• 只有随着时间的推移情况出现矛盾才会浮现,因为任何时刻因素一个都会占支配地位。

    Contradiction emerges only when a situation is viewed over time, because at any one moment, one factor or the other is in the ascendant.


  • 动荡时刻答案只有一个统一目标

    In these turbulent times, there is only one answer: unity of purpose.


  • 一张好的人像照片要捕捉真实表情戒备时刻这样的瞬间只有一个放开心情忘记镜头存在的时候才会出现

    A good portrait captures a genuine expression or an unguarded moment, and these typically come only when someone is having a great time and forgets about the camera.


  • 青涩狂热青春期恋情那些梦幻般的时刻只有自己另外记住

    The exhilarating rush of adolescent love. Those magical moments of adolescent lust and affection that only you and one other person rightly remember.


  • 一个举家团圆时刻,若再次团聚,只有等到农历春节,大家奔波返家吃年夜饭的时候了。

    This is an occasion for the family to get together, second only to the Lunar New Year reunion dinner that every Chinese rushes home for.


  • 许多时刻可以结束只有一个

    So many moments that could come last, but only one of them is right.


  • 只有这样时刻一个人才真正领略朋友的深情厚意。

    It is at a time like this that one really appreciates the kindnessof a friend.


  • 一个满嘴火车人是得不到上司信任只有忠心耿耿,几乎不说谎的人,才能够关键时刻所有人

    A spinner of train are not to trust the boss, only keep faithful and true, little liar, can in the most critical moment lie to everyone.


  • 关键时刻这里没有病人这个孩子事实上,这里只有病人牧师

    But at the crucial moment, there were no available female patients to pass the baby. In fact, there was only one patient - a priest.


  • 只有这场降雪,这样云层一年中的。这一个时刻听到了解这个声音、享受这个时刻

    It is the snow and the cloud only on this day of the year, at this special moment, that I enjoyed hearing and understanding the voice.


  • 可以肯定件事任何时刻是回归一个“觉”中,就是所有崇拜的“只有一个

    One certainty is that all in time will come to understand that the God you all worship is one and the same.


  • 期待时刻到来,一个庆典时刻庆祝永不消逝生命没有哀乐只有凯歌

    I'm looking forward to this moment, it will be a moment of celebration, celebration of my life that will never fade away! No sorrow, only triumph!


  • 换言之如果某一时刻只有标签通信,那么读写器就能够识别标签。

    In other words, if only on one tag transmits at a time, the reader will identify it.


  • 决定性时刻我们需要做出一个重大判断不得而知一步的,只有时间结果才能证明

    During critical moments where we need to make a significant decision but no sign to indicate either one are right only results and time will tell, that's when we rely on the above.


  • 一个时刻看到自己利益很难体会生活中的快乐的,真正的快乐只有种,就是他人付出这样获得生命最高荣誉

    Only to see their interests at a time is difficult to understand people's happiness in life, true happiness is only one, that is for others to pay, this life you will get the highest honor.


  • 布朗告诉他们:“时代只有时刻各国汇聚一堂、达成协议从而创造历史的,因为他们改变了历史进程。”

    Brown will tell them: "In every era there are only one or two moments when nations come together and reach agreements that make history, because they change the course of history."


  • 我们现在距离一个非常危险时刻只有5天时间

    We are now five days away from a very dangerous moment.


  • 告诉我们:“生活要过得快乐方法只有一个,就是每天旨意中,以及时刻遵行祂的旨意。”

    It says, 'the only way to be truly happy is to live in the will of God and do the will of God day by day.


  • 每个工作台窗口0或者更多页面活动页面种显示当前使用者页面。大多数情况下,时刻只有一个页面处于活动状态。

    Each workbench window has a collection of 0 or more pages; the active page is the one that is being presented to the end user; at most one page is active in a window at a time.


  • 作者认为只有记得当初那个风筝美好时刻,而其他人忘记所以选。

    The strange thing was, we didn't mention that day afterward I felt a little embarrassed . Surely none of the of the others had been as excited as I.


  • 只有那个时刻给予朋友一个扶持机会

    It's the chance you give your friends to catch you.


  • 这样纪念过去时刻我们应当关注帮助他们只有这样他们才能切尔诺贝利事故阴霾中走出并走向一个光明美好未来

    At this time of remembrance, they too deserve our attention and assistance, so that they will be able to move beyond the shadow of the Chernobyl accident and into a prosperous future.


  • 这样纪念过去时刻我们应当关注帮助他们只有这样他们才能切尔诺贝利事故阴霾中走出并走向一个光明美好未来

    At this time of remembrance, they too deserve our attention and assistance, so that they will be able to move beyond the shadow of the Chernobyl accident and into a prosperous future.


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