• 目标模拟器用来模拟作为卫星姿态敏感器参考目标(太阳地球恒星等)环境特性

    Target simulators are used to simulate the environment character of reference objects (the sun, the earth and stars) as satellite attitude sensors.


  • 但在实际应用中,A TR系统所获取的外场的目标背景总是处于随时间不断变化条件下,与系统所存储参考目标通常都不会一致,从而导致相关识别SNR劣化。

    In application, the acquired target and background by a ATR system are always changed temporarily, causing the disaccord of the reference and acquired target and the degradation of correlation SNR.


  • 通过这种挑战学习不仅内容归结为上述主题类型概念任务参考),还要考虑整个学习目标上下文

    The challenge here is to learn how not only to assign content to one of the agreed-upon topic types (concept, task, or reference), but also to mind the context of the overall learning objective.


  • 框架并不规定填充单元格符号顺序因为知识点已经超出参考结构目标的范围。

    The framework does not dictate or prescribe a notation or an order in which cells are to be filled, as this knowledge lies beyond its goal of providing a reference structure.


  • 有关如何使用工具版本实现目标信息请参见参考资料。

    See Resources for information on how to achieve this goal with an earlier previous version of the tool.


  • 应当始终参考这些目标获得明确的考试要求

    You should always refer to the objectives for the definitive requirements.


  • 开源硬件方式发布开放式计算项目中的技术我们目标开源软件项目模型参考开发服务器数据中心

    By releasing open Compute project technologies as open hardware, our goal is to develop servers and data centers following the model traditionally associated with open source software projects.


  • 参考指向资源参考以及目标数据源这些都会扩展EAR自动得到配置

    The reference points to this resource reference name and target data source, which is automatically configured in the extended EAR.


  • 对于领受者的目标他们皮夹里就能够找到个[关于设定目标基础常识的介绍]的参考

    The recipient will have a reference to their main goal in their wallet with an introduction to basic goal setting.


  • 提供我们通过参考得出一些论断根据本文目标进行解释

    Included in the section is a set of assertions we derived from the references and interpreted for the purpose of this paper.


  • 接下来每个模块目标确定任务概念支持课堂学习目标需要参考信息

    Next, we identified the tasks, concepts, and reference information needed to support the lesson-level learning objectives within each of these module-level objectives.


  • 在制定目标时候,不妨参考过去最好成绩,使发扬光大

    Insetting my goals I will consider my best performance of the past and multiply it a hundredfold.


  • 本文的目标IT专家架构技术团队领导人而制定)所有与云相关工作提供一份参考指南

    The goal of this article (designed for IT specialists, architects, and technical team leaders) is to provide a reference guide for any cloud-related engagement.


  • 目标公司参考账户三个产品维度之间分开

    The reference account of the target company is split between three product dimensions.


  • 而如果点击的是警告对话框中的Cancel按钮时目标项目仍然生成代码模型中的UML元素不会参考取代

    If you click the Cancel button in the warning dialog, the code is still generated into the target project, and the UML elements in the source model are not replaced with the references.


  • help——目标主要用于正确插件语法结构参考可以命令中输入mvngrester: help单独执行

    Help - This goal, used mainly for references on the correct plug-in syntax and structure, can be executed in isolation on the command line as MVN grester: help.


  • 行业模型方法(informationFramework)能提供参考组件帮助定义目标业务体系结构总体技术解决方案方法。

    An industry model approach (such as the Information Framework) provides reference components to help define the target business architecture and overall technical solution approach.


  • 本文的目标不是取代WebSpherePortalInfoCenter这里讨论任何安装维护任务应该参考

    The goal of this article is not to replace the WebSphere Portal InfoCenter, which you should reference for any installation or maintenance task mentioned here.


  • 参考手册说明目标QMgr必须理解客户通道提交的ID获得访问权限并且详细描述了SSL配置

    The reference manuals explain that the ID presented by the client channel must be known to the target QMgr to gain access, and they also describe SSL configuration in detail.


  • 参考本体论定义目标描述,它由服务描述同样元素组成能力描述接口

    The Reference Ontology defines a GoalDescription as being formed from the same elements as a ServiceDescription: namely a CapabilityDescription and a set of Interfaces.


  • 例中目标web服务Payvment(参见参考资料获取链接),即一个云中购物车实现

    Your target web service in this case is Payvment (see Resources for a link), a "shopping cart in the cloud" implementation.


  • 使用wsadmin脚本客户端下面命令使用jython- lang jython选项(参见参考资料了解关于连接wsadmin引用目标进程的细节)。

    Using the wsadmin scripting client: the following commands use jython with the -lang jython option (see Resources for details on connecting wsadmin and referencing the target process).


  • 部分目的不是为了提供逐步指南建立目标体系结构,这是由于有关一步所有细节信息参考资料部分获得。

    The purpose of this section is not to provide a step-by-step guide to build the target architecture, since all detailed information about each step can be found into Resources section.


  • 为了这个目标参考教科书字典

    You'd just consult a textbook or dictionary for that purpose.


  • 这种方法这个涉众目标文档变成这个团队开发过程一部分,这些目标继续业务不是技术角度参考

    In this way, the stakeholder goals document becomes a living part of the team's development process, and goals are continually referred to from a business rather than a technical perspective.


  • 请注意流程信息系统人员目标策略业务IT一致性参考信息

    Note the reference to processes, information systems, personnel, goals, strategy, and business IT alignment.


  • 编写编辑附录附加资源词汇表参考资料职业帮助等等满足学习目标

    Write or compile collateral, such as additional resources, glossaries, references, job AIDS, and so on, to meet the learning objectives.


  • 可以本文页面上下载附录中包含目标转换ID完整列表(参见参考资料)。

    The appendix that you can download from this article page contains a complete listing of target transformation ID (see Resources).


  • 如果代理服务器目标集群位于不同核心组那么必须设置核心组桥接配置。(参见参考资料)。

    If the proxy server and the target clusters are located in different core groups, then core group bridge configuration will be necessary (see Resources).


  • 如果代理服务器目标集群位于不同核心组那么必须设置核心组桥接配置。(参见参考资料)。

    If the proxy server and the target clusters are located in different core groups, then core group bridge configuration will be necessary (see Resources).


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进来说说原因吧 确定