• 更有甚者每月必须有170美元强行公司作为储蓄只有张小姐赔付所有钱款后才归还。

    Moreover, all but $170 a month was forcibly withheld by the company as savings, and paid out only after Ms. Zhang pushed the company for the full amount, she said.


  • 市场研究集团——国际数据公司预计,万维网1998年达到1亿,电子商务增长超过200亿美元。

    International Data Corporation, a market research group, predicts the World Wide Web population will reach almost 100 million by 1998 and that online commerce will grow to more than US$20 billion.


  • 上述评价出自卡罗尔•巴昔日执掌一家公司董事会成员之

    That comment came from a board director of a company helmed by Carol Bartz.


  • 占地几乎200,000平方英尺许多公司竞争着填补世界上数亿计的灯插座。他们大多以led技术作为制胜手段

    Just 200, 000 square feet of companies racing to fill their share of the world's billions of standard sockets-and betting on LEDs as the way to do it.


  • 全球来家天然气勘探公司承诺未来年内钻探多达120试验采气。

    A dozen global gas-exploration companies have promised to drill as many as 120 test Wells over the next few years to find out.


  • 为了进行进一步铜矿开采,附近junin,一家中国公司Chinalco继续进行迁移到拥有5000人Morococha镇的计划

    In neighbouring junin, a Chinese company, Chinalco, is proceeding with a plan to move Morococha, a town of 5,000 people, to develop a big copper deposit.


  • 为了进行进一步铜矿开采,附近junin,一家中国公司Chinalco继续进行迁移到拥有5000人Morococha镇的计划

    In neighbouring junin, a Chinese company, Chinalco, is proceeding with a plan to move Morococha, a town of 5, 000 people, to develop a big copper deposit.


  • 公司为了彻底封堵漏油正在两个减压预计至少8月中才能完工

    The company is drilling two relief Wells to permanently plug the leak. The first is not expected to be finished until at least the middle of next month.


  • 父亲卡尔解释自我出售”时说:“我们现在是家(第五就要出世了),我们会整天穿着公司衣服还会拍摄大量照片视频。”

    Explaining the idea to sell themselves father Carl said: "We are a real family of 4 (with one on the way) who wears your company shirts all day long, taking loads of photos and videos.


  • 印度仿制药大厂南新去年吞掉6个竞争者目前私人股本公司洽谈,竞标德国默克仿制药子公司

    Ranbaxy, a big Indian generics firm, gobbled up six competitors last year and is now talking with private-equity firms about a bid for the generics arm of Germany's Merck.


  • 生产怡糖(Equal一种阿巴斯甜)的公司Merisant于2009年1月查出改变产品宣布破产本月破产中解脱出来,正待复产。

    Merisant, which makes Equal, an aspartame sweetener, declared bankruptcy in January 2009, having been caught out by changing tastes. This month the firm emerged from bankruptcy ready for a comeback.


  • 事实上石油公司乌干达西部打的每一油井似乎都出油。

    Indeed, oil firms do not seem able to drill a well in Western Uganda without hitting the stuff.


  • 公司从事相同生意但是他们某些方面却有着很大不同比如说,在登机飞机以及人员运作方面。

    They were both in the same business, but there were significant differences in the way that, for example, they ran their boarding-gate operations, their aircraft operations and their crews.


  • 苹果公司拒绝透露可能生产造成的影响,对声明以外置评三缄其

    Apple declined to say what the impact to production might be, or comment beyond the statement.


  • 南京禄机场总经理徐勇表示:“在此项业务上有钱航空公司非常少见。”

    Very few carriers are still making money here, "says Xu Yong, vice-president of Nanjing airport."


  • 2004年开始,乔布斯一直胰腺癌作斗争,年前做了移植手术。他对自己的健康状况始终三缄其苹果公司一位发言人拒绝就此发表看法

    Jobs, who has battled pancreatic cancer since 2004 and underwent a liver transplant two years ago, did not discuss his health, and an Apple spokesman declined to comment.


  • 例如3m公司正在尽力满足n 95需求飙升

    For example, 3m Co. said it is racing to meet surging demand for it N95 respiratory masks.


  • 换言之一个电话公司拥有相当于美国乡村多达1.5亿客户群

    In other words, one phone company has a customer base equivalent to the population of the United States in the country of perhaps as many as 1.5 billion people.


  • Kidd可能并不知道出资人强有力的印度公司死对头,而东印度公司是从事印度次大陆跨国公司

    Probably unknown to Kidd, however, was that his backers were rivals of the powerful East India Company, the ruthless multinational corporation that exported exotic goods from the Indian sub-continent.


  • 头发更金黄,打扮更时尚流利的英语所有这些都6年来作为一个国际公司公众形象代表的结果

    She is blonder and sleeker and now speaks excellent English, all a result of six years as the public face of an international company.


  • 今天,《阿凡达》的发行公司20世纪福克斯英国的电影分销商就此事也三缄其

    There was no comment today from 20th Century Fox, the UK distributors.


  • Gateway储备公司2月15日宣布获得建立第一大型油气储备设施许可时,大家总算舒了一

    Sighs of relief, then, on February 15th, when the Gateway storage Company announced that it had been awarded a licence to build the first big new gas-storage facility in many years.


  • 人们并不喜欢登机五百的地方,那里等到另一辆飞机起飞”,西南航空公司的道格•罗逊(DougLawson)讲道。

    "People don't like being only 500 yards away from a gate and having to sit out there until another aircraft leaves," says Doug Lawson of Southwest.


  • 人们并不喜欢登机五百的地方,那里等到另一辆飞机起飞”,西南航空公司的道格•罗逊(DougLawson)讲道。

    "People don't like being only 500 yards away from a gate and having to sit out there until another aircraft leaves," says Doug Lawson of Southwest.


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