• 只要自己忙起来,就能坚持下去

    You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going.


  • 只要竞争对手愿意接受挑战可以坚持下去

    As long as your competitor is up for the challenge, you might as well go for it.


  • 只要下去这个地方有一天会属于

    If I were to live, this place would sometime belong to me.


  • 我们计算出来每人每天只要450卡路里的热量就下去。我们接着走最后一我们一无所有了。

    We worked out that we had just 450 calories a day to live on, so we walked for eight days, and on the last day there was nothing there.


  • 只要土耳其坚定走下去持续繁荣兴旺,举足轻重,而要确保重要影响的欧盟总会发现土耳其排除在外日益困难

    So long as it keeps on track, it will continue both to thrive and to matter-and an EU that wants to remain relevant will find it increasingly hard to keep Turkey out.


  • 只要认识到这点坚持下去做出可以解决各种各样问题不错决定

    So long as you've got that and maintained that, then you get good decisions with those sorts of problems.


  • 只要没有哪种突发性足够强大,那么就会有各种不同基因延续下去

    As long as none of the gusts is too strong, lots of different genes can persist.


  • 只要坚持下去男人苛求

    If you just stick with it and don't judge your man too harshly.


  • 不过只要我们坚持下去克服这种震荡适应最终得益于这种新的文化

    However, as long as we stick with it, we can overcome this culture shock, be adapted to and finally get benefit from this new culture.


  • 只要收藏少数几个网页就可以了,这些网页是持续阅读按里面的方法和信念坚持下去

    Just bookmark a handful of websites that you will continuously read and stick with their teachings and beliefs.


  • 只要坚持下去,你最终一定成功

    As long as you keep at it, finally you will sure be successful in writing.


  • 只要世界存在,就错误如果没有反叛这些错误永远存在下去

    As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man rebelled, those wrongs.


  • 即便只要拥有相似人格生存下去无关紧要

    It might be that I get what matters to me even if I have, as long as I have, similar personality, even if I don't have survival.


  • 接下来只要发现有数字字母,就一直循环下去字符累积变量token )中。

    Next it loops for as long as it finds digits or letters and accumulates the character in a variable (token).


  • 讽刺观点,因为FSAGORDONBROWN新建的,因此只要没有被放血将一直生存下去

    A more cynical view is that the FSA has survived as long as it has without bloodletting because it is the brainchild of Gordon Brown.


  • 演艺事业的目标可以我还继续演的时候可以机会一直演下去,而且希望越关注虚名更好只要能保证我会一直要机会就好了O(∩_∩)O~。

    My goal as an actress is to be able to work for as long as I want to work with as little attention and fame as possible.


  • 只要跟另一半这样下去,你就会得到那样的结果

    If you continue to talk to your spouse like this, well, you get the gist.


  • 节俭中国人家庭收入三分之一左右存入银行,而且,只要他们需要自己社会福利掏钱,这种状况就将持续下去

    Thrifty Chinese save about a third of household earnings and will continue to do so as long as they are required to fund their own social welfare.


  • 只要这个世界继续猜测下去只要越来越开始搜寻这场运动意义,它就会变得越来越神秘。

    As long as you can keep the world guessing, the more people will be pumping for meaning, and the more mystique this movement will have.


  • 所以必须坚持下去即使所有人在批评你,只要知道你是在其他人服务,你就要坚持下去

    So you've just got to keep going on going, even when folks are criticizing you, when you know you're doing it for other people.


  • 乔治亚:“虽然办法完全证明是否有用但是只要还在哺乳期,我们就会一直继续下去。”

    Georgia said: 'There's no way of really finding out if it's helping but we'll continue as long as I am breast feeding.


  • 只要经济态势保持有利局面加强财政状况利用利率进行债务重组努力继续下去

    As long as conditions remain favorable, efforts to strengthen fiscal positions and take advantage of low interest rates to restructure debt should continue.


  • 过去货币走向一个好的开始——只要能持续下去

    The currency move of the past couple of weeks is a good start - so long as it continues.


  • 因此,只要掌握这种探寻文化子孙后代能够生存下去我们大多数科学知识技术或早重新发现或重新发明出来。

    As long as the modern descendant of this culture of enquiry survives, most of our scientific knowledge and technology could be rediscovered and reinvented sooner or later.


  • 医生只要太郎体力允许这个课程就会继续下去小朋友传播生命可贵关爱弱者高雅讯息

    The veterinarian said that as long as Taro's physical condition permits, these classes will continue to bring the noble message to children about cherishing life and caring for the weak.


  • 医生只要太郎体力允许这个课程就会继续下去小朋友传播生命可贵关爱弱者高雅讯息

    The veterinarian said that as long as Taro's physical condition permits, these classes will continue to bring the noble message to children about cherishing life and caring for the weak.


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