• Isawhimtoday,him一词格。

    In the sentence, 'I saw him today', the word 'him' is in the accusative.


  • Isentherapostcard,her一处于

    In the sentence, 'I sent her a postcard', the word 'her' is in the dative.


  • Ican'tdrive,可推测出宾语acar省略了。

    In the sentence 'I can't drive', the object 'a car' is understood.


  • Theyliveinthecountry动词复数形式live复数主语they一致

    In the sentence 'They live in the country', the plural form of the verb 'live' is in agreement with the plural subject 'they'.


  • Tomlikesjazz句中,动词单数形式likes主语Tom一致。

    In 'Tom likes jazz', the singular verb 'likes' agrees with the subject 'Tom'.


  • Shewrotealetter动词wrote及物动词,letter一词是直接宾语

    In 'She wrote a letter', the verb 'wrote' is transitive and the word 'letter' is the direct object.


  • Hewasdrivingthecar句中动词主动语态

    In 'He was driving the car', the verb is active.


  • Shebecameangry句中动词became系动词。

    In 'She became angry', the verb 'became' is a linking verb.


  • Hegrabbedtheballandthrewitin theair句中ballit先行词。

    In 'He grabbed the ball and threw it in the air', 'ball' is the antecedent of 'it'.


  • Hecuthimself句中,cut反身动词,himself是反身代词

    In 'He cut himself', 'cut' is a reflexive verb and 'himself' is a reflexive pronoun.


  • 注释添加这些文件句中,请号(')后面键入注释。

    To add a comment to a statement in these files, type a comment after an apostrophe (').


  • 无论英语还是现代英语疑问填充补语成分。

    Whether in Old English or Modern English, complementizer has to be filled in interrogatives.


  • 可是句中作者Dominic Lieven指出,1813--1814年的战争一发生在俄国国境之外,二是commanderswithdistinctlyforeignnames指挥官们早就有了外国名字,说明什么,说明俄国要向外扩张的心早有了。 所以这里作者认为是这两年的战争是nationalmythology相违背的。

    Conducted outside Russia’s borders by commanders with distinctly foreign names, the 1813-14 campaign does not fit with national mythology.


  • 动态已经在语包含查询可行的。

    This is feasible when the query is dynamic and already contains the value in the statement.


  • 这个参数对象用于设置update输入或者用于设置某查询where的值(等等)。

    The parameter object will be used to set input values in an UPDATE statement, or WHERE clause values in a query (etc.).


  • 可以经常访问数据作为include子的列包含索引

    Frequently accessed data can also be included within an index as included columns.


  • 访问处于多个服务器实例数据库句中包含分布式查询

    You can have distributed queries inside the using clause that access databases on more than one server instance.


  • 此外from句中的AS相关性规范可以查询声明临时名称

    In addition, AS correlation specifications in the FROM clause can declare temporary names for columns within the query.


  • 这个函数不能出现deletewhere句中只能出现在查询

    This function cannot appear in a DELETE statement's WHERE clause. It is only allowed in queries.


  • 词序非正式法语口语没那么把握

    Word order in questions is less difficult to master in informal spoken French.


  • 对于SELECT查询远程sql文本可以查询执行计划SHIP操作符相关细节找到

    For SELECT queries, the text of the remote SQL statement can be found in the details associated with the SHIP operator in the query execution plan.


  • 查询具有WHERE子所有三元组的图形查找

    The query finds statements in the graph for which all of the triples in the WHERE clause hold.


  • 知道出现死锁应用程序sql涉及参数标记可以大大有助于解决这些问题

    Knowing the values of these parameter markers involved in the SQL statement for those applications whose statements are part of the deadlock can greatly help in resolving these issues.


  • DPF环境根据CREATEtable指定分区每个分布一个分区上。

    In a DPF environment, each table row is distributed to a database partition according to the distribution key specified in the CREATE table statement.


  • 例如如果select句中那么该函数将返回组成select结果每一分区

    For example, if used in a SELECT clause, it returns the partition number for each row of the table that was used to form the result of the SELECT statement.


  • 结果保存into指定数据结构

    The results are saved in the data structure that is specified in the INTO clause.


  • 句中是指羽毛很轻,重量方面第二,与相对就是模糊谬论

    In the first case it means light as a feather, weight wise and in the second case we're talking about light as opposed to dark. So that's the fallacy of equivocation.


  • 只要代码添加一个文件gcc句中定义了MEMWATCH之后,就可以跟踪程序内存泄漏错误了。

    By simply adding a header file to your code and defining MEMWATCH in your GCC statement, you can track memory leaks and corruptions in your program.


  • 一个update句中修改文档多个节点

    Modify multiple nodes in a document in a single UPDATE statement.


  • 然后可以直接insert使用数据库添加数据

    You can then use it directly in an insert statement to add the data to the database.


- 来自原声例句

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