• 他们能够经过在线信息他人聊天理解外面发作地

    They can go on message boards and chat with people over the Internet, get to know what's happening outside.


  • 了解不只局限原文言语包罗言语之外一些工具比方工作发作时间以及其他布景学问

    Comprehend not only language of limit at the original text, more want to include the language outside of some thing, for example time, location and other background knowledge of the affair occurrence.


  • 自己们有一些问题不是自己们发作可是自己们曾经尽可能做到最好自己十分感激自己团队自己拿到这个排位

    We had some issues, which we don't want to happen, but we did the best job possible, and I'm very thankful to the team that we got it all sorted.


  • 在这时,自己差点就心脏病发作,因为听到就在他身边,轻轻朝他了两声(不过我倒记著他问什么事,我想我那时睡著了)。

    He said he nearly had a heart attack when I groaned softly next to him. (I had no memory of him asking me anything, but I guess I was asleep).


  • 他们一起去,莎拉生气打了阻止以后的几个小时内发作

    He goes with them, but Sara angrily gives him an injection to prevent a seizure for the next few hours.


  • 无疑,男性女性相比更早、也频繁受到心脏病发作心脏病困扰。

    Heart attack and heart disease, of course, strike men more often and earlier in life than women.


  • 对于神经损伤慢性后背腿脚疼痛甚至癫痫发作帕金森症,这种智能芯片都能潜在对抗几乎所有关联到疼痛和脊髓的任何疾病。

    Nerve damage, chronic back or leg pain - even epileptic seizures and Parkinson's disease: the smart chip could potentially address almost any problem associated with pain and the spinal cord.


  • 出口网住后,鳗鱼砰砰玻璃直到好像癫痫发作

    When I screened the outflow, eels banged their heads against the glass until they had what appeared to be seizures and died.


  • 被动吸烟规律吸入他人排放烟气心脏病发作危险会提升30%。

    Passive smokers, who regularly inhale tobacco fumes from others, have around a 30% greater risk of heart attack.


  • 选择正确食物随着身体老化,想健康长寿生活还是面临心脏病突发性心脏病发作至关重要。

    Choosing the right foods can make a difference in living a long and healthy life or being faced with the prospect of a heart attack or heart disease as your body ages.


  • 所以耶和华怒气发作,将这书上所写一切诅都降上。

    Therefore the LORD'S anger burned against this land, so that he brought on it all the curses written in this book.


  • 清楚记得还是医科学生天晚上,我肾结石发作痛苦。

    I well remember getting it as a medical student when I developed a painful kidney stone in the night, ” Dr Rutherford says.


  • 从前同学,应对嘲笑,有时会不经意吹嘘自己偷走其他同学女友.其他时候则公然向男孩子抛媚眼.最常见的是不过稍稍挑衅,他的怒气就开始发作.

    Sometimes, former classmates said, he reacted to the teasing by idly boasting about stealing other studentsgirlfriends. At other times, he openly flirted with boys.


  • 因为使儿子跟从,以致耶和华怒气你们发作速速将你们灭绝

    For they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD's anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.


  • 苏珊突然歇斯底里发作,说它像是大笑又似哭泣,说它像是哭泣又像是大笑似的,她就这样疯疯癫癫回答道。

    Susan, with an hysterical explosion that was as much a laugh as a SOB, and as much a SOB as a laugh, answered.


  • 病人突然无法解释愤怒发作起来。

    The patient is given to sudden and inexplicable paroxysms of anger.


  • 目的观察高流量驱动德混液、喘乐宁雾化治疗儿童哮喘急性发作疗效

    Purpose To observe the effect of treating acute episode of infant asthma by budesonide suspension driven by oxygen.


  • 号召是因近期公布研究表明胰岛素泵,传统注射,能有效改善血糖控制减少低血糖发作

    The call comes as research published today shows they are more effective in improving blood glucose control and reducing hypoglycaemic episodes than traditional insulin injections.


  • 目的评价布雾化悬浊液联合复方异丙托溴铵溶液治疗儿童哮喘急性发作临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate the effective and safety of nebulized budesonide suspension plus Albuterol and ipratropium bromide inhaled in treatment of attack of asthma in children.


  • 多数人来说,心脏病发作强烈提醒他们有一天自己会死去

    For most people a heart attack is a forceful reminder that they are mortal.


  • 天早晨卧室;因为,那时他正好痛风发作,行动不便。他十分恳切规劝了一番。

    He called me one morning into his chamber, where he was confined by the gout, and expostulated very warmly with me upon this subject.


  • 前言:目的:确保支气管哮喘患儿长期坚持药物治疗预防哮喘发作安全有效正确使用控制哮喘

    OBJECTIVE: To ensure a long-term medication in children with asthma, prevent the attack of asthma and ensure safe, effective and correct drug use in these patients.


  • 目的探讨奈德联合特布他林雾化吸入儿童支气管哮喘急性发作中的临床效果安全性

    Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of nebulization of budesonide combining terbutaline in the treatment of acute asthmatic attack in children.


  • 目的观察奈德联合硫酸沙丁胺醇雾化吸入治疗小儿哮喘急性发作临床疗效

    Objective To observe the clinical effect of treating the acute episode of infantile asthma with aerosol inhalation of budesonide and salbutamol sulphate.


  • 的确练习时候,会暂时提高心脏病发作几率但是坚持锻炼会长久降低发病风险你带来更多的好处。

    It is true that exercise temporarily raises the odds of a heart attack while you're mid-workout, but doing it consistently reduces that risk over the long haul, leading to a net benefit.


  • 工序不能直接了当更简单明了会很自然制作出极为奇异形象

    The working procedure could not be more direct and uncomplicated; it readily entices one to produce the oddest forms.


  • 过了血管破裂了后来一次连续不断发作间隔的时间有时长,有时短。

    At the end of a year the vessel broke again... Then again-again-again and even once again at varying intervals.


  • 过了血管破裂了后来一次连续不断发作间隔的时间有时长,有时短。

    At the end of a year the vessel broke again... Then again-again-again and even once again at varying intervals.


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