• 艾本德中国有限公司将从即日负责美国NBS公司中国香港地区的销售市场维修、物流财务所有日常工作

    We immediately take responsibility for all NBS business, including Sales, Marketing, Service, Operation and Finance function in China and Hong Kong.


  • 两校签订协议备忘录,分别共建天然药物毒理学研究联合实验室及香港中文大学浙江大学高等光电科技联合研究中心

    They also agreed to establish the Joint Laboratory of ZJU and CUHK on Natural Products and Toxicology Research and the Joint Centre for Advanced Photonics Research of CUHK and ZJU.


  • 香港大学佛学研究中心香港大学美术博物馆联合举办「寻找一棵菩提树:奚淞绘画展览是台湾画家奚淞作品首次港展出。

    The Centre of Buddhist Studies and the University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong will jointly present the first exhibition in Hong Kong of paintings by Shi Song.


  • 开始在线零售业务,随着JeffBezos创办了第一个24小时播音的非商业在线电台香港电台NetRadio开播。

    Started selling each and everything online, and along with that Jeff Bezos starts first commercial-free 24 hour, internet-only radio stations. Then radio HK and NetRadio start broadcasting.


  • 如今装甲车相关装备转移内河码头仓库打开集装箱再次密封香港海关还安排保安24小时驻守。

    Now the nine armored vehicles and associated equipment have been transferred to a warehouse at an inland port, the opened containers were sealed again, and Hong Kong Customs provided 24-hour security.


  • 律师参与其他司法管辖区就协议安排进行的谈判,并处理由外地或香港特区提出国际司法合作请求

    Lawyers in this division also participate in the negotiation of agreements and arrangements with other jurisdictions and handle requests to and from the HKSAR for international legal co-operation.


  • 香港大学感染传染病中心总监栢良表示过去内地出现人类感染禽流感类型,主要属于H 5类别

    Hong Kong University Center for Infectious Diseases Director he Bailiang says the past human cases of bird flu that have appeared on the mainland mostly belong to the H5 category.


  • 假如阁下公司香港交易结算所有限公司网站下载申请表格必须有关资料。

    You are required to fill in the details if you download this Request Form from the Company's website or the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited.


  • 张美娟小姐毕业香港中文大学,取得语文教育荣誉学士学位朗文出版社基书院颁发奖学金

    Miss Susanna Cheung attained her Bachelor of Education (Hons) in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and was awarded with scholarships from Longman and Chung Chi College.


  • 香港交易结算所有限公司(Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd。)周一宣布2011年3月起,把香港股市的交易时间从目前每天四小时延长小时。

    The Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. announced Monday that it will extend its trading day to five hours from fourâ 'the shortest session among major global exchangesâ 'starting in March.


  • 香港理工大学于2009年成功设计、制造推出MYCAR(电动车)欧洲市场。”是否得知以上新闻

    Hong Kong Polytechnic University has launched their own-designed and manufactured MYCAR (electric vehicles) into the European countries in 2009. "Have you ever heard the above news?"


  • 旅游热点包括大会堂立法局大楼,而太平山顶茶具博物馆、口摩口罗海洋公园,位于香港岛上

    Areas of interest such as City Halls, Legislative Council Building, The Peak, Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, Cat Street, Ocean Park can be found in Hong Kong island.


  • 《表面组装技术》2003年创刊,香港雅时国际商讯出版发行,每年出版6期,简体中文发行。

    SMT China magazine was launched in 2003, published by ACT International in Hong Kong, 6 issues per year in Simplified Chinese.


  • 关清平校长(一)陈文浩院长()得奖同学获邀出席第二十八届香港电影金像奖颁奖典礼。

    College President Professor Reggie Kwan (far left) and Dean Manhoe Chan (second right) attend the Hong Kong Film Awards with the Theme Poster Competition winners.


  • 怒火街头》,香港电视广播有限公司时装电视剧郑嘉颖胡杏儿、滕丽名、璨琛、陈敏之关礼杰领衔主演导演唐基明苏万聪

    "Anger on the streets", Hong Kong Television Broadcasts Limited, Fashion TV, by Kevin Cheng, Myolie Wu, Joyce Tang, Sam Lee, Sharon and starring Eddie Kwan, director Tang Jiming, Suwan Cong.


  • 香港中文大学宗旨追求卓越力求在各个学科领域全面综合地进行教学研究,努力保存创造应用传播知识使学生教育、学术成果社会贡献保持在卓越水平。

    The purpose of CUHK is to pursue excellence; provide comprehensive education and conduct research; and preserve, create, and apply knowledge to make a strong contribution to society.


  • 公司明白倘若提供任何虚假欺骗资料香港贸发局有权其唯一绝对酌情拒绝公司参加展览会的权利。

    We understand that any false or misleading information given by us to the Council may lead to the rejection of our right to participate in the Exhibition at the Council's sole and absolute discretion.


  • 香港特区积极叁与国际活动,有助巩固国际金融贸易航空航运中心和自由港地位

    Active participation in international activities has enabled the HKSAR to maintain its status as an international financial, trade, civil aviation and shipping centre.


  • 香港特区积极叁与国际活动,有助巩固国际金融贸易航空航运中心和自由港地位

    Active participation in international activities has enabled the HKSAR to maintain its status as an international financial, trade, civil aviation and shipping centre.


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