• 单一实例指的旨在应用程序中一存在一个实例的

    Singletons are classes that are designed to have only one instance existing at a time in an application.


  • 不过这样一个问题就是一整天水果沙拉有些口味单一了。

    But consistently eating raw is a challenge if you don’t want to eat very boring meals all day long like fruit and salads.


  • 可能包括运输仓储单一服务可以包括一个完整供应链整合

    This may include only a single service like transportation or warehousing or could include a complete integration of the supply chain.


  • 两个目的地一个消息传递系统中时,接收发送可以一个简单事务进行,这是因为它们涉及单一事务资源

    When the two destinations are in the same messaging system, the receive and send can be done in a simple transaction because they involve a single transactional resource.


  • 即使程序包括一个单一处理器上运行线程一个同步方法调用同步的方法调用

    Even when a program contains only a single thread running on a single processor, a synchronized method call is still slower than an unsynchronized method call.


  • 其中许多国家承诺区间,不是一个单一目标

    But many, rather than committing themselves to a single target, have pledged a range.


  • 一个很牛敌人对抗也不过等下又爬起来,或者感觉今日了的重要竟然老鼠,这样游戏变得枯燥单一

    Fighting an epic enemy only to see him respawn a moment later, or feeling as if the most important thing you did today was murdering ten rats, can cause a game to have a flat, repetitive feel.


  • 开发环境不会包含来自供应商数据库组织中的应用程序不会使用一个单一数据库访问方法

    Development environments rarely comprise databases from a single vendor, and applications in an organization rarely use a single database access methodology.


  • 生活点,不是文件名而是字段里面存一个Reader对象

    You can still make your life a little easier by storing not just the filename, but a Reader object in the Field.


  • 而且如果访问者搜索同样事情不止一个单一访问搜索计算一次。

    And, if a visitor searches for the same thing more than once during a single visit, the search will only be counted once.


  • 带来便利,因为如果我们使用单一文件,我们仅仅需要一个文件操作句柄,这样我们就无需消耗过多系统资源

    This comes in handy, because if we use only one file, we need only one File Handle, and so we won't exhaust too many System Resources.


  • 帮助经常不被期待方式显现,所以不要其他单一方面,而是留意所有可能性

    Help often comes in unexpected ways so do not specifically demand one way to another, but leave all possibilities open.


  • 但是由于紊乱性疾病,不能寻找任何单一症状

    But since these are a group of disorders, there is no one single sign to look for.


  • 节点找到网络适配器请添加一个网络适配器避免单一故障

    Only one network adapter was found on the node. Add another network adapter to avoid a single point of failure.


  • 设计秘耳保持它们的永往无前性,它们为了一个目的而生,所以可能的话,它们单一异能

    When designing a Myr, keep it straightforward-they're built for a single purpose, so when possible, give them a single ability.


  • 可以看出海床深度10范围内整个项目区通过一个单一轮廓线,这意味着海床面积合理水平

    It can be seen that the depth of seabed is within 10 meters throughout the project area, and it only passes a single contour line, meaning that the area of the seabed is reasonably level.


  • 公众尤其是有争议问题相关的,把其它所有因素关心事实问题排除在外,与这个单一问题有关的,关心这个问题的。

    Of, relating to, or concerned with only a single public, especially controversial, issue, to the exclusion of all other factors, concerns, facts, and issues.


  • 奖项承认英雄主义杰出成就单一行为不会持续业务活动承认一个武装敌人

    Awards will be made only to recognize single ACTS of heroism or extraordinary achievement and will not be made in recognition of sustained operational activities against an armed enemy.


  • 单一规则规定每个文件应该一个组件

    The Rule of 1 states that there should be one component per file.


  • 一旦选择单一税率可能恢复如果你有一个你的新室友移动

    Once you have selected the single rate, you may only revert back to a double rate if you have a new roommate move in with you.


  • 一个承包商如果没有相关合同履行历史,就不能认为是负责任的或是单一责任,除非特殊采购确定的特殊标准在外。

    A prospective contractor shall not be determined responsible or non-responsible solely because of a lack of relevant performance history, except when specified in a standard for special acquisitions.


  • 虽然实现可能系统唯一线程ID应用程序应该假定线程id一个单一过程可用的,独特的。

    Although implementations may have thread IDs that are unique in a system, applications should only assume that thread IDs are usable and unique within a single process.


  • 一个单一按钮即可进行自动跟踪瞬时初始化被观测者头部位置眼睛位置眨眼,;

    Automatic tracking, allowing instantaneous subject initialisation of head position, eye location and blink rate, with the click of a single button;


  • 一个单一按钮即可进行自动跟踪瞬时初始化被观测者头部位置眼睛位置眨眼,;

    Automatic tracking, allowing instantaneous subject initialisation of head position, eye location and blink rate, with the click of a single button;


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