• 指向发表文字网站链接你自己发布消息不同呢?

    How is linking to a site that has published the text different from publishing it yourself?


  • 切尔诺夫上周五发表声明验尸官办公室的新闻发布没什么内容,表示看到验尸报告全文不会进一步置评

    In a statement Friday, Mr. Chernoff said the coroner's news release 'contains nothing new,' and said he wouldn't comment further until after seeing the full autopsy report.


  • 科学研究传统发布途径外,存在一些发表传播方法学研究。

    There are also technical studies that are not published or distributed by the habitual channels of scientific transmission.


  • 昨天发表言论之际,吉百利发布一份致股东反收购文件敦促投资者不要卡夫窃取他们的公司

    His comments yesterday came as Cadbury published a shareholder defence document which urged investors not to let Kraft "steal" their company.


  • 此外机制规定管理层有权动用公司资金发表支持管理层观点代理权公告年度报告新闻发布

    In addition, there's the issue of management's access to company cash to put out material in proxy statements, annual reports and news releases that support management's view.


  • 第四评估报告发表于2007年,第五预定2013年开始2014年结束分期方式发布

    The fourth assessment report was published in 2007; the fifth is slated to come out in installments starting in 2013 and finishing in 2014.


  • 上期文章发表以后JBossPortal 2.7be ta版发布

    Since that article was published, we have released JBoss Portal 2.7 as a beta.


  • VogelsAWS多数功能用户建议他们一经实现就立即发布不会着举办一个发表仪式。

    Most of AWS's new features are suggested by customers, and they are released immediately as they are implemented without waiting on some event to announce them, said Vogels.


  • 将于周一发布授权自传已故苹果联合创始人长期领导者史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)对谷歌进行了批评,不过这家互联网搜索公司拒绝予以发表评论。

    Google declined to comment after Steve Jobs, the late Apple co-founder and longtime leader, trashed the search company in an authorized biography due to be released Monday.


  • Google发表声明承认主要是伊朗用户受到影响,那个证书之前,6月10一个名叫DigiNotar的认证方发布的。

    A statement from Google acknowledges that primarily Iranian users were affected, and that the fraudulent certificate was issued by a ca called DigiNotar nearly two months ago, on July 10.


  • 发布每次会议备忘录,这是其它工作组从未过的做法因为那些工作组担心某个特定的公司代表可能发表不是很完美的看法

    It publishes the minutes of every meeting, a practice unheard of in other working groups because of fears that a particular company representative might come off looking less than impeccable.


  • 某些情况下,一些本不想让其出现网上的东西可能会出现,可能是一篇你后悔发表煽动性博客文章,或者意外发布机密数据

    At some point, something may turn up online that you would rather not have out there-anything from an inflammatory blog post you regret publishing, to confidential data that accidentally got exposed.


  • 论文撤回事件没有涉及巴克博士当初获得诺贝尔相关研究工作,其撤回公告已经发布在论文发表期刊网站

    The retractions, which did not concern the work for which Dr. Buck won the Nobel, were published Thursday on the Web sites of the journals where the papers appeared.


  • 我们建立了一个站点这样其他人如果愿意的话,就可以他们观点发表评论发布敏捷实践的想法,发起主题等等。

    We set up the site so that others could comment with their views, post pictures of agile in action, and sponsor, if they wish.


  • 功能产品6.0.2版本中的新增功能,自从第2部分发表之后,发布版本

    This functionality is new in the 6.0.2 release of the product, which was released since Part 2 was published.


  • 在没有文章版权让AC独家买断前,可以把它放在别的充发布发表文章的网站上。

    Unless you sell exclusive rights toAC, you own your articles and can place them on other sites that allowpreviously published content.


  • 可能由于时间限制这个功能对新版本发布不起决定作用缘故,发表的版本中没有加入这些功能

    Probably due to time constraints and the fact that the feature wasn't a release driver, the capabilities were left out of the release.


  • 在过去一段时间里博客上发表我们模式实践”团队客户们发布各种向导材料正是我们的客户向我们询问的东西。

    I have blogged over time about various guidance material that we have released out of our Patterns and Practices team for customers.


  • 这个项目报告今天伦敦新闻发布发表

    A report on the project's findings was released today at a news conference in London.


  • 然而参与网络日志变得越来越流行,12%的人表示他们别人网络日志上跟帖,发布信息发表评论

    Getting involved is becoming more popular though, with 12% saying they had posted material or comments on other people's blogs.


  • 类似的情况大约会在高盛贝尔斯登发布收益报告——在本文发表——出现。

    Similar moves were expected from Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns when they reported, after the Economist went to press.


  • 欢迎您发表评论或者压力管理论坛发布您的帖子。

    Share in the comments, or post in the Stress Management Forum.


  • 回忆说2007年之前关于儿童死亡率老报告发表的时候,健康指标和评估研究所团队发布类似研究声明

    He recalls that the IHME team made similarly grand claims when its previous study on child mortality was unveiled in 2007.


  • 上周发表了一篇文章(《400平方英尺潮流》)收到了不少电子邮件评论希望发布更多我们居室照片

    After last week's post (400 Square Feet is the New Black), I received quite a number of emails and comments requesting more photos of our tiny apartment.


  • 经常发布文章,如果长时间发表,你就会失去很多读者订阅者

    Try to post regularly, if you don't post for sometime long, then you will lose a lot of subscription and regular readers.


  • 据宝龙伯富拍卖行介绍,在这次新闻发布会上,列侬受到记者有关几个月发表饱受争议的“耶酥言论的盘问,越南代沟问题有所涉及

    Bonhams said journalists also had lots of questions about Lennon's controversial "Jesus" remark months earlier, and that Vietnam and the generation gap were also discussed.


  • 据宝龙伯富拍卖行介绍,在这次新闻发布会上,列侬受到记者有关几个月发表饱受争议的“耶酥言论的盘问,越南代沟问题有所涉及

    Bonhams said journalists also had lots of questions about Lennon's controversial "Jesus" remark months earlier, and that Vietnam and the generation gap were also discussed.


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