• 更多工作需要研究其他环境污染——例如塑料添加剂双酚 A——可能同样也同样影响了美国激增糖尿病发病率问题

    Much more work will need to be done to untangle how other environmental pollutants -- like the plastic additive bisphenol A -- may also contribute to America's ballooning diabetes problem.


  • 现在,一项人类研究发现了A含量男性精子质量之间密切关联,结果并不乐观

    A human study has found strong links between BPA levels and semen quality, and the findings are not looking good.


  • 一些其他一些国家已经禁止了a。可问题仅仅一些零零碎碎法规而告终,这些法规没有连贯性,也没有任何保证

    There are some states and other countries that have outlawed bisphenol A. the problem, of course, is that you end up with this patchwork of regulations and no consistency or guarantee.


  • 双酚a一般用于食品饮料包装分子作为复合聚合物一部分,通常固定的。

    BPA is commonly used in food and drink packaging, where the molecule is usually locked in as part of a complex polymer.


  • 肥胖缺乏睡眠接触某些化学物质(用于制造塑料瓶双酚a)、甚至我们找到细菌类型有关。

    Obesity is also correlated with lack of sleep, with exposure to certain chemicals (like bisphenol a, used in making plastic bottles), even with the type of bacteria that is found in our intestines.


  • 斯卡贝克指出动物实验已经表明双酚a一种雌性激素加快老鼠青春期发育

    Skakkabaek points out that animal experiments have shown that Bisphenol a is a weak oestrogen that can accelerate pubertal development in mice.


  • 双酚a数十年来一直用于生产婴儿奶瓶其他塑料容器

    Bisphenol a has been used for decades to make baby bottles and other plastic containers.


  • 双酚a许多健康问题关联包括肥胖症乳腺癌心脏病以及其他疾病。

    And bisphenol a has been associated with a bunch of health problems, including obesity, breast cancer, heart disease and others.


  • 双酚aBPA用来生产塑料,工业上又叫作聚碳酸酯。BPA无处不在,矿泉水瓶医疗器械食品包装的内里,的身影。

    Bisphenol A. Also called BPA, it's used to make shatter-proof plastic known as polycarbonate, found in everything from water bottles to medical devices to the lining of food packaging.


  • 这种化学物质称为A已经造成了各种健康问题包括心脏疾病癌症以及发育问题

    The chemical, also known as bisphenol A, has been linked to all sorts of health concerns, including heart disease, cancers, and developmental problems.


  • 斯卡贝克,早在60年前他们尝试生产一种阻止流产合成雌性激素时,科学家就已经首次发现酚a可能有雌性激素的作用。

    Skakkabaek says that scientists first detected the oestrogenic potential of Bisphenol a almost 60 years ago, when they were trying to produce a synthetic oestrogen to prevent miscarriages.


  • 一些其他一些国家已经禁止了双酚a

    There are some states and other countries that have outlawed bisphenol a.


  • 还有一些水瓶聚碳酸酯这些聚碳酸酯含有能够导致生殖系统疾病心脏病a (BPA)。

    Many reusable bottles are made of polycarbonate plastic, but those often contain bisphenol a (BPA), a chemical linked to reproductive problems and heart disease.


  • 尽管我们已经知道双酚A一种雌性激素,人们还是认为应用塑料聚碳酸酯足够安全

    “In spite of the fact we have known that Bisphenol A was a weak oestrogen, it was considered safe enough to use in polycarbonate in plastic, ” Skakkabaek says.


  • 双酚a许多塑料产品常用一种物质,现在已经加拿大在有毒物质的清单上了,但是,在美国,它仍然被认为安全的。

    Bisphenol a, a common compound found in many plastics, has been listed as a toxic substance in Canada but is still deemed safe in the U.S..


  • 双酚a种内含塑料瓶装奶瓶金属罐,甚至收款机收据上的化学物质,它会增加乳癌和心脏病的风险。

    BPA, a chemical often found in plastic water and baby bottles and metal cans-even cash register receipts-has been linked to increased risk for breast cancer and heart disease.


  • 此外塑料人造化学物质双酚a酸盐我们健康有害

    In addition, plastics are manufactured using chemicals like Bisphenol-A and Phthalates that can be dangerous to our health.


  • 这种名叫双酚A工业化学品已经证实许多疾病有关,包括生殖激素紊乱心血管疾病以及癌症

    The common industrial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) has been linked to many ills, including reproductive abnormalities, cardiovascular disease and cancer.


  • 检测12罐罐装食品中均发现了不同程度(BPA)含量。双酚一种雌激素化学物质,与乳腺癌发生有关

    A new study of several leading brands of kids' canned foods has found various levels of bisphenol a (BPA), an estrogenic chemical that has been linked to breast cancer, in 12 cans tested.


  • 厂商仍然可以使用双酚a但是已经获得了少见的名声

    Manufacturers are still free to use bisphenol a, but it has acquired such a bad rep that not many do.


  • 为了调查皮肤a吸收水平研究者放射性同位素对双酚a做了标志,观察放射性标志在耳朵皮肤内的活动——这是种广泛应用的代替人类皮肤的实验模式

    To investigate levels of skin exposure, the researchers took radioactively labelled BPA and observed the movement of radioactivity through pig ear skin - a widely used model for human skin.


  • 西奈山医学中心的医生警告到,种名为a物质普遍的出现许多食物容器之内,其中包括了塑料水瓶婴儿奶瓶(表面印有数字7)。

    The Mount Sinai researchers also warned against, Bisphenol-A, a substance present in many food containers, plastic water and baby bottles (indicated by a number 7 printed on the base).


  • 其次就是A(Bisphenol A)。 这种聚碳酸酯(polycarbonate)成分罐内层,儿童喂食包括婴儿奶瓶在内塑料瓶里都含有。

    The next suspect would be Bisphenol A, a component of polycarbonate found in the lining of tin cans, children’s feeding cups and in plastic bottles, including baby bottles.


  • 布劳恩强调人们顶多接触很少打印凭据,热敏可能接触双酚A主要来源

    Braun notes that for people who handle only a couple of receipts a day, thermal paper is unlikely to be a major source of exposure.


  • 现在来言,Galvez建议家长们不要选择含有双酚a产品——许多塑料水瓶婴儿奶瓶、可微波放入洗碗机中的食品容器就含有双酚a

    For now, Galvez recommends that parents steer clear of Bisphenol-A — present in many plastic water and baby bottles, and in microwavable and dishwasher-safe food containers.


  • 人尿样中的BPA(双酚基丙烷,双酚a)含量测定表明其会引起较高心血管疾病风险

    A second study links BPA measured in human urine to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.


  • 人尿样中的BPA(双酚基丙烷,双酚a)含量测定表明其会引起较高心血管疾病风险

    A second study links BPA measured in human urine to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.


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