• 东亚学生方面没办法他们往往缺少好奇心一心只忙自己的事;他们美国社会缺少接触则是众所周知同时不善于组织团体来宣传。

    In this regard East Asian students are among the most clueless: too often incurious and self-absorbed, they are notoriously out of touch with American society, and also slow to form advocacy groups.


  • 小鸡已母鸡

    A chick keeps a hen busy.


  • 悟空三人发现没有了师父,便追无底洞,悟空小虫飞往洞中,见女妖正给唐僧劝酒,逼唐僧成婚,又变成老鹰,直扑过去,掀翻桌子,女妖吓得胆颤心惊

    He saw that the evil spirit was urging his master to drink wine so he would get drunk and agree to marry her. Then Monkey changed himself into an eagle to turn the table upside down.


  • 刨又铲又个不停,鼹鼠在一旁不耐烦地等着,时不时插上一句:“唉,河鼠算了吧!”

    He scratched and shovelled and explored, all four legs working busily, while the Mole waited impatiently, remarking at intervals, 'o, COME on, rat!'


  • 提示如果已经答应赴约改变主意不想去了,那么尽量拖到最后一秒钟再给他们电话你“太舒服或者有点”。

    TIP: If you already committed to a date and then changed your mind, call them at the last possible moment and claim you’re “kind of not feeling great” orgot busy.”


  • 小鸡已母鸡

    One chick keeps a hen busy.


  • 自个儿一个自己当晚计划东西

    Do yourself a favor by ordering just what you plan to eat that night.


  • 今天晚上实在累死了我们正在举行年底减价,我午饭都没有时间

    I 'm really dead on my feet tonight: we had the big year-end sale on and I was so busy I didn't even have time for lunch.


  • 今天晚上实在累死了我们正在举行年底减价,我午饭都没有时间

    I'm really dead on my feet tonight: we had the big year-end sale on and I was so busy I didn't even have time for lunch.


  • 如果有一变得冷漠了记得、我曾经要人陪的时候

    If one day, I become more apathy, please remember, I once you do while bigwigs with only said busy.


  • 壁炉地毯下面发现弯曲的六便士平安夜里他露欣答和简长袜子里

    He found a crooked sixpence under the hearth-rug; and upon Christmas Eve, he and Hunca Munca stuffed it into one of the stockings of Lucinda and Jane.


  • 知道努力讨好时,以为可能一个,我没有想到背后放冷枪。

    You see, when he was trying to play up tome, I only thought he might ask me for a favor. I didn't think he would hit me below the belt.


  • 若是有一变得冷酷了记得、我曾经要人陪的时辰

    If one day, I become more apathy, please remember, I once you do while bigwigs with only said busy.


  • 正好远处飞来蝴蝶蚂蚁著头叫道:“蝴蝶阿姨,你等等可以吗?”

    Just a butterfly flying away, the small ants looked up, shouted: "? Butterfly aunt, wait, I want to ask you a favor you can do. ""


  • 正好螳螂从小蚂蚁身边路过,小蚂蚁急速跑到身边:“螳螂大叔?”

    Precisely, passing around a mantis small ant, ant it rapidly went around and asked: "? Mantis uncle, can you please help me thing. ""


  • “幸而姨妈万哄的,了几,就收过了。”收藏

    But by dint of much coaxing and teasing, Aunt Xue kept him from drinking too many cups before the wine was whisked away.


  • 满天的密又它们声息全无,看来觉得天上热闹

    The stars filling the sky were dense and busy. They remained completely still, yet watching them made him think the sky was bustling noisily.


  • 地铁居住着50万老鼠够姊妹一阵子的了

    An estimated half a million mice live in the Underground system so that should keep them both busy for a while.


  • 是否好吃东西都留给孩子因为工作饭都随便打发或是为了健康每天所谓的“营养食物

    Do you have to leave the good things kids are just too busy to kill every meal, every day or to eat healthy so-called "nutrition" food?


  • 这么多的工作的象蜜蜂一样。

    With so much work to do, he was kept as busy as a bee.


  • 希望这些能帮一点。……寻找一支长笛有时候会让人不知所措你运气好找到一合适你的长笛!

    I hope this helps a bit... Looking for a new flute can seem overwhelming at times - good luck in finding the right flute for you!


  • 第二飞过头顶,有福不在医生对着鸟类图谱了看:恩,绿色翅膀黄色的嘴,嘎嘎的叫声应该鸭子

    The next bird flies overhead, and the pathologist looks at it, then looks through the pages of a bird manual, and says, "Hmmmm … green wings, yellow bill, quacking soundmight be a duck."


  • 第二飞过头顶,有福不在医生对着鸟类图谱了看:恩,绿色翅膀黄色的嘴,嘎嘎的叫声应该鸭子

    The next bird flies overhead, and the pathologist looks at it, then looks through the pages of a bird manual, and says, "Hmmmm … green wings, yellow bill, quacking soundmight be a duck."


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