• 如果致富不是让自己成为全球性变革受害者,重要的一就是要开发最强大的杠杆大脑

    If you want to become rich and not be a victim of global changes, it is important that you develop the greatest lever of all: your mind.


  • 或许精益或者敏捷之变革需要来得猛烈

    Perhaps your lean or agile transformation has further to go than you think.


  • 能够实现实施变革非常强大的途径

    When you've got that going for you, I think it's a very powerful way to implement change.


  • 仅此已有足够理由进行变革

    This is reason enough for reform.


  • 确定这个阿拉伯世界人口最多的国家,长期以来的状况一个极重要变革所打破。

    But one thing is certain: a change of this magnitude in the most populous nation in the Arab World is a devastating blow to the status quo.


  • 计划中的包含一系列针对司法系统变革——包括审判程序的变更——将引发极大的争议

    The fifth part of the programme, a set of changes to the justice system including major modifications to trial procedures, is highly controversial.


  • 非常重要尤其对于那些往往非常抗拒变革图书馆来说:如果引导变革,找过去你曾反对事情来吧。

    This is important, especially for libraries that can be very resistant to change at times: if you want to lead change, find one thing you said no to in the past and give it a try.


  • 有的时候需要独断专行决定之前,不会得到所有数据,在你要进行变革尤其如此

    Sometimes it takes a little bit of arbitrariness, but you've got to make the decision before you have all the data, and particularly when you are trying to change something.


  • 不好我们在过去50年中坐等变革,我们希望变革,我们也希望美国和平共处。”

    "The negative part of it is that we've already gone through 50 years waiting for a change, we want change, and we want to get along with the United States," he says.


  • 很多Twitter上关注社会变革用户开始社区号召大家什么

    Several Twitter social change users started to urge others in the community to do something.


  • 欧盟现在“运转不好”,萨科齐6月30日接收法国电视台访问时如是言道,并补充我们建立欧洲方式需要深刻变革。”

    The EU is “not going at all well,” Mr Sarkozy told French television on June 30th, adding that “profound changes” were needed tothe way we build Europe”.


  • 不久我们浏览器看到Firefox 3.1就出现一些),同时web应用一些传统进行彻底变革

    We'll start to see this arrive in browsers quite soon (some form will be in Firefox 3.1) and it'll absolutely help to revolutionize what's traditionally possible in a web application.


  • 英国音乐产业2007年经历数字盗版猖獗商业模式变革低潮,专辑销量下滑了百分之十四。 本次颁奖典礼这种背景下迎来了2008年。

    The awards come after the British music industry endured a torrid time in 2007 as rampant digital piracy and shifting business models led to a 10.4% decline in album sales.


  • 萨尔科齐可能意识到了,因此最近几周已经弱化关于激进变革言语

    Perhaps mindful of this, Mr Sarkozy has softened some of his language about radical change in recent weeks.


  • 多元智能理论变革传统课程教学设计提供了新的视角多元切入

    The Theory of Multiple Intelligences provides new angle of view and multiple entrances for changing traditional curriculum and teaching design.


  • 觉得人们经常会忘记这一直接行动确实起到了作用,毕竟只有少数人才创造大规模的环境社会变革

    I think it tends to get forgotten that direct action actually does make a difference that a few people can set off larger scale environmental and social change.


  • 最后欧洲边缘地带惊人庙宇群发现或许我们祖先那场伟大变革如何进行擦出了火花-农业产生。

    Finally, spectacular new finds on the edge of Europe suggest that the first known temples may have been a spark for a huge revolution in our ancestors' way of life - agriculture.


  • 其二现代书法变革找到一个最佳切入,它中国当代观念艺术相伴相生,成就了中国当代艺术独特面貌

    Second, the reform of modern calligraphy complements with contemporary art, establishing a unique features of Chinese calligraphy of the times.


  • 新的商务环境引发了企业经营模式深刻变革企业带来新的利润增长同时加剧了企业间竞争

    The new business environment brings profound changes to the mode of enterprises 'management. It increases the profit of enterprise. At the same time it makes the competition more fiercely than before.


  • 半导体荧光量子作为一种新型生物荧光标记物,已经引起了生物医学领域研究方法手段深刻变革

    As a new biological probe, fluorescent semiconductor quantum dots have brought profound changes of research methods and means in the field of biomedicine.


  • 每个了解历史知道没有妇女酵素可能有伟大社会变革

    Everyone who understand a little history also all know that the great social transformation can't have without the enzyme of women.


  • 最后欧洲边缘地带惊人庙宇群发现或许我们祖先那场伟大变革如何进行擦出了火花-农业产生。

    Finally, spectacular new finds on the edge of Europe suggest that the first known temples may have been a spark for a huge revolution in our ancestors way of life - agriculture.


  • 五四运动中国历史上个重要转折当时的中国处于一个社会变革文化变革时期

    The May 4 ~ (th) Movement is a turning point in the history of China when China was in the time of social change and culture reform.


  • 变革年代难道你们就没有社会责任感

    Don't you have a sense of responsibility in this great age of vicissitudes? Can we live for ourselves only?


  • 变革时代难道你们没有社会责任感

    Can't believe that you live in this great era of change but show so little sense of social responsibility!


  • 在对三个阶段分析基础上又进一步刻画了制度滞后临界变革时机的选择给予明晰论证。

    On the basis of setting up the model of institutional sluggish and giving the decreasing trend of institutional effects, the authors put forward three phases of institutional sluggish, the fist …


  • 在对三个阶段分析基础上又进一步刻画了制度滞后临界变革时机的选择给予明晰论证。

    On the basis of setting up the model of institutional sluggish and giving the decreasing trend of institutional effects, the authors put forward three phases of institutional sluggish, the fist …


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