• 出戏受到剧评无情的抨击。

    The play received a mauling from the critics.


  • 有一大批受到减税影响

    A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts.


  • 这些经常受到他们所在国家政府压迫

    These people often are oppressed by the governments of the countries they find themselves in.


  • 恐龙灭绝受到巨大关注,但却没有多少关注巨型动物,感到诧异。

    Given how much ink has been spilled on the extinction of the dinosaurs, it's a wonder that even more hasn't been devoted to megatauna.


  • 即使生长季节缩短5%,南亚超过3亿可能受到影响。

    More than 300 million people in South Asia are likely to be affected even with a 5% decrease in the length of the growing season.


  • 丹佛经常抱怨他们睡觉的时候会受到头顶上方盘旋丹佛警察局直升飞机的干扰。

    Denverites often kvetch about sleep disrupted by the Denver Police Department's helicopter orbiting overhead.


  • 那些法庭上受到惩罚的惯犯受到当地处置

    Persistent criminals who have gone unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by local people.


  • 受到批评经常会失去信心

    People often lose confidence when they are criticized.


  • 政策受到美国总统乃至全世界领导欢迎

    It was a policy welcomed by world leaders from the US president downwards.


  • 单单一个受到批评

    She was singled out for criticism.


  • 有三被捕医院里受到监视

    Three men were arrested and one was under guard in a hospital.


  • 所有疾病是如此一些另一些容易受到威胁。

    As with all diseases, certain groups will be more at risk than others.


  • 律师声称当事受到被告挑衅采取暴力行动的。

    The lawyer claimed his client was provoked into acts of violence by the defendant.


  • 国际象棋俱乐部受到过挑战领导

    He is the unchallenged leader of the chess club.


  • 有些指责清教徒性欲受到压抑

    Some have charged that the Puritans were sexually repressed.


  • 电视使受到很多教益

    Watching television can be very educational.


  • 一位互联网协会女发言说,这次过渡中,域名为的用户不会受到任何影响

    An Internet society spokeswoman said.org domain users will not experience any disruptions during the transition.


  • 有些婚姻有时候觉得受到束缚。

    Some marriages can sometimes feel suffocating.


  • 库尔德困境受到全球关注。

    The plight of the Kurds gained global visibility.


  • 童年早期,孩子受到同龄社交接纳度预示了其五年级成绩

    Social acceptance by peers in early childhood also predicted grades in fifth grade.


  • 历史学家,最重要这些创始受到当时文化的束缚。

    More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time.


  • 受到暴力影响年轻来说,怎样教育才是有意义的?

    What kind of education can be "meaningful" to young people affected by violence?


  • 许多经理受到有关薪酬危险传言的影响,这些传言导致他们公司如何支付员工薪酬方面做出适得其反决定

    Many managers are influenced by dangerous myths about pay that lead to counterproductive decisions about how their companies compensate employees.


  • 年轻思想往往受到西方其他流行文化的影响,往往拒绝甚至放弃他们父母成长过程中遵循的传统

    Young people, whose ideas are often influenced by Western or other popular cultures, often refuse or even give up the traditions their parents grew up with.


  • 他们结婚最初几年受到持续不断争论困扰这些争论似乎没有真正解决的情况下就消失了。

    In the early years of their marriage, both were disturbed by persistent arguments that seemed to fade away without ever being truly resolved.


  • 机器继续影响蓝领工作白领工作受到微处理器攻击

    Robots continue to have an impact on blue-collar jobs, and white-collar jobs are under attack by microprocessors.


  • 由于蜜蜂毒刺有深深的倒钩使停留插入位置因此蜜蜂的时候就会受到致命伤害

    As the honeybee's stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing the bee to sustain a fatal injury.


  • 希望妈妈属于一个这样就可以甜蜜

    I hope my mom belongs only to me, so I can enjoy the sweetness of love.


  • 研究表明儿童成年容易受到环境污染的危害。

    Research has shown that children are more vulnerable to environmental pollution than adults.


  • 研究表明儿童成年容易受到环境污染的危害。

    Research has shown that children are more vulnerable to environmental pollution than adults.


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