• 提高中国石油石化企业世界石油工业中的竞争地位

    China's petroleum and petrochemical industries should further explore the contestable position in the worldwide petroleum industry.


  • 公司主营业务石油天然气勘探开发,石油石化产品生产销售

    The company's main business is oil and gas exploration and development, oil and petrochemical products production and sales.


  • 购货合同列名的随设备购进的部分塑料件橡胶件、陶瓷石化项目用的管材等,退税

    For purchased plastic ware, rubber ware, ceramic ware and tube for petrochemical industry concluded in contract, added-value tax can also be returned.


  • 中国煤气化领域拥有技术领先优势石化化肥生产领域到了这一技术,用以替代更为昂贵的天然气

    China has a technological lead in turning coal into gas. It has been using the technology widely to make petrochemicals and fertilizers as a substitute for pricier natural gas.


  • 使用交流额定电压450/750V以下各种移动式电机钢铁航空电厂石化高温环境中使用。

    Used in AC rated voltage 450/750V and below a variety of mobile motors, steel, aviation, power plants, petrochemical and other high temperature environment.


  • 宁强陨石岩石学、基质化学成份

    Petrology, petrologic Chemistry, and Matrix Chemical Compositions of the Ningqiang Chondrite.


  • 石化行业提供信息服务交易平台。

    Supply service of information and plat of business.


  • 产品广泛应用于石化化工化肥冶金电力建材轻工纺织各类企业

    These products are widely used in such enterprises as petrochemical chemical chemical fertilizer metallurgical electric power generation building materials light industry and textile exc.


  • 详细了介绍了锦州石化公司体育馆附属设施钢架结构防火防火涂料涂装;

    The fire protection of steel structure of gymnasium and auxiliary facilities of Jinzhou Petrochemical Company and application of fire-proof coating were described in detail.


  • 橡胶软化剂等方面研究应用,结合茂名石化公司实际情况合理利用重质芳烃提出建议

    Based on practical situation of Maoming Petrochemical Company, the suggestion about rational utilization of heavy aromatic oil is put forward.


  • 刚玉刚玉石化行业造气反应炉关键耐火衬里材料

    Corundum brick and chrome-corundum brick are the key refractories for gasifier and reaction furnace in petrochemical industry.


  • 安装易燃易爆石化企业油罐、输油码头、船舶场所,作为远距离扑救油类火灾消防冷却有效设备

    As an effective equipment for distant putting out oil fire and cooling, it can be fixed in flammable and explosive petrochemical industry, oilcan zone, oil handling terminal, wharf and so on.


  • 指出石化企业掌握不同状态下轻烃类物理计算方法重要意义

    The importance to master the calculation method for physical enthalpy, entropy and exergy of light hydrocarbons in various states in petrochemical enterprises were pointed out.


  • 介绍了齐鲁石化公司引进减压渣油加氢脱硫装置生产催化裂化装置掺炼其产品蜡油渣油的情况。

    The operation of vacuum residue hydrodesulfurization unit imported by Qilu Petrochemical Company and FCCU which processes the obtained VGO and residue as mixed feedstock was discussed.


  • 介绍了石化设备包括容器热交换转动机械等设计过程考虑经济性可靠性问题。

    In this article, the reliability and efficiency needed to take into account in design of Titanium made petrochemical equipment, such as vessels, heat exchangers and rotary machines, were introduced.


  • 介绍了中国石油兰州石化分公司催化通过变压吸附精制工艺生产乙烯技术工业应用

    The technology of producing ethylene from FCC dry gas by PSA and purification as well as its industrial application in Lanzhou Petrochemical Company are Introduced.


  • 目的研究石化行业职工变应性鼻炎发病环境污染免疫功能之间相关性。

    Objective To study the relationship between the incidence of allergic rhinitis and the T cell and its subgroup and immunoglubin in petrochemical workers.


  • 介绍湿氧化工艺处理大庆石化乙烯碱液工艺原理运行结果

    The paper introduced the principle and result of treating spent caustic by wet air oxidation in the Daqing petrochemical company.


  • 详细介绍锦州石化公司体育馆附属设施结构防火防火涂料涂装。

    This paper has described in detail the fire retardant system and the fire retardant paint on steel structures of the gymnasium and auxiliary facilities of Jingzhou Petrochemical Co.


  • 采用DYF-110油水分离器罐中罐”脱油技术中国石油兰州石化分公司酸性水汽装置进行改造。

    Sour water stripping unit was revamped by using DYF-110 type oil-water separator and "tank within tank" deoiling technology in Lanzhou Petrochemical Company.


  • 结合中国石油独山子石化分公司(以下简称公司)设备腐蚀防护现状需要建立石化公司腐蚀数据管理评价系统

    A corporate corrosion data management and evaluation system has been established based upon the corrosion conditions and protection requirements of the equipment in Dushanzi Petrochemical Company.


  • 分析石化企业催化裂化油浆系统安全隐患对策确保石化企业催化裂化的安全生产

    Analysis the safe hidden danger and countermeasure of FCC slurry system in petrochemical enterprise, to assure safety production of FCC in petrochemical enterprise.


  • 根据石化系统生产特点有关规定结合实际情况提出各种情况下的堵漏安全措施

    Considering the characteristics and relative regulation of petrochemical production, the safety measure blocking leakage was put forward in various condition, in combination with practical situation.


  • 相学石化研究表明岩浆演化机制矿物分离结晶作用

    The petrologic and petrochemical study has shown that the main mechanism controlling the magmatic evolution is fractional crystallization of minerals.


  • 如何对待学习者错误怎样防止语言石化等方面探讨外语教学应注意问题,提出了一些可行的解决方案。

    Some implications on how to evaluate the learners' errors and how to prevent language fossilization are also ventured in the last part of the essay.


  • 如何对待学习者错误怎样防止语言石化等方面探讨外语教学应注意问题,提出了一些可行的解决方案。

    Some implications on how to evaluate the learners' errors and how to prevent language fossilization are also ventured in the last part of the essay.


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