• 成功期货投机原理建立这样假设上:人们未来会重犯他们过去过的错误

    The principles of successful commodity speculation is based on the supposition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past.


  • 确实原理工程学里专门用来复杂系统在面临错误组件时还能运作正常。

    It is indeed a principle, and in engineering it is deliberately used to allow complex systems to preserve their integrity in the face of faulty components.


  • 尝试知道特列原理,你知道,反应错误方向进行

    And you're trying, you know by Le Chatelier, you know that it went in the wrong direction for you here.


  • 反之也就是说艾滋病毒学原理依赖模型本身可能错误的。

    And that, in turn, means the models that epidemiology relies on May be wrong.


  • 如果发生错误代价会非常高,因此,要了解SSLPEER工作原理使用自签名证书测试过滤,然后再从商业CA那里购买永久证书。

    Mistakes can be costly, so understand how SSLPEER works, and test your filtering using self-signed certificates before purchasing permanent certificates from a commercial ca.


  • 应记住不是所有移动设备工作原理一致妄想设计程序而使得所有机型都兼容是一个错误

    Remember that not all mobile devices work the same way. Designing a single application that you assume will be compatible with all types is a big mistake.


  • 个人建议不要滥用这个效果如果请你确认理解原理并且知道在什么情况这是错误的。

    My personal suggestion is to not abuse this effect, and if you are going to use it be sure you understand why and under which specific situations this error can happen.


  • 理解组件操作基本原理以及常见故障原因。识别并纠正错误简单的问题。

    Understand the basic principles in how a unit operates and know its most common causes for failure.


  • 这个新手问题处理两个星期结果意识他用一个错误原理

    The green hand has been tackling the problem for two weeks, only to realize that he had applied a wrong principle.


  • 论述中性点绝缘系统采用三相防谐振电压互感器原理结构,并指出了运行中容易发生的接线错误

    The principle and structure of the resonance-proof three phase voltage transformer used in the neutral insulation system are discussed. The connection errors brought about in operation are presented.


  • 描述了AES- 128差分错误分析原理给出了攻击算法,分析了算法成功的概率

    The principle of a kind of differential fault analysis on AES-128 is described. The attacking algorithm is given. The probability of accomplishing the algorithm is analyzed.


  • 详细分析多级编码调制不等错误保护原理基础上,设计了一种针对8ask调制的非均匀信号星座

    After the unequal error protection of multilevel coded modulation is discussed in detail, a non-uniform signal constellation applied to 8ask modulation is designed.


  • 研究纯方位系统目标运动分析(TMA)的数学模型中,有些存在原理错误

    There are foundational mistakes in some mathematic models about TMA in bearings-only system.


  • 基于数学分析著名不动原理对于低密度本文证明了其删除错误译码算法稳定收敛充分条件

    Based on the known principle of fixed points in mathematical analysis, a sufficient convergence condition of erasure decoding algorithm for erasure codes is shown.


  • 穆勒倾向于促进幸福行动正确的,反之则是错误,定义最大幸福原理”。

    Mill formulated this as 'the Greatest Happiness Principle', which holds that 'actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.


  • 成功期货投机,其原理建立这样的假设上:人们未来重犯他们在过去错误

    The principles of succe ful commodity eculation is based on the su osition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past.


  • 参数错误监护常见故障分析工作原理说明维修流程

    The parameter fault of theSpacelabs1050patient monitor is a frequently trouble. From its working principle, the paper explains the process of analysis and elimination of the trouble.


  • 可以认为,一类错误检验中的实际推断原理引起,第二类错误由检验中的逻辑谬误引起。

    It is to be proposed that the first type of mistake is caused in testing by certain principles of inference and the second type is caused in testing by logical errors.


  • 爱因斯坦光速不变假设违反相对性原理伦茨变换中的时间变换式错误的。

    Einstein's postulate on the constant speed of light violates the principle of relativity and his time-transformation formula is invalid.


  • 本文难免有所错漏,请随便提问从而可以更好理解基本原理甚至能帮助挑出一些忽视了的错误(这句翻译的可能有问题)。

    There could be plain wrong information, in here so question everything, in turn you will gain better understandings of fundamentals and maybe even help me overlook something I've forgot.


  • 理解组件操作基本原理以及常见故障原因。识别并纠正错误和简单的问题。

    Understand the basic principles in how a unit operates and know its most common causes for failure...


  • 理解组件操作基本原理以及常见故障原因。识别并纠正错误和简单的问题。

    Understand the basic principles in how a unit operates and know its most common causes for failure...


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