• 如果有意识地筛选头脑重复想法短语词汇,你的生活开始改变

    If you consciously choose the thoughts, phrases and words that you repeat in your mind, your life will start to change.


  • 教授拼音汉字笔画,儿歌中文游戏掌握100个汉字词汇

    Teaches Pinyin, character writing, rhymes, and Chinese games. Learn about 100 Chinese characters and vocabulary.


  • 小学英语教学成败关键在于入门入门阶段重点语音词汇教学。

    The key to success of Primary English teaching lies in the initial stage, and the initial stage should focus on teaching speech and vocabulary.


  • 本文依据英语词汇词汇教学原则,探讨改进中专英语词汇教学方法

    This article is tending to research and improve the teaching methods in the words teaching in secondary school according to the principles of the English words learning and teaching.


  • 本文试从构词规律词源词汇文化内涵等方面来浅析如何理解俄语词汇的内涵。

    Analysis on Changes of Meaning of Japanese Loanwords from Chinese by Penetrating the Etymology of the Chinese Word "yunying";


  • 第三针对实验进行论述包括提出假设材料实验对象词汇选择原则实验内容。

    Chapter three mainly deals with the study, which includes the hypothesis, participants and material selection, and the experiment.


  • 不同文体不同特点,不同文体的文章语法修辞词汇的运用上有着不同的表现形式。

    Different style has different characteristics, which differs in the employment of grammar, rhetorics, and vocabulary, etc.


  • 英语中间结构复杂句法语义词汇关系检验某些语法理论原则提供了非常难得的素材。

    Middle constructions in English involve a complex interplay between syntax, semantics, and the lexicon, thus providing a rich source of data with which theories of grammar can be tested.


  • 言谈中基本结构非常准确同时考生应使用一些复合表明各种结构词汇的驾驭能力。

    In your speech, your basic structures are sufficiently accurate. Meanwhile complex structures are highly recommended to show that you have adequate range of structures and vocabulary.


  • 教材话题主题儿童世界”的日常生活场景特色,幼儿通过不同的生活情景学习日常英语词汇

    It adopts "children's world" as a teaching topic and theme, and lets children learn English through various life scenes.


  • 文章词汇搭配理论为依据,分析词汇搭配英语写作重要性词汇搭配理论英语写作教学中的应用

    The present article analyzes the importance of lexical collocation in English writing, and how to apply word collocation theory to English writing teaching accordingly.


  • 中涵盖了对全部考试题型、重点语法词汇的分析和练习,且这些语法和词汇均通过对“剑桥学习者语料库”的调查研究而总结得出,对考试中取得高分的考生非常有帮助。

    It covers all the exam question types, as well as key grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be useful to candidates doing the test.


  • 一切都在不知不觉中进行的,因为很少有人注意自己思考的时候所用词汇想法同时他们外部环境情境主宰了他们的思考

    This is often done unconsciously, as few pay attention to their thoughts and the words they use while thinking, and let outside circumstances and situations determine what they think about.


  • 也许是由于不拘礼节气氛体育记者观众运动员创造丰富词汇用语,其中一部份延伸应用其他语境

    Perhaps because of the informal atmosphere, language used by sports reporters, fans, and the players themselves has produced many words and phrases used in other contexts.


  • 我们必须大量使用基本词汇,摆脱句号,修饰性形容词限定动词约束。

    We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, of finite verbs.


  • 提出了简单流程流程中,人们可以任意数据赋予索引,索引是基于核心udef词汇导入词汇定义的。

    It proposes a simple process in which one can assign an index to any piece of data, based on the core UDEF vocabulary and imported vocabularies.


  • 痴迷于询问朋友共事的学者哪些方言词汇才是广为人知的。

    He obsessively asked friends and fellow scholars which dialectal words would be most widely understood.


  • 英文词汇收集定义开始16世纪

    Collections of English words and their definitions began appearing in the 16th century.


  • IELTS口语考试四个评分标准流利程度和连贯性词汇量、语法结构精确度发音

    To bring Pronunciation into line with the other Speaking assessment criteria such as fluency & coherence, lexical resource and grammatical range & accuracy, we’ve revised the pronunciation scale.


  • 接受IBM公司自己的杂志《前瞻》采访时,表示:“对于电脑来说,词汇人类认知经验两者之间存在任何联系

    In an interview with IBM's own magazine ForwardView, he said, "For a computer, there is no connection from words to human experience and human cognition.


  • 提供德语英语法语意大利语西班牙语课程,将社交网络乐趣融入到有趣有效词汇扩充句型构造的工具中。

    With courses in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish, Babbel.com blends the pleasures of social networking with playful but effective vocabulary-developing and sentence-building tools.


  • 我们已经指定有限词汇字母A 到 Z数字0 到 9

    We've already specified our limited vocabulary: the letters A-Z and numbers 0-9.


  • 具有说服力词汇包括证明证据事实数字研究逻辑尝试安全理由

    Power words that work well include: proof, evidence, facts and figures, research, logic, tried and tested, safe, reason.


  • 说明高职英语教学中,巩固语法教授词汇尝试新的教法来进行有效教学。

    This shows in higher vocational English teaching, still should consolidate grammar and vocabulary, and should try professor new teaching methods for effective teaching.


  • 机构称Web 2.0最初一个技术术语下一代互联网产品服务,该词汇过去年间迅速普

    It said Web 2.0 started out as a technical term meaning the next generation of World wide Web products and services but had crossed into far wider circulation in the last six months.


  • 然而俚语那些许多人使用,大多数人接受好的正式用法词汇表达。

    Slang, however, refers to words and expression_rs understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority.


  • 虽然19世纪旅行者5世纪6世纪时期的同行更为丰富词汇他们仍然苦于如何描述旅途见闻。

    Though 19th century travelers had a broader vocabulary than their 5th and 6th century counterparts, they still struggled to describe what they encountered on the road.


  • 虽然19世纪旅行者5世纪6世纪时期的同行更为丰富词汇他们仍然苦于如何描述旅途见闻。

    Though 19th century travelers had a broader vocabulary than their 5th and 6th century counterparts, they still struggled to describe what they encountered on the road.


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