• 很多时候都反映我自己

    I reflect about myself a lot.


  • 尽管努力做到客观,但这本还是不可避免地反映出了自己兴趣经历

    Despite the fact that I have tried to be objective, the book inevitably mirrors my own interests and experiences.


  • 想让你们综合信息反映讨论过的内容,形成自己观点而不是仅仅重复课本上观点

    What I want is for you to synthesize information to reflect back on what we've read and discussed and to form your own ideas, not just repeat points from the textbook.


  • 选择了无资格通知作为自己用户界面元素显示,这又是一个接近需要在用户界面原型反映设计决策

    I also chose to show the ineligibility notice as its own user interface element, once again bordering on a design decision that would need to be reflected in the user interface prototype.


  • 可是这些借口实在牵强了,甚至反映天生懒惰性格缺陷了那么多借口,都烦自己

    I used to get very impatient with myself, because I always thought those excuses were really flimsy; maybe even reflecting an innate laziness; a genuine character flaw.


  • 随后几个月以至几年中掉了更多头发并且自己衣橱改造成真实反映冷漠态度的样子,而非之前试图说服世人的那个谎言

    In the months and years afterwards I lopped off even more hair and changed my wardrobe to reflect my apathy rather then this lie I was trying to convince everyone of.


  • 诸如不是很肯定或许了,认为完成这项任务或者太难了”这样句子可能反映怀疑带来自己能力信心缺失。

    Phrases likeI'm not sure, maybe I was wrong, I don't feel up to the task, or this is too hardmay indicate a weakening of confidence brought on by doubt in our own abilities.


  • 诸如不是很肯定或许了,认为完成这项任务或者太难了”这样句子可能反映怀疑带来自己能力信心缺失。

    Phrases like "I'm not sure, maybe I was wrong, I don't feel up to the task, or this is too hard" may indicate a weakening of confidence brought on by doubt in our own abilities.


  • 他说,分担家务事反映愿意妻子需求想法视为自己

    Sharing chores reflects a 'willingness to hold my wife's needs and wants on a par with my own.


  • 半人马认为反映出了所有自己内心深处无法逃避的狂暴兽性

    'Centaur' I thought reflected our inability to escape the eternal animal thug in all of us.


  • 自己不同感受相信这些外在表现确实可以反映这个人物内在思考想法他的灵魂

    It changed the way that I felt about myself and I think that the physical representation of the character was really indicative of a lot of the internal issues and thoughts and the spirit of this guy.


  • 米·蒂奇走近朋友物理空间时,移动到一个单独在线业务需要更新自己形象品牌战略反映一变化

    Hermitage approached a Friend of Mine when moving from their physical space to a solely online business needing to update their identity and brand strategy to reflect this shift.


  • 承认对于自己的习惯来说,key - upsearch函数反映有点太快

    I admit that a search function on key-up is a bit too responsive for my taste.


  • 这些东西天空似乎反映在天空中的,而不是实际上使自己光芒觉得皮肤金属工艺

    These things in the sky seem to be reflecting the light in the sky, not actually making their own light, which makes me think its more of a metallic skin craft.


  • 他们自己作品反映手工制品的品质,展现与机器制品的区别。

    I tell them to have the work reflect the handmade quality, not something made by machine.


  • 这些担忧反映保护自己不受掠夺饥饿威胁而出现本能

    I suppose such fears reflect instincts that emerged to protect us against predators and starvation.


  • 这么自己争论着绝对反映了一些问题

    So quickly, I argued with myself, that it might have been sheer reflexes.


  • 旁注经常这个技巧如果知道某个事的反映想象自己一个自己描述仿佛发生陌生人身上的事情。

    As a sidenote, I use this trick frequently: if I'm not sure about my reaction to some event, I imagine someone describing the situation to me as if it happened to a stranger.


  • 知道自己第一反映。”

    "I know exactly who I am." That was my immediate response.


  • 可以抓拍他们被困自己金属壳子里面真实反映

    So, I was recording their reaction to the fact that they were photographed, trapped in their metal boxes.


  • 家庭天使发出呼声,反映美国女性追求权利重新塑造自己形象意愿。

    From the "Angels" to the issue of "who I am", it reflects their will of the pursuit of power and the re-shaping the image.


  • 所以那些说教团秘密组织建议你们看看——因为基本上们是在将你们反映你们自己

    So, the esoteric organisations saying to us that we're a cult, I'd suggest that you maybe go and have a look - because we're basically reflecting you to yourself.


  • 一下镜子自己里面反映是谁

    Look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Whom will others see reflected in me?"


  • 作为主教练的第一反映庇护自己队员所以看到发生什么,言论或许有点过激了。

    My initial instinct as a manager is always to protect my own players so, without seeing the incident, I spoke perhaps a bit too rashly.


  • 作为主教练的第一反映庇护自己队员所以看到发生什么,言论或许有点过激了。

    My initial instinct as a manager is always to protect my own players so, without seeing the incident, I spoke perhaps a bit too rashly.


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