• 造成多达15%葡萄酒污染

    Bad corks get the rap for as much as 15 percent of tainted wine.


  • 而是潮湿且细菌容易接触器官表面例如肺和易感染内脏就很易感染

    It is the damp and welcoming surface of places such as the lung and the gut that are at risk.


  • 多类型示例类别类别约束视图

    An example of multiple types is a view constrained by category and subcategory.


  • 同时,苹果公司利好的带动,Nasadaq100期货合约上涨0.6%。

    Futures contracts for the technology-heavy Nasdaq 100 index rose 0.6 percent following Apple's report.


  • 在最新公布24冰雪影响到路段湖北仙桃—荆州—宜昌高速公路较为严重。

    24 sections of icy road have been given warning notices, among which the section of Xiantao-Jingzhou-Yichang highway in Hubei being the most affected.


  • 霍格·伦德现年38岁,因对“rootkit”(该软件可在避开侦测同时轻松获取计算机的访问权限)的了如掌而计算机安全领域里广尊敬。

    Hoglund, 38, is widely respected in the computer security world for his expertise with "rootkits," software that facilitates privileged access to a computer while evading detection.


  • 代表获得授权,代表另一方行事包括代理人公司协会高管人员以及遗产信托人、执行人或者管理人

    "Representative" means a person empowered to act for another, including an agent, an officer of a corporation or association, and a trustee, executor, or administrator of an estate.


  • 如果某人或者某些事物支配,尤其是不好的事物,可能那些从属的影响(它上面的从属于后的事物)

    If someone or something is subject to something, especially something bad, it is possible or likely that they will be affected by it.


  • 激光辐射放大排放量

    LASER significa Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation.


  • 这些人应当试验如果无瑕,然后才能作执事。

    Let them be first tried and, if found blameless, be accepted as deacons.


  • 代理人代理权未经委托人明示予,但委托人认为已经有意让代理人拥有的代理权。

    Implied authority of an agent is that which the principal is deemed to have intended the agent to possess, although not expressly granted.


  • 检疫有害生物是威胁地区具有潜在经济重要性尚未在该地区发生,虽已发生分布广进行官方防治的有害生物。

    Quarantine pest means a pest of potential economic importance to the area endangered thereby and not yet present there, or present but not widely distributed and being officially controlled.


  • 基金经理业绩基准纳斯达克100、斯史坦普500股价数,苹果影响很大的,因此他们争先恐后仓持有苹果股票。

    Fund managers that are judged against a benchmark where Apple is heavily weighted, like the NASDAQ 100 or the SP 500 technology index, have to scramble to keep a heavy exposure to Apple.


  • 钢-混凝土组合梁钢梁混凝土通过剪力连接件连接形成整体共同工作构件。

    Steel-concrete composite beam is a kind of flexural member composed by concrete slab and steel beam via shear connectors.


  • 工资优先权根据法律直接规定劳动者从事劳动而获得相应的报酬请求权债务人一般财产享有优先偿的权利。

    The wage priority is priority of claims of payment by workers for accorded work directly provided by law, on the general property of the debtor.


  • 家庭”妊娠代孕妈妈签署妊娠代孕合约,规定因合约而出生孩子的合法父母

    "Intended parent" means a person or persons who enters into a gestational surrogacy contract with a gestational surrogate pursuant to which he or she will be the legal parent of the resulting child.


  • 血清ps A浓度诸多因素影响,应用PS A定量分析进行诊断结合直肠超声直肠检查

    Since the density of serum PSA is influenced by many factors, the diagnosis by PSA quantitative analysis should be combined with rectal touch and ultrasonic rectum examination.


  • 因居间代理业务讬等报酬所得收入。

    Revenues earned from compensation for intermediary and agent business or for acting as an assignee.


  • 因特网上,一类他们故意数据包淹没网站网络,对攻击网站或网络的用户而言造成拒绝服务情景

    On the Internet, a packet monkey is someone who intentionally inundates a Web site or network with data packets, resulting in a denial-of-service situation for users of the attacked site or network.


  • 现行名称制约,保险合同客体旨在保证有关海上营运各项风险保险合同。

    Is subject to the present title, every contract of insurance which has as its object the guaranty of risks in respect of a maritime operation.


  • 乔治王子月亮都榜上有名。血月亮现象月亮脱离地球阴影太阳红光照射呈现出血红色的情况。

    Prince George also made the list along with the phenomena blood moon - referring to the blood red colour of the moon after it passes in the earth's shadow, causing the sun's red light to scatter.


  • 著永生的耶和华起誓你们都是该死的;因为没有保护你们,就是耶和华者。

    As the Lord lives, you deserve to die, because you have not kept watch over your Lord, the Lord's anointed.


  • 职业生涯规划主要个人的职业生涯规划,组织的影响。

    Professional career programming mainly indicate individuals' professional career programming, but it is influenced by the organization.


  • 著永生耶和华起誓你们都是该死的;因为没有保护你们,就是耶和华者。

    As the LORD lives, all of you are worthy to die, because all of you have not kept your master, the LORD's anointed.


  • 偿债顺序普通股之前公司优先债,在出现违约的情况下,优先偿权

    It refers to the senior debt which rank is ahead of ordinary share capital will enjoy the first repayment in the case of default.


  • 监督托人剥离义务人委托负责对业务剥离进行全程监督自然人法人其他组织

    A supervision trustee refers to a natural person, legal person or other organization entrusted by the divestiture obligor with the responsibility of supervising the whole divestiture process.


  • 多关节机器人柔性改善现有夹持器的不足关注。

    Owing to being able to improve robot grippers, multifingered articulated robot flexible hands are introduced.


  • 多关节机器人柔性改善现有夹持器的不足关注。

    Owing to being able to improve robot grippers, multifingered articulated robot flexible hands are introduced.


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