• 发生导致损失或者损害事故投保人立即通知投保公司代理人查勘

    In any event or accident that may result in loss or damage, the insured should give the insurance company's agent an immediate notice applying for survey.


  • 了解干细胞细胞决定”是理解组织内稳态畸变发生导致疾病至关重要部分。

    Knowing the identity of the stem cell is crucial to understanding tissue homeostasis and its aberrations upon disease.


  • 这些只是大概的数字需要一个习惯改变的程度,将来有没什么事情发生导致你又回到过去。

    These are rough numbers, and depend on how difficult the habit is and also whether anything comes up in the future to derail the habit.


  • 他们必须准备好以某种角度经历崩溃结果没有拒绝可能,由于地震发生导致地区的食物缺乏正常的。

    Be prepared to experience some degree of disruption as a result and without going overboard, allow for shortages of food in areas that are normally affected by earthquake activity.


  • servletservice方法覆盖请求第一次进入创建一个continuation暂停请求,直到超时时间已到,或者发生导致重新开始的事件。

    The servlet's service method is overridden to create a continuation when the request first comes in and suspends it until either the timeout is hit or another event causes it to resume.


  • 的话力量最终导致事情发生甚至是

    Your words have power to finally cause things to happen, even life or death.


  • 意味着话语最终导致事情发生甚至是决定生死力量

    This means that your words have power to finally cause things to happen, even life or death.


  • 我们愿望导致事情发生这样幼稚想法,我们很多时候并没有成熟能够摆脱。

    Very often, we do not completely outgrow that infantile notion that our wishes cause things to happen.


  • 1998年,一个大型对冲基金导致金融体系动荡并且同样情况可能再次发生

    A large hedge fund caused the financial system to wobble in 1998, and the same could happen again.


  • 如果因为任何原因这些事情没有发生祖先的种种特性也许就不会消失,从而导致返祖现象。

    If for any reason this does not happen, the ancestral feature may not disappear, leading to an atavism.


  • 过度乐观可能会助长不良投资模式导致出现房地产“泡沫”,篇报告作者这种潜在后果只是一笔带过,认为这种后果尚未发生

    While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real-estate "bubble," the report's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred.


  • 本世纪文明做出最大贡献可能空调美国人导致情况发生速度同样令人惊讶。

    The greatest contribution to civilization in the century may well be the air-conditioning and American leads just as amazing is the speed with which this situation came to be.


  • 该市记者,其中袭击发生在白天,导致齐齐军事基地周围部分墙壁倒塌

    Correspondents in the city say the raids, one of them in daylight, caused the collapse of sections of the walls around the Bab al-Azizia military complex.


  • 例如,对动物研究表明老鼠在怀孕期间经历压力导致胎儿表观遗传发生变化,进而导致啮齿动物成长过程中出现行为问题

    Studies of animals, for example, have shown that when a rat experiences stress during pregnancy, it can cause epigenetic changes in a fetus that lead to behavioral problems as the rodent grows up.


  • 辽宁省幼儿园发生疑似食物中毒事件导致名儿童送往医院

    A case of suspected food poisoning in a kindergarten in Liaoning Province has led to several children being sent to hospital.


  • 气候变化加速某些地区浮游植物生长同时减少其他地区的浮游植物,导致海洋外观发生变化

    Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas, while reducing it in other spots, leading to changes in the ocean's appearance.


  • 他们发生争论,结果导致汤姆喝醉了酒

    They had an argument, which culminated in Tom getting drunk.


  • 可能冬季土壤发生生物过程导致夏季灌木生长增加,原因如下微生物”,生活土壤中的微生物。

    It may be biological processes that occur in the soil in the winter, that cause increased shrub growth in the summer, and here's how: there are "microbes", microscopic organisms that live in the soil.


  • 稀稀落落常住人口休闲活动尤其是滑雪)的发展导致当地生态系统发生重大长期变化

    A thinly scattered permanent population and development of leisure activities, particularly skiing, have resulted in significant long-term changes to the local ecosystems.


  • 年前世界上唯一里克海龟筑巢地——贝克海滩发生了一起重大化学物质泄漏事件导致当年几乎所有海龟无法孵化

    A major chemical spill occurred five years ago at Baker's Beach, the world's sole nesting ground for Merrick sea turtles, and prevented nearly all the eggs laid that year from hatching.


  • 保证,我们一切可能找出导致失误发生原因

    I assure you we will do everything possible to find out why the mistake happened.


  • 全球需求不可预测性以及为了满足需求而增加更多奶牛所需滞后时间可能会导致近期奶酪过剩等事件发生

    The unpredictability of global demand and the lag time it takes to add more cows to a herd to meet demand can result in events like the recent cheese surplus.


  • 大多数经济学家并不认为价格操纵发生因为他们认为公司之间一系列明确协议所导致的。

    Most economists do not see price-fixing when it occurs because they expect it to be brought about by a number of explicit agreements among large firms.


  • 这种风险全球变暖将会导致飓风频频发生

    The risk is that global warming will make hurricanes more common.


  • 地球火星大小的撞击物发生如此巨大的碰撞可能导致了月球的形成。

    Such a titanic collision between Earth and a Mars-size impactor may have given rise to Earth's Moon.


  • 我们无法了解导致我们产生数字概念事件发生顺序

    It is impossible to learn the sequence of events that led to our developing the concept of number.


  • 设定了限速,反而导致公路一些危险情况发生

    When you've got speed limit, this creates situations that actually present dangers on the road.


  • 设定了限速,反而导致公路一些危险情况发生

    When you've got speed limit, this creates situations that actually present dangers on the road.


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