• 课程学习方式接受学习发现性学习整合

    Curriculum learning method is to integrate acceptance learning method with discovery learning method.


  • 对于碧咸深入研究学习脂肪存在意义,我们共发现课程

    From the rigorous study of David Beckham to the existential meaning of fat, here are 10 courses that may not get you a job, but would definitely make for entertaining lectures...


  • 笔者希望发现教育意义所以我们继续下一个章节“平台产品提供”,完成这一部分的学习

    I hope you found it educational so far, so let us finish by looking into Platform and product offers.


  • 这项发现从来没有被真正复制过提出了一个引发人们兴趣可能某种联系学习单细胞生命形式有可能实现的。

    The finding was never properly reproduced, but it raised the intriguing possibility that some sort of associated learning was possible for single-cell life forms.


  • 发现自己不足意识学习英语重要

    You will find your deficiencies and realize the importance of learning English.


  • 语言学发现,不太能容忍模糊学习语言会比较困难。

    Linguists have found that students with a low tolerance of ambiguity tend to struggle with language learning.


  • 语言学发现,不太能容忍模糊学习语言会比较困难。

    Linguists shave found that students with a low tolerance of ambiguity tend to struggle with language learning.


  • 布鲁发现学习开拓研究教学先河,萨奇曼的研究训练教学模式研究教学奠定了操作基础

    Bruner's "discovery learning" exploited a new field for research-oriented instruction, and Suchman's model for the analysis of inquiry laid an operational basis for this instruction.


  • 研究发现大多数调查学生属于串珠学习风格听力理解过程中对词汇依赖很强。

    Findings from this study indicate that most students investigated belong to the beading learning style so they rely greatly on words in the process of listening comprehension.


  • 综上所发现学习英语重要因此努力学习英语。

    From the above points, you can see the importance of learning English. Therefore, work hard at learning English.


  • 研究还就探究学习启发式教学发现学习以及研究学习组相关概念做了辨析澄清对探究性学习认识

    The research discriminate several correlative concepts which are inquiry learning, heuristic teaching, discovery learning and investigative learning so as to clarify the understanding.


  • 菜单作为发现学习界面功能工具所表现出重要我们一章后面还要进一步讨论

    We discuss the significance of menus as a means of discovering and learning the functions of an application at length later in this chapter.


  • 问题发现确定研究学习关键一个环节

    Finding problem and fixing on it is a key step in inquiry learning.


  • 我们通过合作学习理论建构主义理论深入研究发现两种理论具有互补的。

    Through the deep study of cooperative learning theory and constructive theory, we find that these two theories are complementary to each other.


  • 透过这些问题我们发现问题根本症结在于教师实施小组合作学习时缺乏有效观念

    Through this problem, we find the key to the problem is that teacher lacks concept about effective cooperative learning.


  • 在这里工作发现——是的这些孩子在学习上花很多时间,刻苦他们纪律非常强。

    Working here, I find-ok, these kids study a lot, they work hard, they're super disciplined.


  • 正如以上所述皮亚杰研究强调主动发现被动接收重要内在动机实用学习情况创造批判思维

    As stated above, Piaget's research emphasized active discovery over passive reception and the importance of intrinsic motivation, practical learning situations, and creative and critical thinking.


  • 针对考试代表孩子一定阶段学习成果因此结果有关,在测试发现发现问题应该家长重视

    The targeted examinations present a child's learning outcome at a certain stage. Therefore, related to the results, the problems found in these tests should be valued by parents.


  • 决策方法发现概念描述空间一种特别有效方法,是实例学习具有代表学习方法专门用于处理大量对象

    The decision tree method is the effective method of detecting for concept describing space and the representative learning way in exampling learning of which specially dispose mass object.


  • 研究通过对1986名中学生进行问卷调查,发现中学生研究学习开展态度比较积极同时遇到一定困难阻力

    The questionnaires completed by 1986 middle-school students show that they take an active attitude towards research-type of studies, but they also meet with some problems and difficulties.


  • 老年痴呆患者除学习记忆障碍外,发现内有聚集,有神经纤维缠结中枢碱能神经功能低下变化。

    It is also discovered that Alzheimer's disease has similar symptoms such as learning and memory impairment, functional decrease of central cholinergic nerve, NFTs and gathered aluminum in the brain.


  • 网上,你发现大量带有娱乐学习英语材料

    Go online to see a world of pathways to English with entertaining learning materials.


  • 通过调查分析,可以发现初中语文综合学习实施过程中已具备一些有利条件,但同时也存在一定的问题

    Through the analysis of the investigation , the author puts that there are advantages as well as problems in implementing the comprehensive learning of junior middle school language curriculum .


  • 实验发现这些缺陷产生两个根本原因——微观神经元病态和宏观的学习盲目

    The experimental show that these defects evolve from two basic reasons—the microcosmic morbidity of neuron.


  • 当然发现存在问题不足进一步经济常识课教学开展研究学习提供了可供借鉴的经验

    However I also found some problem and insufficiency, which provide some experience for me to carry out Inquiring Learning in the teaching of universal knowledge course of economics in future.


  • 小鼠实验,研究人员发现它们痛觉有关与条件恐惧学习行为有关。

    In experiments in mice they have been implicated in pain sensation and fear-conditioned learning.


  • 但是许多探索这种修补方法外科医生发现学习过程腹腔镜胆囊切除术或者开放修补术时间而且具有挑战

    However, many surgeons who explored this approach to hernia repair found the learning process to be longer and more challenging than that seen for laparoscopic cholecystectomy or open herniorrhaphy.


  • 研究学习作为一种学习活动强调主动探究自主发现问题解决问题,可以各科教学中渗透运用

    As a learning activity, Research-Based learning emphasizes active researching, independent problem finding and solving and it can be used in the permeating subject teaching.


  • 研究学习作为一种学习活动强调主动探究自主发现问题解决问题,可以各科教学中渗透运用

    As a learning activity, Research-Based learning emphasizes active researching, independent problem finding and solving and it can be used in the permeating subject teaching.


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