• 所以了,不是而是所有博客

    So he laughs, not just at you, but at all bloggers.


  • 路易斯安那格兰中一石油

    A laughing gull coated in heavy oil is seen in the water on East Grand Terre Island, Louisiana.


  • 目光越发深邃太多东西不懂,更没有探究涌起

    He towards language joss-stick smile lecture not, that vision is more and more deep, too many things make language fragrant to understand not, didn't even investigate of upsurge.


  • 调查发现婴儿300十几孩子平均一天6次,年龄超过60一天2.5次。

    While infants laugh up to 300 times a day, that figure falls to an average of 6 laughs a day for teenagers and only 2.5 daily chuckles for those more than 60 years old, the survey found.


  • 咧嘴柴郡

    He had a grin on his face like a Cheshire Cat.


  • 什么也没狡黠地咧嘴一我感到极为不安

    He said nothing but gave me a sly grin that made me feel terribly uneasy.


  • 叉着腰,嘲弄地咧嘴,而此时怒火中烧

    She put a hand on her hip, grinning derisively, while I seethed with rage.


  • 淘气地咧嘴一捧起吻了

    He grinned mischievously as he cupped my face with his hand and kissed me.


  • 用手戳,然后就像刺猬一样蜷缩起来,咯咯地

    I poked her in the stomach and she curled up like a hedgehog, giggling.


  • 时候一个安全的条件下,一个个意外情况引起(比如猫猫),不要宝贝们他们父母亲密。

    The laugh at that time are triggered by surprise in a safe situation (think peek-a-boo), and don't just endear babies to their parents.


  • 伊丽莎白听到这些话,不由得微微稍微下头并没有做声

    Elizabeth could not repress a smile at this, but she answered only by a slight inclination of the head.


  • 所以骄傲具备有特色的外观,但是相比其他基本情绪而言面部表情起到作用有微微浮上面庞。

    So there is a characteristic prideful look, but in contrast to the basic emotions, the face only plays a small role, with a slight smile creeping across it.


  • 时候伸出胳膊来,抓住我们其中的个人咯吱一边一遍做。

    He'd reach an arm out while he rolled, and grab one of us to tickle, laughing while he did it.


  • 经常但是很少跟眼神交流,他经常在别人和他说话时候才说话。

    He smiles often but doesn’t make a lot of eye contact. He usually only speaks when spoken to.


  • 于是又睁开另一,这时看到失声叫了起来:一侧穿著深红色衣服女孩正对著我呢!

    Then I opened the other eye and saw the image that made me lose my voice.There on the other side of the bed was a girl in a crimson red dress smiling at me.


  • 于是又睁开另一,这时看到失声叫了起来:在床一侧穿着红色衣服女孩正对着我呢!

    Then I opened the other eye and saw the image that made me lose my voice. There on the other side of the bed was a girl in a crimson red dress smiling at me.


  • 首先中性腮红脸颊肌部位,晕染发际线,然后向下晕染以打造出更加柔和妆容,最后将一种颜色比较亮腮红涂在脸颊肌部位即可。

    First, apply a neutral shade on the apples of cheeks, blending up into the hairline, then downward for a softer look. Then apply a brighter shade just on the apples of the cheeks.


  • 看到一张照片,大多数都可以识别因为这种嘴上

    Shown a picture, most of us can spot a fake smile as it tends to involve only the mouth.


  • 蟋蟀之所以门高风险行当还有一个原因今年一天之内,18,000蟋蟀死于神秘疾病

    Cricket breeding is a risky business for another reason: in just a day this year, a mystery ailment killed a generation of 18,000 of Mr. Xu's crickets.


  • 笨拙核电厂工人荷马·辛普森、布灵奇、经过核辐射变异的三眼的邪恶的核电厂老板蒙哥马利·伯恩斯我们莞尔一又面部抽搐

    Now bumbling nuclear plant worker Homer Simpson, Blinky, the radiation-mutated, three-eyed fish, and evil nuclear power plant owner Montgomery Burns make us giggle and wince.


  • 米奇小家伙。

    Mickey was simply a little personality assigned to the purposes of laughter.


  • 时候的一个安全的条件下,一个个意外情况引起(比如猫猫),注意不要让小宝贝他们的父母亲密

    They are triggered by surprise in a safe situation (think peek-a-boo), and don't just endear babies to their parents.


  • 思索片刻咧嘴狡诈说道,“眼睛吧!”

    The man thought for a moment, and with a sly grin, stated, "Strike me blind in one eye!"


  • 首先中性腮红脸颊部位晕染发际线,然后向下晕染以打造出更加柔和妆容,最后将一种颜色比较亮的腮红涂在脸颊肌部位即可。

    First, apply a neutral shade5 on the apples of cheeks6, blending up into the hairline, then downward for a softer look. Then apply a brighter shade just on the apples of the cheeks.


  • 黑猩猩彼此咯吱对方时,它们得乐不可支;另一黑猩猩假装咯吱它们时,它们还会一直

    Chimps tickle each other and even laugh when another chimp pretends to tickle them.


  • 听得妹妹说:“狠心,你不偏偏要时时刻刻引我发。”

    "You are very cruel, " said her sister, "you will not let me smile, and are provoking me to it every moment."


  • 心理学家对细心研究十年但是停留在表面。

    Psychologists have studied smiles carefully for decades, but.


  • 心理学家对细心研究十年但是停留在表面。

    Psychologists have studied smiles carefully for decades, but.


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