• 应力作用塑性变形集中素体

    Plastic deformation concentrates at the ferrite area under the tensile stress es.


  • 应力作用塑性变形集中素体

    Plastic deformation concentrates at the ferrite area under the tensile stresses.


  • 加载导致土坡某些位置出现变形集中,意味着这些位置发生了应变局部化

    It was shown that the deformation was concentrated due to loading, which demonstrated the occurrences of strain localization in the slope.


  • 水平地基变形大致对称线路中心线,斜坡地基变形集中下坡一侧边坡下;

    The deformation of level foundation is generally symmetric of road central line and the deformation of slope foundation is mainly concentrated on the border side of the declivity.


  • 本文研究表明,某些情况下乘以1.15的增大系数是不能避免结构在罕遇地震作用下发生塑性变形集中

    In this article, it indicated that in certain circumstances, multiplied by the amplification factors of 1.15 can not avoid plastic deformation concentration in the condition of rare earthquake.


  • 由于板材剪切加工过程中材料变形集中很小区域内,断裂方式告终,使得这一过程非常复杂

    The sheet metal shearing process is very complicated since the deformation is focused on the small zone of the sheet metal and ended with fracture occurrence.


  • 结果表明:多道次多点模具成形单工多点模具成形相比改善板材受力状况,达到了消除变形集中的目的;

    The simulation results show that the multi-step forming can improve the stress of sheet metal and avoid stress concentration;


  • 室内室外运动能使眼睛集中远处物体上,从而防止眼睛

    Indoor and outdoor sports activities both make the eyes focus on more distant objects, which prevents the eyes from changing shape.


  • 这种均匀变形程度足以使土体连续性破坏时,则地裂缝便沉降应力集中部位发生

    When the deformation caused by the inhomogeneous subsidence accumulates to the critical state of the soil, ground fissures will occur in the stress concentration positions.


  • 分析弯曲工况制动工况转弯工况扭转工况下应力变形状态,对应力集中位置结构提出改进方案

    Do research on the stress and deformation state in the condition of bending, braking, turning and reversing, and then make a program that improves the structure of the frame.


  • 由于巷道掘进破坏了原应力场,使围岩应力重新分布,应力集中高应力造成巷道变形破坏。

    Because the natural stress field is changed due to tunneling roadway, a stress concentration area appears in rock of surrounding roadway that cause roadway deformation or destruction.


  • 构造研究集中演化特征构造变形控制作用

    The study on salt tectonic is concentrated on the structural transformation controlled by the evolution characters.


  • 复合材料比例极限晶须端部应力集中所导致的低应力局部塑性变形来解释

    The low proportional limit may be explained by localized plastic deformation under low macroscopic stress caused by stress concentrations at the ends of SiC whiskers.


  • 破坏结构变形主要集中节点上,节点钢板达到屈服强度,木构件处于弹性工作状态;

    The deformation of the structure will mainly concentrates at the joints when structural damage occurs. The timber members remain elastic while the joint steel plates yield.


  • 为了估计剪力变形影响,在集中作用梁内剪力一个单值连续反三角函数表示

    To evaluate the effect of shear on deformation of beams, shear in beams under the action of a concentrated load is expressed in terms of a single-valued continuous inverse trigonometric function.


  • 分析表明横向剪切变形钢筋混凝土集中荷载影响很大

    The analyses show that the transverse shear deformation effect has a significant influence on the thick reinforced concrete slabs and the concentrated load condition.


  • 研究表明多个扇形模具块对焊端口进行机械扩径椭圆管坯塑性变形具有显著局部特性且主要集中悬空

    The study shows that plastic deformation of the elliptical tube which has a significant local characteristic mainly concentrates in the vacant section, when expanding using several expanding punches.


  • 为了改善传统轧辊系统由于集中载荷作用引起工作变形,研究制造了一种新型轧辊静压支承,已初步证实其可靠性优越性

    To improve the working roll's deformation caused by the point load of the traditional roll system, a new type hearing of the roll was established and proved to be reliable and advantageous.


  • 洞库围岩稳定性一方面取决于洞库周边围岩应力集中情况,另一方面取决于岩体强度变形特征核心问题在于岩体完整性

    The stability of the surrounding rock mass depends upon its strength and deformation properties as well as the situation of stress convergence in it, and the key is the integrality of the rock mass.


  • 研究结果集中表现了接触区的变形应力分布等情况。

    The distributions of stresses and deformations on contact surface are presented.


  • 钛合金切屑变形低速就是种典型集中剪切滑移,这种集中剪切滑移高速切削大部分加工材料一种普遍现象。

    The chip deformation of titanium alloys is typical shear localization from low cutting speed, which is general phenomenon in machining of difficult to cut material at high cutting speed.


  • 根据原位压板试验确定强度和变形参数计算筏板基础地基承载力采用集中弹簧模型计算筏板沉降

    Based on the deformation modulus from the in-situ plate loading test, the settlement of each point on the raft foundation was calculated using spring model with concentrating force.


  • 裂纹尖端附近较大变形应力集中明显

    Big distortion and stress concentration happened near the tip of crack.


  • 研究结果表明盘桩可以有效降低上部结构变形可能上部结构产生局部应力集中

    The results show that the branch pile can reduce the deformation of the upper structure, but may cause local stress concentration in the superstructure.


  • 隧道溶洞之间围岩由于应力集中可能使围岩产生过大变形岩体破坏稳定性要给予特别重视。

    The surrounding rock between tunnel and karst cave possibly brings large deformation and rock mass failure because of stress concentration, and its stability is focused seriously.


  • 形件拉主要变形集中盒形件角部法兰圆角部位。

    The main deformation areas of the rectangular box in deep drawing were flanges and the circle-corners of female die in the corners.


  • 缩小有方向性,易发生熔接不良变形翘曲缩孔裂纹应力集中树脂填料分布不匀

    Shrinkage small, directional, high incidence of adverse Weld, deformation, warping, shrinkage cracks and stress concentration, resin filler uneven.


  • 界面基体金属发生剧烈多种形式塑性变形变形主要集中于波漩涡附近。

    Intense and manifold plastic deformation occurs in parent metal near interface zone, and deformation mostly fastens on eddy in front of wave.


  • 界面基体金属发生剧烈多种形式塑性变形变形主要集中于波漩涡附近。

    Intense and manifold plastic deformation occurs in parent metal near interface zone, and deformation mostly fastens on eddy in front of wave.


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