• 罗尔夫反思模型基于1970年博尔顿的发展模型

    Rolfe's reflective model is based around Borton's 1970 developmental model.


  • 树形模型表示语言家族发展显示或更多语言密切相关程度一种便捷方式

    The tree model is a convenient way of representing the development of a language family and of showing how closely related two of more languages are.


  • 因为混沌理论基本观点这样模型存在——不存在确定形式只有发展变化中的模式

    Because the basic idea of chaos theory is that there aren't any "models" as such—there aren't guaranteed forms, but rather patterns of change in development.


  • 本文通过对包含运动学动力学特征新型CAD模型理论应用研究预示理论和方法有很大发展潜力广阔的应用前景。

    This thesis researches on the theory and application of the new CAD model having kinematics and dynamics feature, which also indicates its great development potential and widely application future.


  • 企业所处的外部市场环境内部市场环境出发,建立市场模型企业发展前景进行评价

    In this paper, we construct a two-market model to appraise an enterprise's development prospect from its internal and external market environments.


  • 一种可靠可重复有效并且经济同种异体骨移植愈合动物模型优先发展的。

    The development of a reliable, reproducible, efficient, and economical animal model of allograft healing was the first priority.


  • 随着计算机技术飞速发展,人们研究冰水两相问题越来越采用数学模型的方法。

    With the rapid development of the computer technology, the mathematic model is adopted more and more when it comes to study in ice-water two-phase flow.


  • 研究活体模型小鼠帮助我们开始理解白血病发展过程中发生初期事件

    Studying live models like this mouse strain helps us begin to understand the earliest events in the development of leukemia.


  • 汽车制造者不再生产便宜模型并且发展不在建造那些战后一代房屋买者建造平房

    Automobile makers no longer manufacture cheap models, and developers do not build the tiny bungalows that served the first postwar generation of home buyers.


  • 文中评述了森林可燃物分类可燃物模型及其预测研究现状简述我国森林可燃物研究存在问题发展趋势

    This paper discussed the current status of the study on classification, modeling and prediction of forest fuel, and presented briefly the weakness and development tendency of the study on forest fuel.


  • 论文最后指出离心模型试验技术目前存在一些问题今后发展趋势和研究方向。

    At last, this thesis points out some problems existing in the centrifuge model test technique and estimates the developing trend of this technique.


  • 尽管短波窄带信道模型已经诞生几十,但是随着短波通信宽带发展已经不能适应复杂短波宽带信道条件

    Although narrowband models of the HF channel have existed for many years, with the development of the HF communication they are not applicable to the complex wideband HF channel conditions.


  • 阐述目前环境模型不确定性分析方法应用存在问题发展趋势

    Finally the existing problem and development trend of uncertainty analysis method in environment model were presented.


  • 专利主要构成因素进行分析,在基础上选择合理的专利发展趋势预测模型

    This paper makes analysis on the main component factors and, based on this, selects rational models for forecasting patent developing trends.


  • 最后展望信用风险模型发展趋势。

    Finally, trend of development of credit risk models is studied.


  • 本文利用计量模型反映中国零售业市场发展趋势指标进行趋势分析,得到正大集团应该进入中国零售市场的结论

    We will utilize mathematics model to forecast the trend of the development of China retail market and draw a conclusion that Charoen Pokphand Group should step into China retail market.


  • 本文发展经济学援助评价理论基础建立计量模型利用1980年以来的数据,对上述问题作了一个尝试性的评价。

    This paper tries to establish an econometric model based on aid theory of development economics and to answer the above question using national data from 1980.


  • 广东发展银行信贷管理系统测试工作量采用利用预估基础模型预报方法

    Model Forecast Method Basis of Estimates was applied for the software testing effort estimation of Guangdong Development Bank Credit Management System.


  • 分析了1993~2003年火灾统计数据,应用自适应过滤模型预测火灾发展趋势

    The author analyzes the fire statistic date from 1993 to 2003, and forecasts the fire development trends by adaptive filtering model.


  • 本文提出了一种基于用户满意度理论住宅市场分析模型用于分析我国住宅市场的现状预测发展前景

    Based on the customer satisfaction theory, a model of the housing market analysis is proposed to analyze the present conditions of the Chinese housing market and predict its developing prospects.


  • 最后简要指出地下水资源计算随机模型应用特点发展趋势

    Finally the paper briefly presents the features of the application of the random model in groundwater resources calculation and its development trend.


  • 大气扩散模型GIS整合是当前重要发展趋势

    Integration of GIS and air pollution diffusion model has already become an important trend.


  • 模型可以较好的预测SARS发展趋势,且可以就此趋势提出如何控制SARS传播措施

    This model well forecasts the spreading trend of SARS, according to which proper advices can be put forward on controlling policies.


  • 第三部分旅游产业发展潜力评估模型构建。

    In third part, put forth the tourism development potentialities assessment model.


  • 尝试预测发生什么如果不是按照预期发展的,你就要思考认识世界模型是不是有什么不对

    You try and predict what's going to happen, then when it doesn't, you think: What is it about my model of the world that's wrong?


  • 遗传方法对灰色理论建模数据进行全局优化基础上,建立预测冻结法施工中外层井壁承受冻结压力发展趋势智能灰色理论模型

    On the basis of the global optimization of data which is used to build up mold, the artificial intelligent grey theory mold was established to forecast the freeze pressure development trend.


  • 随着计算机技术飞速发展精馏过程模型仿真成为化工工艺设计操作分析的主要工具

    With the development of computer technology, the modeling and simulation of rectifying process already become the mainly tools on chemical technological design and operation.


  • 基于滑坡体结构发展趋势链式原理建立滑坡结构体模型并进行理论分析

    Landslide in the Development based on the chain principle, to establish landslide for the structure of the model theory.


  • 本文根据现场实测巷道围岩位移量测信息利用灰色GM(1,1)模型预测巷道位移未来发展趋势达到预测预报巷道变形目的

    According to field information, this paper USES GM (1, 1) to predict future displacement development tendency, so forecasting and predicting deformation is easy to obtain.


  • 第五比较分析评价系统模型系统发展趋势方向进行预测

    The last part compares, analyzes and evaluates the system model and proposes the prediction of the development of the system.


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