• 构建一个高压气体压力流量控制系统

    A pressure and flow control system of high pressure gas was constructed.


  • 轴向柱塞实际流量流量脉动情况复杂

    The actual flow and pulsation of the axial piston pump are more complicated physical phenomena.


  • 可以根据需要,设定喷流液的高度流量

    Three. Tin wave can TIMER set jet time, PC plate and the parts are not easy to be damaged;


  • 电动V型调节阀用于调节管路中介质的压力流量

    V-type electric control valve for regulating the pressure medium in pipelines and flow.


  • 同时还对标准材料选择流量测量进行了论述。

    The material selection and airflow measurement of the standard constant flow orifice were described.


  • 分析了交汇口附近淤积量淤积流量流量关系

    It is found that the relative over water depth increases with the increasing of the discharge rate and the confluence Angle.


  • 中型颅脑损伤的对半球,伤后脑最大血流速度流量显著增加

    The maximum velocity and flow quantum of blood of contra hemisphere increased markedly in moderate brain injury.


  • 得到了微型频率特性流量-曲线流量功率的变化。

    Simulation results were presented for the flow rate versus frequency, pressure head and input power.


  • 简述并联管路特性流量分配综合实验系统组成,介绍该实验系统的功能

    The composition and function of parallel pipeline characterization and flow distribution synthetic test system was introduced.


  • 主要叙述流量进展原理流量公式、主要误差应用情况前景等

    Progress, principle and flow-formula, main error, application situation and prospect of bend pipe flowmeter are described.


  • 研究分组交换网路由选择流量分配问题网络的平均时延为优化目标函数

    This paper is concerned with the optimum routing and flow assignment problem in packet-switch networks. The optimum objective function is the network-wide average time delay.


  • 指出质量流量影响最大因素依次蒸气密度可膨胀系数节流件内径流量系数。

    Also the paper lists the factors mostly affecting the mass flow measurement consecutively as steam density, expandable coefficient, inner diameter and flow coefficient of the throttle element.


  • 加气站备有设施流量式加气机,汽车固定容器加注液化石油气场所

    LPG station: Refers to a business place with a gas storage facility and metered gas-servicing equipment installed so that the built-in container of a vehicle can be filled with LPG.


  • 研究了不同反应气体成分流量激光能量对能量阈不同的原因进行了分析

    Laser energy value of threshold with different gas component and flux were studied, and the reason of different threshold values was analyzed.


  • 出口速度流量评价指标,研究不同交通流量组合情况下附加车道长度变化规律。

    The outcome show that the length of extra lane is concerned with the traffic flow of the exit and the secondary road, and the reasonable length is recommended as 100~120 m.


  • 介绍了基于性能管理系统采集工具所获取时延数据等,模拟网络拓扑结构流量分析算法

    The data of time delay on the basis of tools in the system is introduced and relevant network topology and net-flow analysis algorithm is described.


  • 通过计算机模拟研究混合比例平均速度关系随机减速概率平均速度流量影响

    By using numerical simulations, study the relationship of mixed proportion and average speed, the influence on average speed and flowrate affected by careful drivers random deceleration probability.


  • 并得出在采样气体状态参数环境条件一定时,除尘效率测定误差主要取决于取样时间流量

    Under a definite gas state parameter and environment condition, the measurement deviation was correlated with the sampling time and the flow rate.


  • 同时运用建筑物火灾烟气流动性状预测计算软件分析了门窗开度流量系数火灾影响

    Using the prediction software of the fire smoke flow properties in the building, the effect of the flow coefficient on the fire smoke flow was also studied.


  • 通过脉冲试验,采用测站脉冲响应曲线流量衰减曲线分析,对后寨河流域含水介质结构进行研究

    Based on pulse test, the pulse response curve and flow recession curve are analysed for studying the structure of karst aquifer medium.


  • 提出方法不仅能得出一个优化干管管网而且还能确定出所需水泵扬程流量确定水泵型号

    By using this method presented in this paper, not only the optimum design of main pipe net was given, but the water head and flow and pump type were decided.


  • 报文路由选择各条链路容量流量分配(CFA)问题计算机通信网络性能优化两个重要方面

    Route selection of the messages and capacity and flow assignment (CFA) of every link are two important factors on performance optimization in computer communication networks.


  • 报文路由选择和各条链路的容量流量分配(CFA)问题计算机通信网络性能优化的两个重要方面。

    The problem of capacity and flow assignment (CFA) in computer communication networks is an extremely complex network optimization problem.


  • 缺乏现代企业管理意识需求资金量流量预测重视程度不够使企业陷入流动资金紧缺主要原因。

    Lack of the management awareness on the modern enterprise, having no enough regards for the forecast of funds demand and cash flux are the main factors caused in short supply for circulating funds.


  • 用超声波液位计将测流渠上下游断面水位实时测出计算机分时段算出平均水位、水面坡降流量

    Ultrasonic liquid level gauge used to real-time measure the upper level and tail level of the two sections , then the computer calculated average water level, gradient of water table and discharge;


  • 实验结果表明激光功率密度反应压力、载种类流量反应参数粒子粒径、形貌收率等性能均有一定影响

    The experimental results showed that the process parameters such as laser power density, reaction pressure, the sorts and rate of airflow affected particles' shape, size and yield.


  • 利用等时段特征线数值模拟三峡永久船闸输水系统不补水工况下输水特性,得出输水管道沿程各节点水头及流量的变化规律。

    The characteristic line method is used to simulate the characteristics of the water conveyance system of the ship lock in the Three-Gorges Project.


  • 筹资活动现金各部分衡量一家公司所有者债权人之间现金流量

    Cash flows from financing activities - This section measures the flow of cash between a firm and its owners and creditors.


  • 社长其他人认识到,创建流量受众的联系只是这项比赛的一部分——进攻部分

    President Li and others will recognize that the efforts to build traffic and relevance with customers cover only part of the game - the offensive part.


  • 社长其他人认识到,创建流量受众的联系只是这项比赛的一部分——进攻部分

    President Li and others will recognize that the efforts to build traffic and relevance with customers cover only part of the game - the offensive part.


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