• 本文中,了解到了Rational开发构建产品项目生命周期中所扮演角色功能包括这些工具在工作中的实例

    In this article, you learned about the roles and the functions that Rational development and construction products play during your project's life cycle, including examples of the tools in action.


  • 虽然这些实例举例说明了一个软件开发生命周期,但是所描述技术可以任何负责验证收集需求的人使用

    And although these examples illustrate a software development lifecycle, the techniques I describe can be used by anyone responsible for verifying and gathering requirements.


  • 通过一个立体仓库开发应用实例介绍堆垛监控系统功能、系统组成实现方法

    The function, composition and realizing method of the monitoring system for the stacker are introduced with a developing and applying example.


  • 本文系统介绍如何运用CORBARMI技术开发分成布式应用程序并通过实例说明具体实现方法

    The paper systematically introduce how to use CORBA and RMI technology to develop distributed application, through instances to illustrate the implement method.


  • 介绍了国际大坝文摘数据库结构特征本数据库的开发利用列举了两个实例

    This paper introduces the structural features of ICOLD abstract database, and its development and uses. It also illustrates with two examples.


  • 文中提出墙体梁化必要性可行性工程实例以期有助于开发利用

    The necessity, feasibility and examples of this beam wall are given in this paper in the hope of contributing its development and utilizations.


  • 结合本单位办公楼改造工程实例介绍了采暖型风机盘管开发应用过程

    The development and application process of the heating fan coil units are introduced with some practical reconstruction project as an engineering example.


  • 文中还实例概述我国开发数据采集系统现状应用前景

    The current status of the development of data acquisition system and the prospect of applications of the system are presented with a practical example.


  • 最后介绍程序开发运行实例

    Finally, the program development and running example are introduced.


  • 接着讨论了研究嵌入式计算模型重要性模型实现方法并给出一些实例模型,当前嵌入式应用开发中几种主要的软件技术。

    It also make a research for Embedded computing models and argues that it is important for development of Embedded software with property of real-time and concurrence.


  • 本文以三菱FX2NPLC基础介绍了PLC深度开发运用于电镀自动线实例

    On the basis of Mitsubishi FX2N PLC, this paper introduces the deep development of PLC and its application in an electroplating autoline.


  • 文章讨论领域体系结构开发相关技术开发过程给出一个开发实例

    The development technics and procedures of domain architecture is discussed in this paper, and then offered a simple case to do so.


  • 提出了基于SIP增值业务平台开发业务的两种模式具体实例

    SIP-based platform for the development of value-added services business and the specific examples of the two modes.


  • 还描述了UFC装置应用实例开发超级多相高强钢、相变诱导塑性钢等高附加值钢铁材料方面的应用潜力

    Some application examples of UFC and the potential for the production of high strength steel grades like multiphase HSS, TRIP and so on were introduced.


  • 动态bom批量定制企业PDMERP系统集成中的应用进行了分析给出了一个具体应用实例PD M系统基础开发部分界面

    Application of dynamic BOM in integration of PDM and erp systems in mass customized enterprise is described and some interfaces of developed system based on PDM are illustrated.


  • 公司数码相机开发实例,详细研究采用协同设计模式开发产品的结构流程关键技术

    Digital camera development of one company as an example, structure, steps and vital technologies of development based on collaborative design is researched and investigated in detail.


  • 然后通过一个应用实例说明如何利用VDM技术进行软件开发利用函数操作形式化规格说明来证明程序是正确的。

    Furthermore, it illuminates how to use VDM technology to develop program, and program testifying with function and operation formational specification with a instance.


  • 本文介绍了水凝胶凝胶材料智能功能纺织品开发中的应用实例纺织领域应用进行了展望。

    This article introduced the examples of functional textile and intelligent textile which were developed by the hydrogels and aerogels. Then the application prospect of gel was put forward.


  • 本文介绍基于实例推理智能冲压模具CAD系统开发功能特点。

    This paper deals with the development of intellective stamping die CAD system based on CBR.


  • 介绍了矿冶退役放射性污染去污的原则方法实例开发去污技术,并我国铀矿冶退役的放射性污染方法和途径上作了探讨。

    The principles, means, examples and newly-developed technologies about radioactive pollution decontaminating in decommissioning of uranium mines and mills are introduced in this paper.


  • 在所研究理论模型工艺流程分析基础上,开发动力压井工艺参数设计软件进行了实例验证

    Based on the research and analysis of the theoretical model and construction process, it developed dynamic kill software, and the example is verified.


  • 本文介绍了系统设计开发思想关键技术组成框架基本工作流程以设计实例予以说明

    The design thought, key technology, frame and basic process of the system were put forward, and explanatory examples were illustrated.


  • 介绍了带钢轧制过程常用有限元模拟方法类型,其近年来揭示轧制力能参数温度、板形控制板带轧制技术和新工艺开发中的一些应用实例,并指出其存在的问题和发展前景。

    The finite element methods used in simulation on hot rolling of strip are introduced as well as the instances of revealing mechanics parameters, temperature field, and development of new process.


  • 介绍国外节能建筑对资源回收利用能源开发利用的技术措施,建筑实例供参考。

    Referring to the present state of domestic and oversea and utilization of new energy sources, the paper presents an introduction to those which have utilization prospects.


  • 介绍国外节能建筑对资源回收利用能源开发利用的技术措施,建筑实例供参考。

    Referring to the present state of domestic and oversea and utilization of new energy sources, the paper presents an introduction to those which have utilization prospects.


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