“预定的出行时间里,如果临时变化,可以提前甚至出行的时间,只要你希望乘坐的有空余座位就可以了。”

    But Tim Stokes, a BoltBus spokesman, said that on your scheduled departure date, you can catch a bus leaving before (or even after) your ticketed time if there’s a seat available.


  • 父亲笑着说:“只要你悉心照料给葡萄藤,心存些许希望,它们就会茁壮成长。”

    "The vines grow strong when you give them care and attention and have a little bit of hope," his father laughed.


  • 希望是取得胜利的最好武器,所以永远不要告诉“什么都没有”,因为只要你努力寻找,总能找到一个“梨”把从困境中拉出来。

    To keep hope is the best weapon for victory, so never tell yourself "nothing" because only if you try to search, you can always find a "pear" to pull you out of trouble.


  • 这些公司代表美国精神精髓——就是希望这个国家里任何一个人,只要好的想法决心坚持到底成功

    These companies represent the essence of the American spirit - the promise that anyone can succeed in this country if you have a good idea and the determination to see it through.


  • 观测位置来说,只要确定好月亮升起时间之前这之间都有希望看到一些壮观景象。

    For your location, check the time of moon rise and if it happens before or during the eclipse then hopefully you should see something quite spectacular.


  • 吃惊:“只要我就不会到时希望我们一起,不再其他人约会。”

    However, I was more shocked when he said: "You only have to say and I won't marry her, but then I want us to stay together and not see anyone else."


  • 告诉老板目前时机确实希望明年去,这种说法合情合理——只要做出了自己的决定明确地说出来,抱怨生活公平了。

    Telling your boss it's a really bad time for you and you want to do it next year is reasonable - as long as you make your decision, present it clearly and stop whining about life not being fair.


  • 曼德指出情况实际上想象完全相反——即便是成功的人士只要你愿意倾听,都希望有所攀谈的。

    Mandel points out that the world is actually quite the opposite – that people, even the most powerful, desire to engage in a dialog with anyone who will listen.


  • 乐观的希望,要铭记一切有可能只要保持毅力,致力于完成这项工作。

    Hope for the best and never forget that anything is possible as long as you remain dedicated to the task.


  • 表示:“只要还是健康人就担心隐私问题,可生病希望人们了解到底得了什么病。”

    As long you are a healthy man, you fearfor your privacy, ” he said. “It is when you are sick that you wish people knewwhat your problem was.”


  • 人人心中台天线,只要天上人间接受美好希望欢乐勇气力量信号,青春永驻,风华常存。

    In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from infinite6, so long as you are young.


  • 但是只要乐观心态就可以情况控制之下因而希望

    But as long as you have an optimistic state of mind, you can have the situation under your control and therefore be more hopeful.


  • 记得只要两个人愿意婚姻希望的,因为没有什么事情做不到

    Remember that there's always hope for your marriage, as long as both of you are willing to work on it, because everything is possible with God.


  • 意识,生命中没什么恒久不变的风景,只要的心永远朝着太阳,那么一个清晨都会向展现一番美景,等待去欣赏——这个世界总会带给新的希望

    As long as you keep your heart basking in the sun, every dawn will present a fine prospect for you to unfold and the world will always be bringing about new hopes.


  • 只要曾经爱过知道所包含天堂之乐,那么所亲吻过爱人将会失去希望时候安慰

    When you've been loved, when you know it holds such bliss, then the lover that you kissed will comfort you when there's no hope in sight.


  • 命运掌握自己的手里任何绝境之中都希望只要放弃永远都有机会。 。

    Your destiny in your own hands, any despair of hope, as long as you don't give up, you will never have a chance.


  • 只要放弃希望然后尽可能努力工作,那么生活肯定越来越好!

    Life will be better and better if you never lose hope and work as hard as you can!


  • 所以如果丧失了希望信念,不要认为生命没有意义了,只要你记得有陪伴

    So if you lose hope and thought that life is not worth living, just remember I'm here.


  • 只要你自然兴趣,想要漫步于天然丛林中或者希望体验芬兰文化生活,不论是本国还是国外游客,中心都能提供相应服务和活动

    Activities are aimed for both national and international visitors, who are interested in nature, rambling in nature, and the meaning of nature for Finland's cultural and economical life.


  • 可是还是希望能够看到我的——,黛娜,只要看到喜欢了,她是一个多么可爱而又安静的小东西呀。

    And yet I wish I could show you our cat Dinah: I think you'd take a fancy to cats if you could only see her.


  • 可是还是希望能够看到我的——黛娜,只要看到,就喜欢了,她是一个多么可爱而又安静的小东西呀。

    And yet I wish I could show you our cat Dinah: I think you'd take a fancy to cats if you could only see her.


  • 只要提出,我们60展期真诚的希望此举有助于摆脱当前困境

    We would like to extend 60 days for you, upon your request, we sincerely hope that it will help you out of the present difficult.


  • 只要提出,我们60展期真诚的希望此举有助于摆脱当前困境

    We would like to extend 60 days for you, upon your request, we sincerely hope that it will help you out of the present difficult.


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