• 个发表气候志》(TheJournalof Climate),根据一种不同海洋气候模型预测风向规律变化如何影响过去未来海平面上升状况。

    The other, in press at The Journal of Climate, used a different ocean and climate model to look at how changing wind patterns have influenced past and future sea-level rise.


  • 虽然过去30年间阿森松岛上温度没有明显变化,但该岛上风向的洋面温度在上世纪80年代跃升了1度以上,在之后洋面温度趋于稳定。

    Although the temperature on Ascension has not changed appreciably in the past 30 years, sea-surface temperatures upwind of it jumped by more than a degree in the 1980s before levelling off.


  • BoonePickens(注3),这位由石油转行作清洁能源企业家决定叫停德州修建世界最大风电场预示7月风向”起了变化

    An indication of the way the wind is blowing came in July when T. Boone Pickens, an oilman turned clean-energy entrepreneur, decided to call off plans for the world's biggest wind farm, in Texas.


  • 假如风向风力变化夜间值守人还需要调整船帆

    Night watch also has to adjust the sail (or the SPAR) if winds change direction or strength.


  • 风向是随时变化一些认为周末,欧洲的风向发生变化

    Wind patterns could change at any time and some reckon that they might do so by the end of the week.


  • 这里是气候变化风向也是非洲非常典型一个地区,人们致力于保护用水安全

    So a very iconic place for climate change. But also a very typical place for Africa, where people are struggling with water security.


  • 由于地面风向跟随地形变化山坡,这便意味着风会以一定角度撞击涡轮而不是正面撞击。

    But on a hillside that means the wind (which tends to follow the ground when it is close to the surface) hits the blades of the turbines at an Angle, instead of face on.


  • 房顶风标转动风向这种变化就是场特大暴雨信号

    It was the vane on the roof turning round and this change in the wind was the signal for a disastrous rain.


  • 由于陆地形状的原因,整个系统变得非常,非常复杂模拟印度洋大气中的风向规律变化真的很有挑战性,”Han

    "It has been really challenging to simulate atmospheric wind-pattern change over the Indian Ocean because the system is very, very complicated because of the land," han said.


  • 由于陆地形状的原因,整个系统变得非常,非常复杂模拟印度洋大气中的风向规律变化真的很有挑战性,”Han

    “It has been really challenging to simulate atmospheric wind-pattern change over the Indian Ocean because the system is very, very complicated because of the land,” Han said.


  • 气压变化使风向发生变化结果大量热水向东回流一个倾斜浴室

    Pressure changes cause wind directions to change, with the result that the high level of warm water tips back to the east, like a sloping bath.


  • 一个风向变化不定阴天

    It was a cloudy day with variable winds.


  • 由于极地温度气候变化最为剧烈所以企鹅数量会随之剧烈起伏,它们也因此成为气候变化风向

    Because the poles reflect changes in temperature and climate more dramatically than anywhere else, penguin populations also rise and fall dramatically, making them ideal indicators of climate change.


  • 台风风向时有变化出人预料,台风中心登陆地点往往预报相左

    The typhoon subject to change the direction of the wind, often ChuRenYuLiao, typhoon center landing sites often and forecast of outsiders.


  • 风速风向变化漂移轨迹港区污染程度影响十分明显。

    The change of wind speed and direction has a significantly influence on the oil film trajectory and pollution extent in the port.


  • 湖中风生环流流速比较缓慢,风向风速湖泊的环流结构显著影响风向、风速的变化立刻引起变化

    In lake, wind-driven velocities are slow, wind power has an obvious impact on circulation structures, changes of wind power immediately brings changes of flow field.


  • 本文报道了四川盆地白垩纪沙漠测量结果,总结风向变化规律。

    The present paper deals with the measurements and variations in palaeowind direction of the Cretaceous desert in the Sichuan Basin.


  • 然而康威无意终止浪漫之举。他每次把瓶子大海,都会仔细研究风向潮汐变化的情况。

    But Conway, who carefully studies the winds and tides before hurling into action, has no intention of stopping.


  • 风向变化很快,因此直道常常会遇到顺风逆风情况。

    The wind direction is quite changeable, and usually provides either a headwind or a tailwind on the main straight.


  • 最后分析了屋盖上典型测点平均风压系数变化的曲线。

    Finally, The mean wind pressure coefficients of a part of typical measuring points as a function of wind direction are analysed.


  • 但是目前风向风速测量装置均考虑传感器位置变化风速风向测量精度影响

    However, the current wind direction and wind speed measuring devices do not consider the influence that the change of sensor position to metrical accuracy.


  • 无法改变环境,无法改变季节变化风向变化

    You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind.


  • 随着高度增加探空风向与雷达风向的相关度明显降低风速的相关变化不大

    With the high increment, the relativity in wind direction is lower, but that in wind velocity don't change obviously.


  • 详细分析了类结构屋顶表面风压分布变化规律

    The detailed patterns of wind loading on the roofs with various wind directions are given and analyzed.


  • 第5谎言如果鬼脸风向发生了变化那么就会风吹。这个谎言能帮助父母教育孩子有文明的行为举止。(国际在线独家资讯付华未经允许请勿转载)

    Number Five: 'if you pull a face and the wind changes direction you'll be stuck that way. ' A useful fib to stop kids embarrassing their parents.


  • 风向变化水手有帮助。

    The shift in the wind was helpful to the sailors.


  • 风力发电机控制系统偏航机构本身存在一定滞后性风向和风速频繁变化时,风机叶轮迎风面无法准确对准的来向,随之而来的系统对风的跟踪失效问题会影响风力发电机的效率。

    There is a certain lag in wind turbine control system and yaw body itself, the impeller can not accurately aligned toward the wind direction when the wind direction and wind speed changes frequently.


  • 风力发电机控制系统偏航机构本身存在一定滞后性风向和风速频繁变化时,风机叶轮迎风面无法准确对准的来向,随之而来的系统对风的跟踪失效问题会影响风力发电机的效率。

    There is a certain lag in wind turbine control system and yaw body itself, the impeller can not accurately aligned toward the wind direction when the wind direction and wind speed changes frequently.


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