• 双方同意维护和平详细方案

    Both sides agreed to a detailed plan for keeping the peace.


  • 双方都高度评价了那位俄罗斯总统

    Both spoke highly of the Russian president.


  • 双方愿意看到外交关系正常化

    The two sides would like to see the normalization of diplomatic relations.


  • 双方呼吁新一轮停火

    Both sides appealed for a new ceasefire.


  • 由于双方声称自己获胜形势依然混乱

    The situation remains confused as both sides claim success.


  • 双方同意需要笔钱

    Both have agreed on the need for the money.


  • 双方模糊处理了计算结果回避了细节

    Both have fudged their calculations and avoided specifics.


  • 双方不仅仅是一场大小银行地盘之争。

    Both sides say this is more than just a turf war between big and small banks.


  • 双方都面临最高可达一百二十万美元的财产没收。

    Both face maximum forfeitures of about $1.2 million.


  • 双方表示设法处于战乱中的岛屿北部东部找到政治解决方案

    Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.


  • 报道,双方表示愿意开始新一轮会谈

    It's reported that both sides have signalled their willingness to start a new round of talk.


  • 双方参与其中

    Both sides are involved.


  • 双方同意

    Both sides have agreed.


  • 双方冷静下来之后,他们可以使用另一个解决冲突关键策略

    After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key strategy for conflict resolution.


  • 现在对于鸟类以外动物来说,父母双方都照顾孩子动物界罕见的。

    Now, for animals other than birds, the care of young by both parents is pretty unusual in the animal kingdom.


  • 其中随机挑选出来提出双方都知道应该如何分配允许有一个报价必须被接受拒绝没有谈判

    One is randomly chosen to propose how a sum of money, known to both, should be shared between them; only one offer, which must be accepted or rejected without negotiation, is allowed.


  • 自然调查结果表明这种趋势一如既往的强劲但是使合作成功双方需要投入时间欣然接受意外挑战

    Nature's poll findings suggest that this trend is as strong as ever, but, to make a collaboration work, both sides need to invest time, and embrace surprise and challenge.


  • 双方都偷窃对方私人信件

    Each side purloins the other's private letters.


  • 我们可以双方都适当时间会面吗?

    Can we find a mutually convenient time to meet?


  • 解决这场争端需要双方抱有和解态度。

    Resolving the dispute will require a mood of conciliation on both sides.


  • 尽量面谈安排一个双方都方便时间地点

    She will try to arrange a mutually convenient time and place for an interview.


  • 美国任何个人可以结婚只要结婚日双方都至少十六

    In the US, any two persons may marry provided that both persons are at least 16 years of age on the day of their marriage.


  • 共处时间”需要父母和孩子待在一起,直到双方都冷静下来。

    A "time in" needs both parent and child to stay close until both get calm.


  • 一点,双方感觉到了。

    This is being felt on both sides.


  • 他们担心夫妻双方都无法独自应对生活。

    They feared that neither spouse would be able to manage alone.


  • 要想谈话双方感兴趣,关注听者重要一部分。

    Paying attention to the listener is an important part of having a conversation that's interesting to both parties.


  • 最大问题夫妻双方认为对方知道他们财务状况事实并非如此。

    The biggest problem is that couples assume each other knows what's going on with their finances, but actually they don't.


  • 双方施展出高超的球艺。

    Both sides showed brilliant play.


  • 双方声称对方破坏和平协议

    Both sides claimed the other side broke the peace agreement.


  • 双方声称对方破坏和平协议

    Both sides claimed the other side broke the peace agreement.


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