• 发送电子邮件时,可以把一份文件作为附件发送文件可以是图片程序声音文件等。

    When you send an e-mail you can also send a file as an attachment and that file can be a graphic, a program, a sound or whatever.


  • 这个程序称为“邮件眼镜”,晚上某个时间段,它可以拦截通过谷歌电子邮件服务系统(即Gmail发送邮件

    The program, which he called Mail Goggles, intercepts e-mails sent using Google's e-mail service, Gmail, after a certain time in the evening.


  • 通过选中some invitees use o thermailprograms选项用户可以以下邮件程序用户发送邀请

    By selecting the option Some invitees use other mail programs, users can send invitations to users of any of these mail programs.


  • 发送电子邮件消息应用程序完成如下步骤

    To send the mail message, the application does the following


  • 检查收到的电子邮件,并发送正确处理程序procmail

    Checking incoming E-mail and routing it to the right processing program: procmail.


  • 应用程序直接通过电子邮件同事发送信息

    Send information to a colleague via E-mail directly from the application.


  • 攻击可以安装一个特洛伊木马程序不请自来的电子邮件发送软件目的是金融活动造成损害品牌名称修改公司资源

    Or an attacker might be able to install a Trojan horse program or unsolicited E-mail sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources.


  • 适应行为管理程序不仅通过仪表板发送通知可以根据规定条件通过电子邮件寻呼机或者手机发送通知。

    The adaptive action manager can notify you by way of the dashboard, as well as by E-mail, pager, or cell phone based on criteria that you specify.


  • 例如如果需要通过电子邮件一个通知发送每个符合条件记录帐户那么容易应用程序中对xml格式客户电子邮件地址列表进行迭代

    For example, if you need to E-mail a notice to every qualifying account you have on record, then iterating through a list of customer E-mail addresses in XML format is easy to do in an application.


  • 最后我们创建程序,让它来比较这些日期创建电子邮件消息发送这些消息。

    Finally, you'll create the routine that compares these dates, creates the E-mail messages, and sends them.


  • 应用程序一种替代设计直接发送电子邮件因为该应用程序现在分离出客户名称电子邮件地址

    An alternative design would be for the application to directly send the email since the application now has the customer name and email address isolated.


  • 如果出现错误,则构建管理程序发送一封电子邮件其中包括关于失败详细信息

    If an error occurs, an email is sent to the build administrator with some details about the failure.


  • 这个程序设置电子邮件标题、邮件程序发送日期

    The program also sets the subject of the E-mail, the mailer, and the sent date.


  • 生产应用程序中,容易找到功能多种用途发送密码提醒定期订户邮件

    In a production application, you will likely find many USES for this capability, such as sending out password reminders and periodic subscriber mailings.


  • 什么使用户应用程序感到满意或者什么使他们向您的客户服务团队发送电子邮件抱怨应用程序糟糕

    What is informing the experience of the users that are either satisfied with your app, or are e-mailing your customer service team griping about how awful the app works?


  • 干系设计欺诈、进行网络钓鱼而布置虚假网页以及通常会发送“钓鱼”邮件的“邮件群发程序同样非常流行的手段。

    Scams involving the design and hosting of fake webpages for phishing attempts, as well as the "mailer" applications used to send phishing e-mails, are also popular.


  • 系统程序通常需要使ftp操作电子邮件发送处理以及GUI测试这样的任务自动化。

    Systems programmers often need to automate things like FTP operations, E-mail emission or handling, and GUI testing.


  • 甚至那些显示编辑本地文件应用程序(如字处理器)都必须受到保护,因为有时用户显示或编辑以电子邮件方式发送他们的数据。

    Even applications that display or edit local files (such as word processors) have to be secured, because sometimes users will display or edit data e-mailed to them.


  • 程序会问:“现在已经很晚了,确定发送邮件吗?”

    Are you sure you want to send this?


  • 攻击可以用电子邮件受害者发送特别处理过文件如果受害者用vim阅读或者编辑,受害者就可能会去运行攻击者想要运行的任何程序

    An attacker could E-mail a specially rigged file to the victim, and if the victim used vim to read or edit it, the victim would run whatever program the attacker wanted. Oops.


  • 因为邮件发送过程一种非常快速操作所以我们决定实现同步动作处理程序意味着会在Oozie执行上下文中执行。

    Because sending of email is very quick operation, we have decided to implement it as a synchronous action handler, which means that it is executed within Oozie execution context.


  • 应用程序被调用时一封电子邮件发送 ToAddress文本输入地址

    When the application is invoked, an e-mail will be sent to the address you enter in the ToAddress text box.


  • 意味着Maxim第一次某个邮件列表发送程序补丁

    Which implies that this was Maxim's first-ever patch sent to a mailing list!


  • MessageBroker中的专用电子邮件生成节点允许重要事件发生时自动人员应用程序发送电子邮件

    A dedicated E-mail generation node within Message Broker lets you automatically send e-mails to people and applications when key events arise.


  • 提供了一个集成企业工作环境环境允许用户管理邮件发送即时消息运行portlet应用程序

    It provides an integrated enterprise working environment, which allows users to manage mail, send instant messages, and run portlet applications.


  • 竖杠符号指定邮件内容作为输入发送某个指定的程序一个名为 aci.py 的 Python脚本

    The pipe symbol indicates that the message's contents should be sent as input for the indicated program: a Python script named aci.py.


  • 仪表板应用程序使用该类允许用户指定他们的电子邮件地址使EmployeeSalesSummary报表通过电子邮件每周一发送他们

    The dashboard application USES this class to allow the user to specify their E-mail address and to have the Employee Sales Summary report e-mailed to them every Monday.


  • NotesChair 标记这个选项时,表明他希望采用兼容模式并能以最佳效果发送邀请到 Outlook 和其他电子邮件程序用户

    The meeting chair selects this option for best results when sending invitations to users of other mail programs.


  • 如果到处发送学习Shale发送一些例子应用程序”之类邮件,甚至可能得到粗鲁回答

    You're also likely to get a rude response if you send an E-mail anywhere along the lines of "I want to learn Shale, please send me some example applications."


  • 如果到处发送学习Shale发送一些例子应用程序”之类邮件,甚至可能得到粗鲁回答

    You're also likely to get a rude response if you send an E-mail anywhere along the lines of "I want to learn Shale, please send me some example applications."


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