• 发展清洁能源应为环保政策核心

    Developing clean energy should be placed at the core of the new environmental protection policy.


  • 各国政府需要制订促进经济环境充分发展能源政策

    Governments need to formulate energy policies that promote economically and environmentally sound development.


  • 少量汽油税帮助美国摆脱对石油进口依赖绿色能源发展创造动力

    A small gasoline tax would help free America from its dependence on oil imports and create incentives for green energy development.


  • 在未来2030年里我们致力于建立联盟发展安全能源供应

    We're to be focusing on building alliances to develop secure energy supplies for the next 20 to 30 years.


  • 低碳经济实际上就是有效利用能源发展绿色能源还有追求绿色发展

    In essence, low-carbon economy is efficient usage of energy, development of clean energy and pursuit of green development.


  • 这个全球思维转变时代,华盛顿在推动替代能源发展方面作为或是不作为,其影响越来越小。

    What Washington does—or doesn't do—to promote alternative energy may mean less and less at a time of a global shift in thought.


  • 废物回收创造更多就业机会刺激当地经济发展,为产品循环利用产业提供精制原料削减控污能源支出

    Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a more refined raw material.


  • 能源可持续发展专家表示我们未来能源需求的答案可能来自大量压缩,包括传统和替代性的压缩。

    Energy and sustainability experts say the answer to our future energy needs will likely come from a lot of comprise—both traditional and alternative.


  • 然而如果化石燃料价格长期保持低位可再生能源发展进程可能非常脆弱

    Progress in the development of renewables could be fragile, however, if fossil fuel prices remain low for long.


  • 即便严重依赖化石燃料出口经济体所在非洲中东发展可再生能源方面也巨大的潜力

    Even Africa and the Middle East, home to economies that are heavily dependent on fossil fuel exports, have enormous potential to develop renewables.


  • 无论是食品领域还是能源领域,展示许多可持续发展倡导者所共有理想主义。

    She exhibits the idealism common to many advocates of sustainability, be it in food or in energy.


  • 如果潮汐能风能波浪得到发展英国可以关闭天然气煤炭核能发电厂欧洲其他地区出口可再生能源

    If tide, wind and wave power are all developed, Britain would be able to close gas, coal and nuclear power plants and export renewable power to other parts of Europe.


  • 不断变化建筑规范人们逐渐发展品味以及维护这些精美标志牌高昂成本企业欣然接受了发光二极管它们节约能源成本仍然很高

    Changing building codes, evolving tastes, and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs, which are energy efficient but still carry great cost.


  • 变化建筑法规不断发展品味加上保养这些美丽而老旧指示牌所需高昂成本,都商家们更欢迎LED 灯,虽然 LED 灯节省能源但是成本依然很高

    Changing building codes, evolving tastes, and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs, which are energy efficient, but still carry great cost.


  • 被认为是一种很有发展前景的绿色能源来源,可用来为沿海地区发电。

    It is considered a promising source of green energy to produce electricity in coastal areas.


  • 不含能源电池符合全球电池行业发展趋势

    The new energy battery without mercury and cadimium coincides with the development trend of the global battery industry.


  • 大力发展能源、新材料节能环保生物医药信息网络高端制造产业

    We need to vigorously develop new energy sources, new materials, energy conservation, environmental protection, biomedicine, information networks, and high-end manufacturing industries.


  • 巴西科学家开始研究种植加工热带水果蔬菜肉类生产森林管理,大力发展农业能源

    Brazilian scientists began working on everything from growing and processing tropical fruit and vegetables to producing meat, managing forests and, significantly, developing agri-energy.


  • 中国西部地区周边国家能源资源互补性很强,具有良好合作基础发展前景。

    The western region of China and our neighboring countries are highly complementary in energy and resources and there is a solid foundation for cooperation and bright prospects for development.


  • 推进传统能源清洁利用加强智能电网建设大力发展清洁能源

    We will give impetus to the clean use of traditional energy sources, intensify the construction of smart power grids, and vigorously develop clean energy.


  • 再生能源其它一些高效率的供能系统,在一地区地区根繁叶密,蓬勃发展起来。

    Renewable energy sources and greater efficiency measures are also proliferating across the region.


  • 作为节约能源降低成本方法,虚拟化正在迅猛发展,虚拟化还是计算架构的一个关键元素

    Virtualization is growing dramatically as a way to consolidate for power and cost savings but also as a key element of cloud computing architectures.


  • 等到他们发展壮大后,或许中国发现某些能源值得一试,才是能源产业地球希望所在

    When they have, China, too, may find some it likes the look of. Therein lies the best hope for the energy business, and the planet.


  • 2008年自然商品蓬勃发展高峰期,能源成为最大出口商品

    At the peak of the commodity boom in 2008, energy was Canada’s largest export.


  • 但是经济学家信贷紧缩全国各地带来影响即使能源蓬勃发展地区例外

    But economists say a credit crunch will affect all regions of the country. Even an economy buoyed by a booming energy sector is not immune.


  • 即使那些看好替代能源发展前景汽车制造商表示内燃发动机几十年内他们最主要推进系统

    Even those automakers who are most bullish on alternative energy say that the IC engine will remain their primary propulsion system for decades.


  • 监管透明度尤其应对气候变化政策方面监管透明度将是决定可再生能源技术油气市场未来发展趋势关键因素

    Regulatory clarity, particularly surrounding anti-climate change policies, is key to future developments, not only of renewable energy technologies but also of hydrocarbons.


  • 可再生能源现在满足国家能源7%需求最近几年公共补贴推动几种替代能源资源的飞跃发展

    Renewable energy now meets 7 percent of the nation's energy needs, and public subsidies have promoted a leap for several alternative energy sources in recent years.


  • 可再生能源现在满足国家能源7%需求最近几年公共补贴推动几种替代能源资源的飞跃发展

    Renewable energy now meets 7 percent of the nation's energy needs, and public subsidies have promoted a leap for several alternative energy sources in recent years.


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