• 激进分子的一次叛乱未能实现

    A rebellion by radicals failed to materialize.


  • 他们正在策划如果政府谈判失败就发动武装叛乱

    They were plotting to stage an armed insurrection if negotiations with the government should fail.


  • 早期报道暗示叛乱武装插手爆炸案。

    Early reports suggest the hand of rebel forces in the bombings.


  • 叛乱已经切断首都电力

    The rebels have cut off electricity from the capital.


  • 叛乱已经取得了完全控制

    The rebels had taken complete control.


  • 平息叛乱海军有限但却重要作用

    The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion.


  • 叛乱预计进一步损害该国形象

    The rebellion is expected to further damage the country's image.


  • 那些叛乱炮击了港口附近人口稠密的郊区

    The rebels shelled the densely-populated suburbs near the port.


  • 叛乱分子开放了蒙罗维亚科特迪瓦公路

    The rebels have opened the road from Monrovia to the Ivory Coast.


  • 周四晚上,参加和谈叛乱分子的首席谈判代表宣布已经尽可能深入地进行了对话

    On Thursday night the rebels' chief negotiator at the peace talks announced that dialogue had gone as far as it could go.


  • 叛乱分子作好政府卫戍部队的新一轮猛攻的准备。

    The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons.


  • 对于这些叛乱分子真正危险来自内部

    The real dangers to these rebels came from within.


  • 一群群政府士兵叛乱分子纯属一般的罪犯一直一些街区里游荡

    Bands of government soldiers, rebels and just plain criminals have been roaming some neighbourhoods.


  • 军方领导人们没有料到叛乱分子正面袭击

    Military leaders are not expecting a frontal assault by the rebels.


  • 为期5周叛乱期间,有两三架喷气式战斗机击落。

    A couple of jet fighters were downed during the five-week rebellion.


  • 更多的部队派遣平息北部叛乱

    Extra troops have been sent to combat the insurgency in the north of the country.


  • 唯一主要反对意见来自大法官安东宁·斯卡利亚甚至为可追溯到外国人煽动叛乱法》的特权提供强有力辩护

    The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the Alien and Sedition Acts.


  • 尽管后来做出了如此重大妥协转变,但认为撒旦叛乱天使战败上帝冷嘲热讽的行为还是有其道理的。

    Despite such major compromises and transformations later, I think that Satan's cynicism to God before the defeat of the rebel angels makes sense.


  • 德书记补充说,圣人雷布·梅尔·巴尔·哈尼斯(Reb Meir Baal HaNess)巴尔·科赫巴(Bar Kokhba)叛乱反对罗马统治杰出支持者

    The Talmud adds that the sage Reb Meir Baal HaNess was a prominent supporter of the Bar Kokhba rebellion against Roman rule.


  • 经常破坏叛乱斯洛伐克军队计划

    This often undermined the plans of the insurrectional Slovak army.


  • 艾哈迈德·拉希德阿富汗资深人物,认为美国政策的“转向”。美国直到最近没有叛乱分子过任何来往

    Ahmed Rashid, a veteran Afghanistan hand, considers it a "shift" in American policy, which was until recently to have no truck with the insurgents.


  • 对立需求巴基斯坦双方自己土地领域上穷追阿富汗叛乱分子,再拿到桌上协商谈判指日可待

    Contradictory demands, telling Pakistan both to hunt down Afghan insurgent leaders on its soil and to bring them to the negotiating table, will not get far.


  • 阿格阿巴德山谷叛乱分子向进攻坎大哈市个补给站,它对于西方阿富汗策略也是一个检验

    The Arghandab valley, a staging-post for insurgents attacking the city of Kandahar to the south, is a test of the West's newish strategy in Afghanistan.


  • 2008年,当地新闻媒体揭发了一个害人犯罪陷阱,工作为诱饵欺骗失业城市年轻人来到农村,然后杀害他们,将他们混充战死叛乱分子

    In 2008 local news media uncovered a macabre network that lured unemployed urban youths to the countryside with promises of jobs, only to kill them and pass them off as dead rebels.


  • 不论怎样华盛顿喧闹声海法街上叛乱分子发出一个有力的信号不论布什伊拉克多少士兵他们可能都不会久久逗留

    But in any event, the uproar in Washington is sending a powerful message to the insurgents on Haifa Street: no matter how many soldiers Mr Bush sends to Iraq, they may not stay very long.


  • 喀布尔接受采访叛乱分子承认已经他们造成麻烦尽管他们声称自己擅长一听到直升飞机的响动就立即床上翻身逃离

    The insurgents interviewed in Kabul admitted that this had caused them problems, though they claimed to be adept at fleeing their beds the instant helicopters were heard.


  • 一些英国士兵认为北爱尔兰服役使得他们在反对叛乱分子方面,趾高气扬美国大兵更加有效,认为美军贪生怕死

    Some British soldiers assumed that service in Northern Ireland made them smarter at fighting insurgencies than the galumphing Americans, who were also thought to be casualty-averse.


  • 此行目的旨在说服各国领导人:南美洲面临真正安全威胁来自贩毒为主要经济来源的武装叛乱分子及其同盟,而美国

    His aim is to persuade them that the real security threat in South America comes from drug-financed insurgents and their Allies, not the United States.


  • 去年武装力量将自己逼到个人口极度密集的地区之后巴军声称瓦济里斯坦打击苏德叛乱分子的行动结束了

    The army claims that an operation against Mr Mehsud’s men in South Waziristan was ended last year after the militants corralled themselves in a thickly populated area.


  • 去年武装力量将自己逼到个人口极度密集的地区之后巴军声称瓦济里斯坦打击苏德叛乱分子的行动结束了

    The army claims that an operation against Mr Mehsud’s men in South Waziristan was ended last year after the militants corralled themselves in a thickly populated area.


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