• 一定在做梦,”一个,“没有你。”

    "You must be dreaming," said the other, "I am not knocking you."


  • 在讨论国家政治时,另一个学生:“觉得做不了那么印象是大多数认为人做不了那么多。”

    Another, discussing national politics, said, "I feel like one person can't do that much, and I get the impression most people don't think a group of people can do that much."


  • 可以更好。”年轻人着朝一个铁砧走去。

    "I can do better than that," said the youth, and went to the other anvil.


  • 第二家庭中,一个已故妇女儿子:“如果没有坚持母亲佛罗里达今天应该还活着。”

    At the second home, the son of the other deceased woman said, "If only I hadn't insisted on my mother's going to Florida, she would be alive today."


  • 想起另一个学生天早上实际上是一天晚上,他走进办公室篇很好的论文

    I think of another student I had who came to me one morning, one evening actually, walked into my office and said that I had written a pretty good paper.


  • 另一个:“看那个农夫。非常同情他。他在田地里辛辛苦苦地劳作,但如今田地都快干了。希望能帮助到他。”

    One said to the other, "Look at that farmer. I feel very sorry for him. He works so hard in the field, but now it is drying up. I wish I might help him."


  • 有两个梦想。一个是享受高大的水稻下的凉爽,另一个是让全世界都种上杂交水稻。”袁

    "I have two dreams. One is to enjoy the cool under the tall rice, and the other is to grow hybrid rice across the world," Yuan said.


  • 可是还是冒着风雨了,带回来医生明天早上

    However, I went, through wind and rain, and brought one, the doctor, back with me; the other said he would come in the morning.


  • 其中,“泡屎。”

    One looked at the other and said, "I've got to take a shit."


  • 一个矮人:“有人的小杯子里。”

    And another little Man said, "Someone has drunk my little glass of water."


  • 疲惫的野游者森林深处遇到另一个野游者,,“非常高兴遇见已经迷路三天了”。

    A weary hiker stumbled upon another hiker deep in the North Woods. "Am I ever glad to see you," said the hiker.


  • 可是后来不爱了,虽然没有再次拒绝另一个男生亲密了起来,一杯奶转向时,是欲哭无泪,难道自己一直在做无用功吗?

    But later you said you did not love him anymore and although without turning me down, you got close with another boy. When the milk tea I gave you ended up in his hand, I was crying without tears.


  • 意思,其中公司可能另一个公司,“这个合同合作吧。”

    What I mean is that one company might say to another company, "Lets partner on this contract."


  • 时刻,着目前的话,不过是个错误,是个幽灵

    In yet another, I say these very same words, but am an error, a phantom.


  • 继续朝着尖叫内心深处有另一个声音轻声- - -在干什么啊?

    I continued screaming at her, but inside my head another voice was whispering - What am I doing?


  • BRIN今天收到朋友条消息应该另一个朋友生日聚会准备一篇祝酒词

    BRIN: Today I got a message from a friend saying I should prepare a toast for another friend's birthday party.


  • 一个角度倾向认为苏联疯狂科学之

    I on the other hand prefer to think of him as the father of Soviet mad science.


  • 这些时候,看到旁边还在等待消息的一个母亲最后希望破灭了

    As I pronounced the words, I looked into the eyes of a mother right next to me. Her last hope was gone.


  • 另一个网民每天岁的儿子猫猫看来现在不能这么玩了。

    "I play hidden cat with my four-year-old son every day... it seems we must not play this from now on," said another.


  • 心中不停地想着一个更大问题告诉经理已怀上第一个孩子时什么?

    My mind kept wandering to a bigger problem: what my manager would say when I told him I was expecting my first child.


  • 女友,有段时间开始开始男人——好像,凡是一同参加的联谊聚会,他都那里;而那时跟她还没分手。

    One of my exes began talking about a guy a lot near the end of our relationship - he just always seemed to be at her social gatherings that I didn't happen to attend.


  • 女友,有段时间开始开始男人——好像,凡是一同参加的联谊聚会那里;而那时跟她还没分手。

    One of my exes began talking about a guy a lot near the end of our relationship -he just always seemed to be at her social gatherings that I didn't happen to attend.


  • 今天看见听到炮响,”另一个难民李德民(音)

    "Today we saw guns and heard the cannon," said another refugee, Li Deming.


  • 如果一个团队成员乔治对你喜欢南茜一起工作”,可能很容易推测出乔治厌烦了南茜的心直口快

    If your other team member George says "I don't like working with Nancy", you could easily assume that he is bothered by her bluntness.


  • 问及女儿情况时,总是正在另一个省份接受治疗,必须自己承受这份痛苦

    When I'm asked what's going on with my daughter, I always say she is being treated in another province. I must bear the pain myself.


  • 那天医生直视着眼睛告诉如果一些重大改变的话,成为另一个数据猛然觉醒。

    My wake-up call came the day my doctor looked me straight in the eye and told me that if I didn't make some serious changes I would be another statistic.


  • 那些像辞职做生意另一个城市结婚离婚等等的重大决定。

    I'm talking about quitting a job, starting a business, moving to another city, getting married, getting divorced and so on.


  • 然后还是一周之后又看见另一个引言孤独

    And then I think it was two days later, a week later, I came across another quote of somebody saying, Oh, we all die alone.


  • 然后还是一周之后又看见另一个引言孤独

    And then I think it was two days later, a week later, I came across another quote of somebody saying, Oh, we all die alone.


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