• 这个标志利用空间建立字母H

    This logo also uses a negative space to create the letter H.


  • 苔丝在那儿犹豫着,个沐浴的人想跳进水里一样,知道是跳进还是退回,正在这个时候,有一个人帐篷黑色三角走了出来。

    Tess still stood hesitating like a barber about to make his plunge, hardly knowing whether to retreat or to persevere, when a figure came forth from the dark triangular door of the tent.


  • 通常情况下这些小孔是以六角图案排列的,但是新型运算法则却生成了一种奇异的小孔花图案,这是人类无法想到尝试的。

    Normally, these holes are arranged in a hexagonal pattern, but the algorithm generated a bizarre flower-like pattern of holes that no human would have thought of trying.


  • 卡林波士顿举办了一个减肥塑,在那里有组织训练海军新兵的方法培训各个小组的成员,而且告诉他们要照练习

    McMillian runs FitBoot exercise classes in Boston where she trains small groups of students in structured boot-camp drills - and she tells her clients to practice what she preaches.


  • 国王我说,你拿走,把火里烧掉到时显露的。

    And do you know what, your majesty? If you take the skin away from him and throw it into the fire, then he will have to show himself in his real form.


  • 一个新的计算模型说明了在太阳系统是怎样阻止年轻地球其他早期行星螺旋地下沉太阳从而使它们能够安全地保存下来。

    A new model keeps the solar system safe for the young Earth and other infant planets by preventing them from spiraling into the sun.


  • 那些睡眠浅又容易被惊醒人们也许会激活脑中大量的而受益研究者至今尚未清楚到底通过什么样的办法激发脑中的梭波。

    Light sleepers may benefit from boosting the number of spindles in their brains, though the researchers acknowledge they are still unclear how the boost could be achieved.


  • 不管用了“ 5千万”种不同-黑的假发,染的棕,拉的直发-改进脸型避免那些小报记者注意她“与生俱来”有些许暇疵的

    Nor could "50 million" different hairstyles-black wigs, blonde dyes, hair extensions-do much to improve the face that stared at her out of the tabloids. It was "just the way I was born".


  • 例如,1519年10月巴布尔朋友骑马Istalif:“草坪三叶草石榴树镀上了秋天的金黄色,果实。”

    In October 1519, for instance, Babur rode out to Istalif with friends: “Its lawns were one sheet of trefoil; its pomegranate trees yellowed to autumn splendour, their fruit full red.”


  • 那些自惭人可能会发现合理性解释:‘我们无路可走或者考虑安全因素’或者解释说我们阿拉伯冲突独特

    Or they citesecurity considerations’ or explain theuniquenessof our conflict with the Arabs. But many others are not even ashamed…


  • 唐朝各类文化传播这类文化转过来之后我们就把这些创意开始后,我们就是挖掘一些大唐细节,一些大唐的文化类别

    Tang various cultural transmission, in such form of cultural turn, we put these ideas began, we are to dig some of the details of Tang, some of the Tang culture category.


  • 小猪市场。这小猪家里。

    This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed at home.


  • 连带女儿街角小店盒装巧克力分钟时间没有了。

    He didn't even have a few minutes to take her to the corner drugstore, to buy a heart-shaped box of chocolate candy.


  • 周末可以欣赏这种用起来“雕塑”,每年学校都会这个奇怪的东西摆出来。

    On the weekends, you get to appreciate weird flower dragon statues your school put up annually.


  • 我们安静地方幻影乡村,然后可以凤凰社送个信。

    I say we find a quiet place to Disapparate and head for the countryside. Once we're there, we could send a message to the Order.


  • 教育一点上关怀,就是这样一种超越现象世界努力追求教育本真、探询教育灵魂尝试。

    Therefore we can surpass the phenomenon world and make an effort to looking for the essence of education and spirit of education.


  • 我们意念能够深入细胞里边,用我们意念来有意识地通透一个细胞细胞膜需要达到神合一。

    We need to be mind and Body Becoming One if the mind can be into the inside of a cell and can penetrate the membrane of a cell intentionally.


  • 虽然他们平面感觉达到相当准确的程度,但他们没有智力感情上进一步努力理解存在于空间整个

    Though they may attain considerable accuracy in the perception of flat form, they do not make the further intellectual and emotional effort needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence.


  • 可是……”哈利本能地用道闪电伤疤

    "But..." Harry raised his hand instinctively toward the lightning scar.


  • 但是亚瑟·韦斯莱伦敦工作家里其它人走不久之前——而且因为幻影旅途时间几乎

    But Arthur Weasley leaves for work, in London, shortly before the rest of the family-and as he can Apparate, his commuting time is virtually zero!


  • 三角这样简单元素利用其不同大小创建复杂的花边图案

    Such simple element, triangle, in different sizes is composed to create intricate lace pattern.


  • 二次质后,堆芯筒体锻件产生了椭圆变为了不影响锻件已有性能,采用应力回火方法进行校正

    In order to keep the property of forging pieces which they already have, calibrating in the way of cold correcting the shape with stress release and tempering could get a better result.


  • 赶快离开霍格·莫德,山里在那里可以幻影,说不定还看见海格

    Get right out of Hogsmeade, up into the mountains, and you'll be able to Disapparate there. Might see Hagrid.


  • 反映地表粗糙状况特征地表粗糙度非线性的,可以刻划。

    Surface roughness degree which represents characteristic quantity of grade of land surface roughness is nonlinear, and can be described by fractal dimension.


  • 如果分割多边可以很容易地100以上

    If you will split polygons, it can easily go way above 100.


  • 并进一步提出通过四种基本光散射表征颗粒分布,这种表征方法可采用频谱分析来分析颗粒的状分布。

    Four basic shapes are used to describe the particle shape distribution in this paper, and the spectral analysis can give this shape distribution.


  • 并进一步提出通过四种基本光散射表征颗粒分布,这种表征方法可采用频谱分析来分析颗粒的状分布。

    Four basic shapes are used to describe the particle shape distribution in this paper, and the spectral analysis can give this shape distribution.


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