• 此次发现炸弹促使当局加强安全工作

    The discovery of the bomb prompted an increase in security.


  • 当然他们没有发现炸弹

    Of course, they found no bomb.


  • 位发言人他们检查了飞机没有发现炸弹,却导致飞机晚点一个半小时他们经常接到这样警告

    A spokesman said the plane was checked, no bomb was found and the aircraft left an hour and a half late. He added that such alerts were relatively common.


  • 警察拆除了市中心一幢大楼里发现炸弹的引信。

    Police have defused a bomb found in a downtown building.


  • 他们发现科学家接受霍华德·休斯医学研究所的资金后,他们失败更多——但是同样创作了更高品质的“重磅炸弹”般的研究论文

    They found that once scientists received HHMI funding, they produced more failures-but also far more highly cited "blockbuster" research papers.


  • 调查人员袭击者周三入住万豪酒店18房间组装炸弹,爆炸后在此房间发现颗未引爆炸弹

    Investigators say the bombers had checked in to the Marriott on Wednesday and assembled the bombs in a room on the 18th floor, where an unexploded device was found after the blasts.


  • 炸弹装置放在一个汽车里,试图加入护送高级官员前往警察局总部车队中,警方发现,这辆装载着炸弹汽车被转移至警察总署的停车场爆炸。

    The device is in a car that tried to join a convoy escorting a senior official into the headquarters. The car was spotted and diverted into the police building's car park, where it exploded.


  • 清洁工表示说他们一个垃圾桶发现疑似炸弹物体一个手机通过红色黑色电线连接着一个黑色的圆柱形物体。

    A street sweeper said they discovered the suspected bomb in a trash can, which has a cellular phone with black and red wires connected to a black circular object.


  • 来自英国官方报道显示,苏格兰发现座临时炸弹工厂指出至少名汽车炸弹嫌犯在工厂所在宅院里面居住过

    Reports out of Britain state authorities have found a makeshift bomb factory in Scotland. They say the factory is in a house where at least two of the suspects in the failed car bombings lived.


  • 自从上个月架前往美国飞机发现邮包炸弹以来包括德国在内的西欧大部分国家都加强了戒备

    Much of western Europe, including Germany, has been on heightened alert since early last month, when package bombs were found on two U. S. -bound airplanes.


  • 这样,万一收到炸弹恐吓便可以迅速视察大厦内公众地方即时发现任何可疑的盒子包裹其他物件

    That way, if a bomb threat was received, it would be possible to do a quick inspection of the public areas of the building. Any strange boxes, packages, or other objects would immediately be detected.


  • 星期一巴格达路边炸弹炸死至少炸伤若干有关当局巴格达地区发现至少夜间丢弃带有弹痕的尸体

    Roadside bombs in Baghdad Monday killed at least three people and wounded several others. Authorities also found at least eight bodies with bullet wounds dumped in the capital area overnight.


  • 星期一巴格达路边炸弹炸死至少炸伤若干有关当局巴格达地区发现至少夜间丢弃带有弹痕的尸体

    Roadside bombs in Baghdad Monday killed at least three people and wounded several others. Authorities also found at least eight bodies with bullet wounds dumped in the capital area overnight.


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