• 过度乐观可能会助长不良投资模式导致出现房地产“泡沫”,篇报告作者这种潜在后果只是一笔带过,认为这种后果尚未发生

    While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real-estate "bubble," the report's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred.


  • 因此,一个显而易见问题出现了我们不能发现泡沫何时发生预测它们何时破裂

    So an obvious question arises: can we spot bubbles when they occur and predict when they are about to burst?


  • 经济下滑速度规模比1990年日本房市泡沫破灭之后发生一切要严重

    The speed and scale of the slump leaves behind anything that happened after 1990, when Japan’s bubble burst.


  • 许多泡沫崩溃以来最有名的发生离家更近

    There have been many bubbles and crashes since, but the most famous happened closer to home.


  • 金融史中充斥泡沫崩盘,也就是说极端事件(所谓的“”)发生频率要远大钟形曲线所预计的。

    But financial history is littered with bubbles and crashes, demonstrating that extreme events or so-called "fat tails" occur far more often than the bell curve predicts.


  • 太多美圆体系里游荡就会造成这样的情况发生它们需要休息地方,当它们这样做了,它们就制造了资本泡沫

    This is what happens when there's too many dollars sloshing around the system; they all need a place to rest, and when they do, they create equity bubbles.


  • 但自柏林墙倒塌日本泡沫经济破裂同时发生的那刻起,自民党就时日无多了。

    Its days have been numbered since the collapse of the Berlin Wall coincided with the bursting of Japan's bubble economy.


  • 每次发生金融危机当局就会进行干预照管出问题机构实施货币财政刺激政策,从而进一步吹大这个超级泡沫

    Each time a financial crisis occurred the authorities intervened, took care of the failing institutions, and applied monetary and fiscal stimulus, inflating the super-bubble even further.


  • 不是高兴主张住房市场泡沫而是郁闷表示,他能看到唯一走出萧条方式就是这样一个泡沫发生

    He was not cheerfully advocating a housing bubble, but instead he was glumly saying that the only way he could see to get out of the recession would be for such a bubble to occur.


  • 预算条例银行监管力度有所加强得以避免又一次泡沫发生风险

    Budgetary rules and bank supervision were strengthened, helping to avert the risk of another bubble.


  • 虽然这说法有些瑕疵,因为利率1980年开始就一直下降繁荣却突如其来所以觉得格林斯潘看到泡沫发生

    It doesn't match up very well though because interest rates have been going down since 1980 and the boom is very sudden, so it seems to me that Greenspan should have seen this bubble coming.


  • 此次经济危机同发生发达国家其他多数危机一样都是源于房产泡沫以及信贷扩张

    This crisis, like most others in rich countries, emerged from a property bubble and a credit boom.


  • 依然背负住房泡沫期间发生债务消费者愿意消费的。

    Consumers, still burdened by the debt that they ran up during the housing bubble, aren't ready to spend.


  • 由于过去20造成“人工财富泡沫终于崩溃了,那么两种情况可能发生资本损毁购买力损毁。

    Now that the "artificial-wealth bubble" of the past two decades is finally collapsing, one of two scenarios can occur: capital destruction or purchasing-power destruction.


  • 只是房地产金融这些泡沫产业薪资削减了5%更多制造零售批发运输信息技术产业发生了同样的情况。

    Payrolls were slashed by five per cent or more not just in the bubble categories of construction and finance but also in manufacturing, retail, wholesale, transportation, and information technology.


  • 虽然认为灾难性的崩盘并不可能很快发生,但他指出当时泡沫破裂MeiMoses指数之后暴跌60%。

    Though he does not believe a crash is imminent, he notes that when that bubble burst the Mei Moses index dropped by over 60% in the five following years.


  • 但是是否意味着如果房地产发生的话过去泡沫市场中购房的房主获益更多呢?

    But does that mean that homeowners in the former bubble markets would have been better off if the housing boom never happened?


  • 但是这样情况却并没有眼下发生:在据称泡沫形成整个过程中,石油库存几乎保持正常水平

    But it hasn't happened this time: all through the period of the alleged bubble, inventories have remained at more or less normal levels.


  • 过去40发生多次金融危机之后大多数理性开始接受这一观点:金融市场可以泡沫

    After so many financial crises in the past 40 years most reasonable people would now accept that bubbles in asset markets can exist.


  • 上个年代里房地产巨型泡沫现象不但发生美国,也发生欧洲。伴随着这个泡沫家庭债务的大幅增加

    The great housing bubble of the last decade, which was both an American and a European phenomenon, was accompanied by a huge rise in household debt.


  • 星云泡沫状,之所以如此,是因为附近恒星发生剧烈爆炸,产生辐射恒星尘埃云中间穿过,掏空了中间部位。

    This nebula is a bubble, and it's a bubble because intense blasts of stellar wind and radiation for a nearby star have cut through the dust and hollowed out the middle.


  • 记得互联网泡沫破裂的那几年发生什么吧。

    Recall what occurred in the years after the dotcom bubble burst.


  • 我们交流方式已经发生了变化家庭不能离开了科技泡沫里。

    "The way we communicate is changing and your family can't live in a bubble and ignore technology, " she says.


  • 我们交流方式已经发生了变化家庭不能离开了科技泡沫里。

    "The way we communicate is changing and your family can't live in a bubble and ignore technology, " she says.


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