• 认为不同类型糖尿病患者发生心血管疾病风险相同吗?

    As to patients with different types of diabetes, do you think they have the same risk of developing cardiovascular disease?


  • 另外慢性肾病会增加发生心血管疾病风险死亡率药物副作用

    In addition, chronic kidney disease increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, mortality and medication side-effects.


  • 这个发现或许可以解释为什么OS A患者发生心血管疾病危险性普通人群更高

    The findings may explain why OSA sufferers have a higher risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) than the general population.


  • 鸟类蛋白人类不同说明了为什么我们外伤容易恢复,鸟类却不会发生心血管疾病

    Birds have different clotting proteins than humans, which explains our better clotting in trauma, but their avoidance of certain cardiovascular problems. Karen Hopkin reports.


  • 第二方法通常高危人群的方法,聚焦筛查治疗未来发生心血管疾病风险较高儿童

    The second approach, often referred to as the high risk approach, focuses on identifying and treating those children at higher risk for future cardiovascular disease.


  • 血糖水平高于最适血糖低于糖尿病诊断标准出现血管损害增加发生心血管疾病风险

    People with higher than optimum levels fall below the limit of being diagnosed as diabetic but can still suffer damage to blood vessels and have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.


  • 还说,动脉粥样硬化被认为是一种炎症状态方面研究可以降低糖尿病患者发生心血管疾病危险性

    Since atherosclerosis is also considered an inflammatory state, this approach may also potentially reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications associated with diabetes, he said.


  • 如果进一步研究证实了这些结果鼓励青少年减少他们坐式活动可能会改善他们的血压降低他们以后发生心血管疾病中风风险

    If further studies confirm these results, encouraging adolescents to reduce their sedentary activity may improve their blood pressure and lower their later risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.


  • 日本人因为饮食含有很低脂肪他们胆固醇水平最低心血管疾病发生率也最低。

    But the Japanese, who eat a diet low in fat, had the lowest cholesterol levels and the least cardiovascular disease.


  • 但是由于研究显示,这种疗法更易导致癌症,心血管疾病发生不少女性不得不停止治疗,所以新的研究目标在于单独使用酮,不再结合雌性激素的疗法。

    Many women have stopped the combination therapy because of studies linking it to cancer, cardiovascular and other risks, so the new study looked at women given testosterone without estrogen.


  • 新陈代谢紊乱情况下,肥胖本身不会增加心血管疾病发生可能性,它糖尿病诱发因素之间也几乎没有什么关系。

    In the absence of metabolic abnormalities, obesity itself did not increase risk for cardiovascular disease and was a relatively weak risk factor for incident diabetes.


  • 作者警告说替代治疗并非没有风险,比如会发生前列腺癌。女性水平升高会最近糖尿病心血管疾病风险

    But the authors warn that it is not without its risks, which include prostate cancer. And high testosterone in women boosts the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


  • 心血管疾病癌症糖尿病慢性疾病发生饮食扮演的角色

    The role of diet in the development of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.


  • 研究证实通过联合生活方式对抗心血管系统疾病药物治疗可以减少超过50%的心脏病发生危险

    Research has proven that the risk of heart disease can be reduced by more than 50% through a combination of lifestyle approaches and medications that protect against cardiovascular disease.


  • 作者数百万绝经后妇女应用多种维生素多数希望能够预防慢性疾病癌症心血管疾病发生

    The authors wrote that millions of postmenopausal women take multivitamins, many of them in the hope that they will prevent chronic diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.


  • 众所周知动脉硬化进程心血管疾病发生重要作用

    It is well known that the arterial stiffening process has a major role in the development of cardiovascular diseases.


  • 目前研究人员正在研究这种药物是否能够预防健康人心血管疾病发生不仅仅是治疗已经患病

    The researchers are studying whether the pill can prevent cardiovascular disease from developing in healthy people, rather than treating people who are already ill.


  • 因此牙龈感染似乎增加个体炎性负荷增加心血管疾病发生危险

    Thus, gum infections seem to add to the inflammatory burden on individuals, increasing cardiovascular risk, the researchers say.


  • 借由代谢症候群筛选早期治疗减少心血管疾病发生

    The occurrence of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by the screening and early treatment of metabolic syndrome.


  • 使我们想起长期偏爱熬夜常会发生代谢紊乱心血管疾病

    This brings us back to the idea that repeated partial sleep restriction in humans has been linked to metabolic dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.


  • 结论联素水平下降可能老年糖尿病高危人群糖耐量异常肥胖血脂异常和心血管疾病发生重要作用

    Conclusion: the decline of plasma adiponectin level may play an important role in the development of abnormal glucose tolerance, adiposity, abnormal blood lipid and cardiovascular disease in elders.


  • 目的探讨高血糖心血管疾病发生相关性

    Objective: To investigate the postprandial hyperglycemia and cardiovascular diseases related to each other.


  • 心肌纤维化由于心肌间质胶原沉积增多,各型胶原比例失调所导致,可发生多种心血管疾病

    Myocardial fibrosis is caused by overdeposition of myocardial interstitial collagen and proportion disorder of all kinds of collagen, and it occurs in many heart diseases.


  • 兽医非常清楚超重宠物发生各种健康问题危险明显增加包括心血管疾病糖尿病关节问题。

    Veterinarians are well aware that overweight pets are at a higher risk of developing various health problems, from cardiovascular conditions to diabetes to joint problems.


  • 提前绝经期可以表现情绪变化,也可以增加发生骨质疏松心血管疾病这样的健康问题风险

    Early menopause can be an emotional blow and can increase the risk of health problems, including osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.


  • 氧化应激认为与这些患者心血管疾病发生过程有关。

    Oxidative stress has been proposed to play a role in the development of cardiovascular disease among these patients.


  • 某些心血管疾病发生防治具有十分重要意义

    It has important significance in occurrence and prevention in patients with cardiovascular disease.


  • 背景代谢综合征(MS)多种代谢异常同时发生于同一个体的临床现象可明显增加心血管疾病危险性

    BackgroundMetabolic syndrome (MS) is the co-occurrence of multiple metabolic abnormalities in individuals and this clustering phenomenon drastically increase risk for cardiovascular disease.


  • 背景代谢综合征(MS)多种代谢异常同时发生于同一个体的临床现象可明显增加心血管疾病危险性

    BackgroundMetabolic syndrome (MS) is the co-occurrence of multiple metabolic abnormalities in individuals and this clustering phenomenon drastically increase risk for cardiovascular disease.


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