• 当局提出如果叛乱者同意停止袭击民用目标,他们就停止发射导弹

    The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets.


  • 主要研究攻击机发射导弹地面线状目标定向攻击作战效能评估

    This paper analyzes the operational effectiveness on the directional attacking upon linear objective on ground when attacker launches missile in the way of fixed axle.


  • 我们可以想象美国必须苏联进行如下对话使苏联相信美国发射导弹意图和平

    One can only imagine the conversation that would have had to take place to convince the Soviet Union of the U.S. 's peaceful intent with the launch of that missile.


  • 还有可能风云卫星中国基地发射导弹同时小行星太空垃圾击中这种概率小。

    Fengyun's loss also could be due to a massive meteoroid or orbital debris hit, occurring coincidentally within range of China's main space launch base. But the odds of that are even smaller.


  • 一次伊朗发射导弹照片,照片上4正在发射导弹不是其他照片所显示枚。

    A picture of missiles launched by Iran. A picture that purports to show four missiles being fired rather than the three shown in other photographs of the launching.


  • 或许有人认为更多螺旋体出现,那么权利集团再以俄罗斯发射导弹为由进行解释变得可信

    One might assume that many more such spirals will manifest and it will not be credible for TPTB to suggest misfired Russian missiles will be responsible for the spirals to come.


  • 提出了航空发动机防控制系统设计研制方法分析了当战斗机发射导弹扰动参数发动机影响

    The design and development methods of aeroengine anti-surge control system are presented. Effects of heat disturbance parameters on the engine are analyzed during missile launch.


  • 周四墨西哥城国务卿希拉里·克林顿表示发射导弹个“挑衅行为”——美国联合国安理会上提出此事。

    In Mexico City Thursday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that launching the missile would be "a provocative act" - one that the US would raise in the UN Security Council.


  • 翻译是:落后数数声,任意起始编号指示剩余时间事件发生的一操作发射导弹航天器

    The counting backward aloud from an arbitrary starting number to indicate the time remaining before an event or operation, such as the launching of a missile or space vehicle.


  • 利用固体燃气发生器作为控制力导弹进行侧向控制导弹末端控制垂直发射导弹转弯具有重要作用

    As control force source, the solid propellant gas generator was used to exert lateral force for the end control and the turn of vertical launching of missiles.


  • 这个特点为了控制各种导弹发射井而引发众多激烈战役因为这些导弹发射可以阶段性地发射导弹,击毁能量

    This can lead to lots of frantic battles to control the various missile silos, as they periodically loft up a missile that can damage the energy shield.


  • 全世界主要是美国北大西洋公约组织认为最好这个尼基塔家族的(赫鲁晓夫)保持距离,可能会发射导弹他们很多导弹我们最好对他门毕恭毕敬

    The whole world, primarily the United States and NATO thought: this Nikita is best left alone, he might just go and fire a missilethey have lots of them, we had better show some respect for them.


  • 作为StarWarsII导弹防御体系的一部分,它按照计划加利福尼亚发射导弹,这些导弹落入了片礁湖底板。 美国通过回收研究这些导弹进行科学分析

    Test missiles fired from California as part of the “Star Wars IImissile-defence programme regularly plunge spectacularly onto the lagoon floor, to be retrieved for scientific analysis.


  • 首都西部发射了多枚地对地导弹

    The surface-to-surface missiles were fired from the west of the capital.


  • 敌人发射导弹

    Missiles were fired at the enemy.


  • 严重担忧应该小时大部分时间里,那些避免未经授权发射美国导弹保障措施破解。

    But the more important concern should be that for the better part of an hour, the safeguards that protect against unauthorized launch of America's missiles were compromised.


  • 主动雷达一个被动参考单元以及微电脑系统结合一起,可使得导弹更少依靠飞机发射控制系统。

    It incorporates active radar with an inertial reference unit and micro-computer system, which makes the missile less dependent upon the fire-control system of the aircraft.


  • 平壤导弹发射被证实失败华盛顿方面多少有些宽慰,然而,随之而来的放弃会谈威胁,却是献给奥巴马一个难以应对的挑战

    Following some relief in Washington that Pyongyang's missile launch proved a failure, the threat to abandon the talks presents a formidable challenge to Obama.


  • 利用雷达光学传感器计算出入道弹轨迹然后车顶()发射出射弹去拦截导弹

    It USES radar and optical sensors to calculate the trajectory of an incoming warhead, and then intercepts it with a projectile fired from a roof-rack (pictured).


  • 根据以色列方面提供的消息当时一架直升飞机加沙地带辆正在逃离中的汽车发射一枚导弹炸死另外枪手他们的司机显然被炸死。

    Then, according to Israeli sources, a helicopter fired a missile at the getaway car in Gaza, killing the other two gunmen and apparently their driver.


  • 宙斯盾弹道导弹防御系统利用远程传感器预先提供实时信息由舰载SPY-1雷达捕捉入侵弹道导弹,并发射了一标准导弹进行拦截。

    The Aegis BMD system fired a Standard Missile using real-time information from a remote sensor prior to the shipboard SPY-1 radar acquiring the inbound ballistic missile.


  • FL-19六根导弹发射管、集成光电目标探测追踪单元轻型装甲卡车后部

    The FL-19 has six single-shot missile tubes with an integral electro-optical (EO) target detection and tracking unit, all mounted on the rear section of an armoured light truck.


  • 五角大楼表示固定价格合同包括253枚战术导弹5试验导弹20个发射改装套件13台装有发射解决方案计算机其他组件

    The Pentagon said the fixed-price contract would cover 253 tactical missiles, five test missiles, 20 launcher modification kits, 13 fire solution computers and other components.


  • 新闻画面中,靶机被战机发射空空导弹击中爆炸场面好莱坞影片《壮志凌云》中的镜头简直一模一样

    In the newscast, the way a target was hit by the air-to-air missile fired by a J-10 fighter aircraft and exploded looks almost identical to a cinema scene from the Hollywood film Top Gun.


  • 瞄准吊舱传感器能够使飞机一个安全距离防空火炮很多地对空导弹发射空对地武器

    NEWTOWN, Conn.- Targeting pods are sensors that to enable aircraft to discharge air-to-ground weapons at a safe distance from anti-aircraft artillery and many surface-to-air missiles.


  • 舰船受到导弹攻击的案例非常因此很难判断条战舰躲过导弹攻击的劫数多大,特别是在攻击者一次发射多枚导弹的情况下。

    But missile attacks on ships are rare, so it is difficult to know just how safe a ship really is-especially if an attacker launches a dozen or so missiles at once.


  • 一些专家认为,虽然中国这种导弹可能很难突破美军水面战舰发射最新型宙斯盾反导导弹拦截种拦截手段的效果可能更好

    China's missile might be vulnerable, some experts say, to America's newest Aegis intercept missiles, which are launched from ships. But a different type of countermeasure could be even more effective.


  • 一些专家认为,虽然中国这种导弹可能很难突破美军水面战舰发射最新型宙斯盾反导导弹拦截种拦截手段的效果可能更好

    China's missile might be vulnerable, some experts say, to America's newest Aegis intercept missiles, which are launched from ships. But a different type of countermeasure could be even more effective.


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