• 有着粗壮的利爪及长有力的脖子躯干覆盖羽毛,它的就像一个长矛

    It had massive legs, taloned claws, and a long, powerful neck. Its body was covered in bristling, hair-like feathers, and its beak resembled a spear.


  • 所以毛细胞,是因为这种细胞一个状的纤维

    The name giving part for the hair cell is so-called a hair bundle.


  • 器官许多微小状的结构,它随着液体流动而移动

    On the sides of the organ are many tiny hair-like structures that move around as the liquid flows.


  • 每一个健康人肺叶都含有短短的须茬,名叫纤毛它们向上、向外扫动,将液、细菌以及尘埃推出

    Every healthy person's lungs contain short hairlike bristles known as cilia, which sweep up and out, pushing mucus, germs, and dirt away.


  • 他们尽量他们车辆配备各种小装置应付任何可能的发状

    They try to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency.


  • 最近一个翼龙标本覆盖相对发状化石材料,这第一明确证据,证明推理正确的。

    The recent discovery of a pterosaur specimen covered in long, dense, and relatively thick hairlike fossil material was the first clear evidence that his reasoning was correct.


  • 聪明地开展工作公共关系一份节奏的工作,你会被很多工作的最后期限驱赶着,你必须服务为导向,准时完成,这期间还会接二连三地被突发状况打断。 几乎从来没有朝九五的日子。

    Work Smarter: Public relations is often fast-paced, deadline driven and service oriented—and at times, peppered with curve balls.


  • 但是那些变化正常流程一部分事件那些触发状变化但不是正常流程一部分的事件之间明显差异

    However, there is a clear distinction between events that trigger a change in state as part of the normal flow and events that trigger state changes and are not part of the normal flow.


  • 越来越公司组织加入提议中,我们欢迎所有促进软件兴趣的公司和个人加入

    More and more companies and organizations are joining the proposal, and we welcome any company and individual with an interest in furthering the state of software development to join.


  • 幸运未来的几个时间里开始好转,而且开始正常生长孩子个月到一岁时,态会恢复到正常值。

    Thankfully the hair loss should stabilize in a few months and your locks will resume their usual rate of growth and everyday strand loss when your child is nine months to one year old.


  • 服务生命周期服务可能处于以及态间转换的事件组成。

    Service life cycle comprises the states services may be in and the events that trigger transitions between these states.


  • 壶有效性更加具有生物学意义解释一种称为纤毛细小结构有关,排列鼻腔以及鼻窦腔内

    A more biological explanation for how the Neti pot works has to do with tiny, hair-like structures called cilia that line the inside of the nasal and sinus cavities.


  • 因此今天黑龙江的未开发状众多河流一个光荣的例外,越靠近河口人觉得遥远而偏僻。

    And so, today, the undeveloped Amur is a glorious exception to other rivers. The closer to the mouth, the more remote it feels.


  • 重新分片是个很复杂问题设计过程加以考虑可能管理生产应用程序时造成严重的况。

    Resharding is a complicated problem, and it has the potential to cause major complications in the management of your production application if it is not considered during the design.


  • 但是怎样种讽刺竞争美国小姐可能特尔面临最大压力可是发状看起来越来越轻了。

    But how's this for ironic: Competing for the Miss America pageant is probably the most pressure Martell's ever been under, yet her alopecia seems to be getting better.


  • 知道一点你理清的想法需要,在你的计划打乱时简单的进行安排顺利度过危机。

    Knowing that you can clarify your wants and needs if you're buffeted by a difficult situation may make it easier to imagine surviving it.


  • 事件之间转换

    Events trigger transitions between states.


  • 并不是他们想到每个发状况都有应对计划,欧元区的企业主们既恐惧又气愤杂着质疑。

    When not planning for every contingency they can think of, Europe’s industrial bosses oscillate between fear, anger and disbelief.


  • 找到压力方法一旦一个他的节食计划出现了旧病态,那么这个阶段一般生活压力最大的时段

    Find Ways to Combat stress - Whenever someone has a relapse in their diet, it is usually during a particularly stressful time in their life.


  • 款“赛博蜗牛”概念车则象征了激发状态的神经元以及其几位兴奋突触活动

    The CYBERSNAIL is an allegory for firing neurons and hyper synaptic activity. I want to read this comic!


  • 款“赛博蜗牛”概念车则象征了激发状态的神经元以及其几位兴奋突触活动。

    The CYBERSNAIL is an allegory for firing neurons and hyper synaptic activity.I want to read this comic!


  • 对于他们来说塔塔他们也很钦羡英国人管理流程的专注----不仅仅是应对,而且还解决实际问题根源。

    For their part, Tata folk admire the British obsessionwith management process—with solving a problem, not just fixing a situation.


  • 头像上的胡须精心雕刻成的,雕像上的耳垂显露出独一无二的深深折痕也证明,这座雕像就是哈德大帝真实古典肖像

    He is bearded with carefully coiffed curly hair, and that unmistakable deep diagonal crease in the earlobes which helps identify authentic ancient portraits of Hadrian.


  • 一新就是这种蛋白质处于纤维束适当位置

    And this is one of the new findings that we have is the protein that is at the tip of the hair bundles right at the correct place.


  • 提供与Eclipse连接器(enabling Mylyncontext)以便校对Rally中的源代码一致性。

    Connector for Eclipse enabling Mylyn context, to allow collation of Rally development status and source code context.


  • 自动地关联来自不同控制测试缺陷跟踪工具数据高层观察产品能力

    The ability to automatically correlate data from disparate source control, testing, and defect tracking tools to provide a high-level view of product development status.


  • 这些绑定处于不同,成熟度各不相同;可以通过cairo项目主页了解它们的最新情况(参考资料中的链接)。

    Each of the bindings is in a separate state of developmental maturity; please refer to the Cairo project home page (see Resources for a link) for up-to-the-minute details on each.


  • 位于华盛顿美国大学人类学家RobertAlbro认为他们目前这些模型往往浪费时间

    In their current state of development, says Robert Albro, ananthropologist at American University in Washington DC, the models are often awaste of time.


  • 并集(union)

    Concurrency state of the union.


  • 其中紫色喷发状物质几百万高温气体ChandraX射线天文中心探测其他颜色展示斯隆数字星空调查光学图片中的一些星系

    The purple emission is multi-million degree gas detected in X-rays by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the other colors show galaxies in an optical image from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.


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