• 传感记录反映发出能量处理分析应用信息

    This is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that information.


  • 这样梦想脑海中,发出能量促使您努力奉献实现梦想

    With that, the dream can continue to glow in the mind and set off the energy and dedication to go all out to make it come true.


  • 这种效应达到能量几乎激光器本身发出能量一样导致激光束消失

    This cascade effect can have as much energy as the laser itself does, and result in the destruction of the laser.


  • 硫化锌粒子任何东西、辐射或大于一临界能量的粒子撞击时,发出辉光。

    When zinc sulfide is hit by particles or by anything, by radiation or by particles of greater than certain critical energy, there is a glow.


  • 评论说:“认为归功于速度,他伟大的技术以及空气中散发出能量。”

    He remarked: "I think that it is thanks to his speed, his great technique and his power in the air."


  • 话说,用于观察电子发出能量冲撞足以改变电子运行方式。

    In other words, the light used to observe the electron emits so much energy that its impact alters the electron's behavior.


  • 通过发出所谓霍金辐射黑洞逐渐失去能量质量

    By emitting this so-called Hawking radiation, a black hole would gradually lose energy and mass.


  • 由于中微子发出辐射它们应该失去对应能量

    As the neutrinos emitted this radiation, they ought to have been losing a commensurate amount of energy.


  • 无线电极发出超声脉冲时,电极中的接收器会因音波能量而震动

    When the pulse-generator sends an ultrasonic pulse to the wireless electrode, the sonic energy causes a receiver in the electrode to vibrate.


  • 这个能量很快显示到地球外大气层,将电离层中的原子击开,使它们发出普通太阳耀斑使它们发的的光。

    This energy soon showered Earth's upper atmosphere, tearing apart atoms in a region called the ionosphere to a greater depth than an ordinary solar flare and causing them to glow.


  • 通过统计发出X光数量,然后对照激光脉冲频率测量小组得出一个非常精确的测量值,从2s能级2p能级跃迁所需的量子能量

    By counting the number of such X-rays while scanning the frequency of the laser pulse, the team could make a very precise measurement of the photon energy required to drive the 2s-2p transition.


  • 灵性能量平衡中时别人发出疗愈能量会流动很轻松费力,不需要物理精神上努力

    When your spiritual energy is in balance, the healing energy you send forth to others flows easily and effortlessly, without physical or mental exertion.


  • 蓝色最喜欢颜色之一,搭,有舒缓作用红色橙色搭配发出新的能量

    Blue is one of my favorite colors, it's so versatile and soothing but when paired with red or orange it can take on a whole new level of energy.


  • 现在地球差不多有80亿英里,比地球距海王星冥王星轨道还要远,我们再也不会那里听到任何声音,因为再也不会有什么能量可以使它发出任何信号了。

    It is now nearly 8 billion miles away, past the orbits of Neptune and Pluto, and we will not hear from it again because it no longer has any power left with which to send out a signal.


  • 方法关键之处是要普通银灰色硅片蚀刻出1万亿个小孔使硅片的颜色几乎变为黑色,这样就吸收太阳发出的各种颜色的能量

    Essentially, the process etches a trillion holes in the normally silver-gray silicon which turns it almost completely black - and better able to absorb almost all of the colors the sun emits.


  • 感觉到内心发出能量这股能量慢慢缓和焦虑心,使不再紧张,让它知道它可以毫无顾忌地、大胆地、骄傲地、随意跳动。

    You feel an energy emanating from his heart and gently soothing yours. Easing it of tension.


  • 因为葡萄糖神经元活动能量来源,所以大脑中的短暂的葡萄糖浓度水平发出信号人赶快嘴里塞食物纵然能量其实消耗了九牛

    And because glucose fuels the neurons, a transitory low level in the brain may signal the stomach to get the hands to fill up the mouth, even though the energy actually spent has gone up just a hair.


  • 不久前德国大学学生团队宣布他们发出一种能量空气动力飞行器,它能能轨道传导途径汲取

    Not long ago, a team of German university students announced that they had created a small aerodynamic vehicle that draws power from conducting paths on a track.


  • 这会减少电磁场耳边发出能量缩短你被辐射的时间。

    This limits the power of the electromagnetic field emitted near your ear and the duration of your exposure.


  • 能量使问题远远大于追踪后给出的答案

    Its power will be felt even more from the new questions it provokes than from the answers it delivers.


  • 然后慢慢附近开始微微脉动能量荧光蔓延到整个直到它们一个巨大光网一样发出光芒

    Then, slowly, the trees around them begin to pulse with a faint radiant energy. The bioluminescence spreads throughout the roots, until they glow like a vast system of fiberoptics.


  • 新泽西州一家名为激光能量公司销售的“致激光器发出的绿光让2.4公里以外的目眩神迷

    Laser Energetics, in New Jersey, sells "Dazer Lasers" that emit a green beam capable of dazzling people up to 2.4km away.


  • 表明一迹象撞击掀起尘土中显示红外线光谱中的一些谱线,其频率分子能量激发发出光线的频率相应。

    The telltales are specific "lines" in the spectrum of infra-red light from the plume. These correspond to the frequencies of light given off when water molecules are energetically excited.


  • 令人惊讶的是,就是这样位置微小变化,却可以发出一大堆伟大的思想并且使能量水平得到更新

    It's amazing how such a tiny change in location can unlock a whole bunch of great ideas and renew your energy level.


  • 在那里冥想时直接发现了这个情况,此地发出一个半透明(或者能量场),有点类似盛夏柏油路看到的因地面升温而产生的幻象

    You discovered first hand while meditating there, the area exuded a translucent wave field, similar to the mirage you see when observing heat rising from tarmac roads in the height of summer.


  • 隐约可见侧面一只急速奔跑;只豹子惊人的能量

    One beast is seen in profile, the other racing away; both burst with frightening energy.


  • 这些分子葡萄糖散能量副作用产生的。

    These molecules are created as a side effect of the release of energy from glucose.


  • 测量发出伽马射线同时,散碎片释放能量我们称之为裂变

    It can measure the gamma rays that the uranium emits when it spontaneously breaks up in pieces and energy is released we call that fission.


  • 测量发出伽马射线同时,散碎片释放能量我们称之为裂变

    It can measure the gamma rays that the uranium emits when it spontaneously breaks up in pieces and energy is released we call that fission.


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