• 尽管重要活动国家范围内取得地位

    The most important activity, though, is taking place at the national level.


  • 因为他们不想狼群中取得地位,所以达奇尔夫妇赢得了信任

    While they didn't vie for a position within the pack, the Dutchers gained the wolves' trust.


  • 他们采取一些极为可疑商业手段取得目前市场地位

    They indulged in some highly dubious business practices to obtain their current position in the market.


  • 妒忌她的职业取得地位

    He envies her the position she has achieved in her profession.


  • 哈佛取得领先地位,经过再三挑战仍然镇定自若

    Harvard took the lead and remained unperturbed by the repeated challenges.


  • 零售商们国内取得优势地位扩大海外市场愿望似乎就强烈些——不只是因为他们可能面临国内规模上的溃退

    When retailers achieve a dominant position at home the appeal of growing overseas can seem strong-not least because they may face a domestic backlash against their size.


  • 因此就是他们需要的一取得合法地位途径登记注册,承认违法,缴纳罚金上缴税收学习英语

    So what they need is a pathway to legal status: they should register, admit that they broke the law, pay a fine, and taxes, and learn English.


  • 对拍档成功很大程度上是由于它们免费可用而且进入门槛比较低,这产品的合作使它们各自取得广受推崇地位

    The success of this pair is largely due to their free availability and low barrier to entry, and this synergy has helped to boost both products to their current ubiquitous status.


  • 段引言是一系列一位年轻主人翁主角的小说一部,而这位小说主角创作者儿童文学界取得不朽地位

    The quote refers to the first in a series of novels featuring a young character who has carved out a permanent place for his creator in the world of children's literature.


  • 日美同盟拥戴者们认为:同盟关系不仅维护和平使日本保持较低军费开支,使日本取得其它领域(如经济上)的全球地位

    Defenders of the alliance argue that it has done more than keep the peace: it has enabled Japan to keep its military spending low, and attract global status in other ways, notably economic.


  • 如果许许多多妇女都接受自己劣势地位,对此予以默认忍耐承受我们不会取得重大进展

    We will not see significant progress when so many women accept their inferior status, acquiesce, suffer, and endure.


  • 取得美国学位回国后就会事业社会地位上有所收获。

    And eventually Lin would return home with the status and career advantage of a U.S. degree.


  • 在校园里的双眼闪闪发光沉迷于他的取得地位

    Standing in the school yard, blinking in the sun, the boy revelled in his new status.


  • 今天召开的记者招待会上,道格拉斯斯通盖柯所取得明星地位表达同样困惑

    At their press conference today, Douglas and Stone expressed the same baffled annoyance about Gekko's star status.


  • 我们因此陷入自相矛盾的境地:一种从根本上就不合理的商业模式取得近乎垄断的地位

    So we are in the paradoxical situation where a fundamentally unsound business model holds a quasi-monopolistic position.


  • 认为公司的现状使我们轻易取得领先地位我认为这个行业化做到一些差异化。”Jha表示

    I don’t think I can get to a gorilla position from where I am in one easy sweep, but I think it is possible to create differentiation in this business,” Jha said.


  • Blackden非洲率先妇女合法地位方面取得某些进步

    Blackden says Africa has pioneered some advances in respect to women's legal status.


  • 毕加索就是一例,自者们经常艺术、商界其他领域取得重要地位,这说明自恋者其他人具备的能力和想法。

    Like Picasso, narcissists often rise to positions of importance in art, business, and other endeavors, suggesting that they have ability and ideas that others do not.


  • 美国印度其他国家打赌并不是因为印度今天所拥有地位而是预计了印度未来15将会取得的成就。

    The United States and many other countries are betting on India not because of where it stands today, but where they see it going in the next 15 years.


  • 克雷格·大卫10年职业生涯中曾13次荣登十大歌曲排行榜,20多个国家取得白金唱片的地位

    Craig David has enjoyed 13 Top Ten hits and achieved multi-platinum status in more than 20 countries during his 10-year career.


  • 很多其它国家相比巴西取得佳的地位处理这些问题

    And Brazil is better placed to deal with them than many other countries.


  • 新的经商形式——包括团队广泛使用,团队就做出灵活快速反应——正在取得主导地位的经商方式正在日益过时

    New forms of doing business—including the widespread use ofteams, which can respond fast and flexiblyare taking hold, and the old ways ofdoing business are quickly going out of fashion.


  • 福克斯新闻星期天节目中,麦凯恩自己目前民意调查取得地位表示满意党内名人那里获得支持表示满意。

    On the Fox News Sunday program, McCain said he is pleased with his current standing in the polls, and with the support he has received from party notables.


  • 昆士兰澳大利亚21世纪取得辉煌成绩中占有重要地位

    Queensland is a big part of the Australian success story in the early 21st Century.


  • 的确新兴经济体正在培育自己品牌,并且取得不同程度成功品牌形象理念方面美国显然处于领先地位

    Indeed, emerging economies have been developing their own brands with varying successes. But the U.S. clearly leads in the world's images and ideas.


  • 的确新兴经济体正在培育自己品牌,并且取得不同程度成功品牌形象理念方面美国显然处于领先地位

    Indeed, emerging economies have been developing their own brands with varying successes. But the U.S. clearly leads in the world's images and ideas.


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