• 他们中的大多数人都阅读那些探索深层主题需要批判思考反思长篇文章书籍

    Most of them are not reading long articles or books that explore deep themes and require critical thinking and reflection.


  • 多元文化社会中人们可以研究彼此文化培养跨文化能力批判反思思维以及智力灵活性

    In multi-cultural societies, people can study each other's cultures, to develop intercultural competencies, such as critical and reflective thinking, and intellectual flexibility.


  • 结果就是太多的人缺乏自我反思自我批判能力意味着虽然得到的已然够多了,他们仍然觉得自己还应获取更多。

    As a result, too many lack self-reflection or self-criticism skills, meaning even those who are grossly overpaid give themselves outrageous bonuses.


  • 教育价值理念引导之下,学校行动者批判反思自主意识悄悄地引导着学校生活的改变

    Directed by educational ideal, the critical reflection and freedom consciousness of the actors in the school is stealthily leading the change of the school-life.


  • 据此,要对“中国为什么会缺失中国自己法律理想图景这个理论论题尝试给出回答,并对中国法学时代进行“总体性”的反思批判

    The answer to theoretical topic, why China lacks its own legal ideal prospect, was given and a "comprehensive" reflection and criticism on the era of China's jurisprudence was made.


  • 第二部分对于教师专业化研究介绍反思以及对于体育教师专业化相关研究梳理批判

    Part II is divided into specialized studies for teachers introduction and reflection, as well as for physical education teachers specialized sorting out related research and criticism.


  • 作者巧妙独特艺术技巧反思民族传统文化本质,以达到批判愚昧改造民族灵魂的深层意蕴。

    By the unique artistic techniques, the author of the novel aims to make us reflect the nature of Chinese traditional culture so as to criticize ignorance and improve national spirits as well.


  • 批判反思时,回答三个问题然后仔细思考以下几点。

    When writing your critical reflection, answer these three questions and then reflect on the points below.


  • 但是批判反思研究必经途径和必要方法西方法律思想史研究亦然。

    Criticism and reflection is the necessary approach and method of research, so is the research on western legal thoughts.


  • 目的-篇文章目的发起批判反思假设证据基础工作生活的平衡辩论

    Purpose - the purpose of this article is to initiate critical reflection on the assumptions and evidence underpinning the work-life balance debate.


  • 本文不着意在众多艺术本质界定中再添新说,而是针对艺术本质论的理论预设作批判反思

    Abstract This thesis does not intend to propose new theories on the essence of art, but to rethink critically the theoretical presuppositions on the essence of art.


  • 作家在对乡土文化历史现状进行理性批判同时伴随着现代文明反思

    The writer carried the rational critique to the native cultural history and the present situation simultaneously to follow to modern civilization reconsidering.


  • 泰戈尔西方工业机器文明作出深刻反思,并严厉批判了西方日本民族利己主义。

    While Tagore praised the industrial civilization emerging in the West, he strongly criticized the selfishness and ruthlessness of chauvinistic nationalism upheld by the West and Japan.


  • 从某种意义上讲,现当代哲学近代哲学的超越均从先验主体性”范畴批判反思入手并非纯属巧合。

    Therefore, it's not coincidence, to some extent, that modern philosophy started all its transcendence over its past with the critical introspection on "transcendental subjectivity".


  • 是从近距离审视建筑设计现实知识场景建筑设计提供一种分析与解释批判反思逻辑方式

    This tends to survey the realistic knowledge situation of architectural design, and to provide a logic manner of analyzing, interpreting, criticizing and rethinking architectural design.


  • 创建基于写作主体对写作既定现实既成写作文化反思批判摆脱上,指向一切真正创造

    Original creation is based on the introspection, criticism and elimination of the established writing reality and culture by the writing subject which points to all the real creation.


  • 本文正是对我国传统课程进行批判反思基础上,提出了一种新的课程观,过程课程观。

    On the basis of the reflection and criticism of the traditional curriculum concept, the paper proposes a new curriculum concept, namely the process curriculum concept.


  • 生命实践教育学内涵以及建构一个值得反思批判的问题。

    The concept and construct of pedagogy of life practice is worth reflection and criticism.


  • 研究交往作为分析学生社会生活视角,并把交往视为社会生活的价值原则对之进行反思批判

    From the communicating point of view, the study analyses the student social life, reflects and criticizes it under the social-life value principle of communication.


  • 这种审美的批判人们反思传统文化提供了一个新的基点文化的转型与再生开辟了新的可能性

    His aesthetic criticism provides a new base for people to rethink about traditional culture, and also makes it possible to tum culture into a new trend.


  • 因此笔者认为急需当今教师教育叙事中的一般反思更高水平反思——批判反思推进,倡导一种批判反思教师教育叙事。

    Consequently, I think it is urgent that the common reflection should be pushed to the higher level-critical reflection, advocating the method of educational narratives with critical reflection.


  • 本文后现代主义哲学角度对网络语言出现进行分析。后现代主义哲学现代主义哲学的质疑反思批判一种认知范式。

    This article makes an analysis of cyber-language from the perspective of the philosophy of postmodernism, which is a cognitive norm for question, reflection, and criticism of modernism.


  • 20世纪文化批判反思的世纪,社会各种矛盾冲突常常突出地表现在文化层面

    The 20th century was filled with cultural criticism and reflection. Social conflicts and contradictions were always epitomized on cultural aspect.


  • 世界观批判反思重建解决全球环境危机重要环节。

    The criticism, reflection and reconstruction on worldview are very important to the solution of global environmental crisis.


  • 自我质询有助于教学批判反思促发我们教学深层理解

    Actually much can be learned about teaching through self-inquiry. Critical reflection can trigger a deeper understanding of teaching.


  • 现代哲学在对传统哲学的反思批判中,实现着面向生活世界的哲学变革

    Reflecting and criticizing traditional philosophy, modern philosophy is changing to return to the life-world.


  • 意味着摒弃现代文明抽象理性立场传统进行深入反思批判基础上继承发扬传统。

    It means that we should abandon abstract rational standpoint of modern civilization, and should inherit and develop tradition on the base of reflecting and criticizing it deeply.


  • 本文重点阐述了理论主要内容其理论反思批判,并指出其理论的现实意义及启示

    This paper focuses on its content of theory and criticism on its theory. It points out the realistic instructives and inspiration of its theory as well.


  • 对待民族遗产清教主义态度批判反思

    To treat with national heritage Puritanism , his attitude is criticism, and retrospect.


  • 对待民族遗产清教主义态度批判反思

    To treat with national heritage Puritanism , his attitude is criticism, and retrospect.


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