• 我们机构发展国家地方团体密切协作

    Our agencies work closely with local groups in developing countries.


  • 坚信教育一个国家经济发展通向进步的关键因素

    He firmly believes that education and a country's economic development are key factors to progress.


  • 过去许多发展国家援助计划误用了

    Many of the aid projects in the developing world have been misdirected in the past.


  • 这个国家发展初期的困难一些同情看法。

    There's some sympathy for this new country's growing pains.


  • 随着其他国家发展并且更多钱来购买美国产品贸易差额应该拉平

    As other nations grow and spend more money on American products, the balance of trade should even out.


  • 许多发展国家森林正在迅速萎缩

    Forests are fast shrinking in many developing countries.


  • 许多发展国家生活水平仍然很低

    The standard of living in many developing countries is still low.


  • 西方机动车辆造成问题发展国家往往被放大

    The problems caused by motorized vehicles in the West are often magnified in developing nations.


  • 发展国家需要可持续发展背景下采取适当适应减缓行动

    The developing countries also need to take due adaptation and mitigation actions in the context of sustainable development.


  • 可能发展国家经济又一次打击

    It may be another blow to the economy in developing countries.


  • 发展国家获得STEM学科学位的学生美国多得多。

    Many more students earn degrees in the STEM disciplines in developing countries than in the United States.


  • 他们采取其他工业国家发展国家城市相似资源收费标准

    They take a similar toll of resources in other industrial nations and in the cities of the developing world.


  • 发展国家森林破坏情况迅速减缓

    Forest destruction in the developing world will quickly slow down.


  • 只有先进国家发展国家伸出援助之时,世界才能变得更好

    Only when advanced countries extend a helping hand to developing countries, can the world be a better place.


  • 工业用水发展国家还是发达国家占59%?

    Does industry use 59% of the water in developing countries or developed countries?


  • 某些方面发展国家肯定不同发达国家

    In some respects, developing countries are definitely different from developed countries.


  • 不幸是,发达国家掌握方面的大部分知识发展国家没有

    Unfortunately, rich countries possess most of this knowledge, while developing countries do not.


  • 发展国家背负巨额外债负担

    The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.


  • 这座城镇发展以小见大体现整个国家发展

    The developments in this town represent in microcosm what is happening in the country as a whole.


  • 援助应该附加条件地被提供发展国家

    Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached.


  • 这场辩论会使北方工业国家南方发展国家针锋相对。

    The debate will pit the industrial North against developing countries in the South.


  • 总的来说,生物技术发展国家来说应该好消息

    On balance, biotechnology should be good news for developing countries.


  • 并非所有发展国家愿意接受那些所谓自由贸易好处

    Not all developing countries are willing to accept the supposed benefits of free trade.


  • 只有经过很长时间以后,产品生产流程转移发展国家

    New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed.


  • 论坛成员们都赞同观点商业发展国家可以成为变革积极推动力

    The forum's members share his view that business can be a positive force for change in developing countries.


  • 他们经济发展国家羡慕

    Their economy is the envy of the developing world.


  • 发展国家香烟消费正在增长。

    In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing.


  • 20世纪90年代爱尔兰西欧经济发展最快国家之一

    Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s.


  • 20世纪90年代爱尔兰西欧经济发展最快国家之一

    Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s.


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