• 这个基础上,进一步分析了我国单此消彼长根本原因

    Based on that, it further analyzes the basic reason of single character name and double character names.


  • 主要贡献建立了植物分类学上的法,规定植物用拉丁文

    Linnaeus's most famous contribution to taxonomy was his system of BINOMAL NOMENCLATURE, in which he gave plants two Latin names.


  • 单字姓氏增加汉字为姓氏后面增加两个汉字。

    The single and double name: One word named after the addition of a Chinese family name, two words after the addition of a family name.


  • 许多企业单位不接受双名支票有些银行也是如此,除非他们那里开立帐户。

    The one with the least number of complaints may be the best, but be sure to check how long they have been in business.


  • 可以下划线分隔探测中的单词

    You can separate words within the probe name using a double underscore.


  • 假如还有别的选择,绝不会再当煤矿工人的。”身着一件牛仔裤,脚穿一球鞋,外套一件棕色人造革夹克,留有脏兮兮的指甲小王如是说。

    "Given a choice, I would never work in a mine," says Wang dressed in a pair of old jeans, white tennis shoes and a brown artificial leather jacket, dirt clogging his long fingernails.


  • 别人绞尽脑汁思考如何15分钟收的时候,聚光灯之外。

    While our compatriots rack their brains on how to get their 15 minutes of fame, and subsequent fortune, he has been hiding from the spotlight.


  • 5月5日,四川遂宁市25岁女子产下单体女婴。

    On May 5, a 25-year-old woman gave birth to a baby girl with two heads in Suining city, Sichuan Province.


  • 骑士球员得分上Williams这场首发复出得到12但是没有发挥他们正常水平

    The Cavs had five players in double figures. Williams had 12 points in his comeback start, but no one played up to their normal level.


  • 英国渔民最近距离东约克郡布里德灵顿大约10英里海域捕到极其罕见龙虾,它一半身体红色另一半身体呈黑色

    According to the Xinhua News Agency on July 26, a Britain fisherman caught a very rare double-colored lobster with half body in red and half in black on the sea off 10 miles of Bridlington, UK.


  • 病例发生117岁女孩于3月11日出现症状病情严重,患有肺炎自那时以来已完全恢复出院

    The case is a 17-year-old girl who developed symptoms on 11 March. She was seriously ill with bilateral pneumonia but has since fully recovered and been discharged from hospital.


  • 同样,与使用美元符号函数根据标记检索元素不同的是,YUI使用Y.all 函数

    Similary, rather than using the dollar-dollar function to retrieve elements by tag or class name, in YUI you use the Y.all function instead


  • 由于棉线修眉非常迅速--大约只需要3-5分钟即可修完眉--容易便可看出修眉师有没有在两顾客之间更换棉线清洁装备。

    Since the procedure is so quickit takes just three to five minutes to thread a set of eyebrowsit is easy to see whether the threader changes threads and cleans up between customers.


  • 社会环境截肢者首次获得参加伦敦奥运会短跑比赛资格,并获第四

    Society/Environment: First double amputee qualifiesfor 400-meter Olympic sprint in London. Places fourth.


  • 今年早些时候明尼阿波利斯4岁男童吞下锐步(Reebok运动鞋附赠的饰品,铅中毒

    Earlier this year, a 4-year-old Minneapolis boy died of lead poisoning after swallowing a metal charm that came as a gift with a pair of Reebok sneakers.


  • %%前缀,指明一个寄存器%指明操作数。 这组GCC辨别操作数寄存器

    There are two %'s prefixed to the register name. This helps GCC to distinguish between the operands and registers. operands have a single % as prefix.


  • 其中六队员得分对于防守还是充满漏洞,这方面看他们有任何长进。

    Six players scored in double figures, the point guard defense was a porous as Sponge Bob and they don't show many signs of improving.


  • 接受颈淋巴清扫术的20患者中其准确度为89.7%。

    The accuracy was 89.7% in 20 patients who had bilateral neck dissections.


  • 为进行这一试验研究者们23个国家招募了近2,000没有服用过酸盐类药物的患者

    For the study, researchers recruited about 2,000 patients from 23 countries who were not taking oral bisphosphonates.


  • 做为看过整个职业生涯比赛的公牛可以说均衡

    After watching throughout his career as a Bulls fan, I can call him an average combo guard.


  • 学校教职员工260讲师高级讲师61,“理论实践教师48

    Schoolteaching and administrative staff 260, lecturer, senior lecturer 61, "the theory, practices" Double Shi Xing teacher 48.


  • 日前英国渔民距离东约克郡布里德灵顿大约10英里海域捕到极其罕见龙虾。该龙虾身体一半红色,另一半黑色

    Recently, a Britain fisherman caught a very rare double-colored lobster with half body in red and half in black on the sea off 10 miles of Bridlington, UK.


  • 当然作为一牛仔永远不会忘记穿上高筒马靴,因为不仅有效保护他们牛仔裤而且还能传递信息给马儿

    Of course, a cowboy can never forget a pair of tall boots which can protect their jeans and help to move the horse.


  • 方法采用厌氧菌培养技术,对5732初乳喂养24人工喂养儿的粪便做杆菌和肠杆菌定量培养

    Methods Using anaerobic incubation techniques, quantitative-stool culture of bifidobacteria and enterobacteria was performed on days 5 - 7 of 32 colostrum-fed newborns and 24 bottler fed newborns.


  • 抗体放射免疫法测定34年轻消防队员剧烈运动前后血清催乳素(PRL)水平。

    The serum PRL levels were assayed by RIA in 34 young firemen before and after a strenuous exercise.


  • 抗体放射免疫法测定34年轻消防队员剧烈运动前后血清催乳素(PRL)水平。

    The serum PRL levels were assayed by RIA in 34 young firemen before and after a strenuous exercise.


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