• 使用中的资源永远无法满足要求,也不会取资源

    Never satisfies a request by using resources from the cache and does not cache resources.


  • 资源使用索引键会使用主机标头要求uri

    The key used when caching resources, USES the Host header value rather than the request URI.


  • 正常执行的用户端必须传送sct协助服务最佳化资源

    A well-behaved client must send an SCT cancellation to help the service optimize the cache resources.


  • 语音组件可以发送接收事件这些事件反过来包含资源生命周期事件以及载入语法的语法事件。

    A voice component could send and receive events, which in turn would contain the life-cycle event for pre-fetching resources, and a grammar event for loading a new grammar.


  • 因此如果资源时间戳记伺服器资源的时间戳记相同,相同资源后续要求使用复本

    So subsequent requests for the same resource would use a cached copy if the timestamp for the cached resource is the same as the timestamp of the resource on the server.


  • 我们假设这些中的其中具有遗传灵活性可以发现另一种其他鱼利用资源

    Let's suppose that a group of these fish had the genetic flexibility to discover and feed off another resource that was unused by the other fish.


  • 这里答案兴趣的数据类别使用(drilldown)资源

    The answer here is to use the drilldown resource for the data category you are interested in.


  • 管理应用程序可以利用它们传递功能并且可以增大管理软件能够资源数目类型

    Management applications can take advantage of these to deliver functionality and increase the number and type of resources that management software can address.


  • 如果应用程序逻辑导致结果对象中的内容没有那么应该显式地关闭那些资源

    If your application logic can lead to situations when the contents of the result objects may not have all been fetched, then you should explicitly close those resources.


  • 查询特性有助于判断sql语句长度每个语句使用资源执行语句的时间长度、等待资源的时间长度等等

    The query drill down feature helps determine the length of an SQL statement, the resources each statement USES, the length of the statement execution, the length of the resources wait time and so on.


  • 接着通过比特过程以及分子载波功率比特调整过程,实现系统资源的合理分配

    Finally, with the bit integer conversion process and the partial sub-channel's power and bit adjusting process, the system resource allocation is finished.


  • 链接资源档案着的快速航行

    Links to resources of cache archives are marked for quick navigation.


  • 随着第三互联网浪潮到来,“即即用”网络应用模式成为资源共享发展趋势

    With the third tide of the Internet, application based on GRID technology has become a tendency of resource share domain.


  • 随着国家对氟碳资源环境安全重视建立清洁氟碳铈矿工艺显得尤为必要。

    Along with the attentions on the resource of Bastnaesite and environmental safety by our country, it is important to establish the clean leaching technique of Bastnaesite.


  • 资源传送时,有可能使用某些加密方式保护资源数据客户端控制的时候则有可能找到某种方法数据内容某些资源

    Whilst it is possible to use encryption to secure your Assets as they are being transmitted, once the data is in the hands of the client it is possible to find ways to grab the content from them.


  • 这个提议过程纳了一点别人人力资源进展项目运行较好的步骤。

    The suggested project approach adopts some successful ideas and procedures which have been proved in other human resource consulting projects.


  • 技术采用基于资源相关性媒体主动算法广告资源,应用动态共享内存池技术来存储和播放广告。

    To realize the technology, the active prefetching algorithm for streaming media based on relevance between resources was adopted to obtain advertisement resources.


  • 因此相同资源后续要求使用复本。

    So subsequent requests for the same resource would use a cached copy.


  • 这个原则层级表示中继应当移除资源

    This policy level indicates to intermediate caches that they should remove the resource.


  • 象立尽意意象乃为中国古典美学重要根脉之一饱含丰厚艺术传统艺术资源

    " As concept of admission ", "use image to show meaning ", "image" is one of the important root in Chinese classical aesthetics, full of rich artistic traditions and arts resources.


  • 如果资源可用则从快满足资源要求否则资源要求传送伺服器

    Satisfies a request for a resource from the cache, if the resource is available; otherwise, sends a request for a resource to the server.


  • 本机电脑的快区域网路远端满足资源要求

    Satisfies a request for a resource either from the local computer's cache or a remote cache on the local area network.


  • 因此,视这个要求原则层级而定同一个资源另外一个要求可以使用复本。

    So another request for the same resource could use a cached copy, depending on the cache policy level for this request.


  • 使用本机资源满足要求

    Satisfies a request using the locally cached resource;


  • 本文试图构建资源战略框架依据,不仅决定进行资源时要经过深思熟虑,在具体实践阶段需要进行周密策划控制

    This paper tries to establish the framework and foundation of Outsourcing Strategy. Outsourcing decision-making needs comprehensive plan and control during the period of specific practice.


  • 原则会决定是否可以从快得所要求资源不需要将要求传送至资源主机电脑

    The cache policy determines whether the requested resource can be taken from a cache instead of sending the request to the resource host computer.


  • 招聘人力资源的“源头活水”,天下之人才资源所用第一

    Recruit "the headstream flowing water" being human resources, be that resources of human talents of taking land under heaven is what used the first to close.


  • 招聘人力资源的“源头活水”,天下之人才资源所用第一

    Recruit "the headstream flowing water" being human resources, be that resources of human talents of taking land under heaven is what used the first to close.


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