• 身体上的原因可以引起情绪精神上的问题

    Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.


  • 如果进行任何类型IT软件项目可能知道这个问题答案不过为了清楚起见我们在此处说明原因

    If you have been through any type of IT or software project you probably know the answer to this question; however, to be clear, we will specify the reasons here.


  • 日志(生成准确时间用户收到错误信息)使变为一个收集数据确定问题根本原因有效工具

    Its logging, which produces exact timelines and error messages received by users, makes it an effective tool to collect data or identify the root cause of issues.


  • 如果没有妨碍使用这些应用程序其他原因(比如许可证问题不稳定),这个电子表格可以简化10

    If there are no other reasons that argue against these applications such as licensing issues or instability, the spreadsheet can be simplified as shown in figure 10.


  • 首先提出这些问题可以发现简单错误缩小可能原因范围,从而节省大量精力。

    Answering these questions first can save a lot of work by highlighting simple errors or by narrowing down the range of possible causes.


  • 描述导致出现问题原因说明如何防止解决方案进行修正

    It describes the causes that led to it and also shows how to prevent or correct the solution.


  • 异常可能任意原因造成的——网络问题可能无法本机存储库获得特定条目任何东西。

    It could be for any reason — a network issue, possibly a problem retrieving particular item from the native repository, or anything at all.


  • 其他原因还包括女上司在早退晚到问题上缺乏灵活性

    Other issues included a lack of flexibility over leaving early or starting late.


  • 该书提出的另一个问题人们(往往弱势的人口)居住高风险地区并不是由于宿命短视原因而是工作更近些。

    Another issue the book raises is that people, often the most vulnerable, live in risky areas not because they are fatalistic or myopic, but to be closer to work.


  • 在因车垫问题宣布召回的时候丰田,它还没有指出确定目地加速其他原因

    Toyota had "not been able to single out or verify any other cause" for the unintended acceleration, the company said when the floor-mat recall was made.


  • 并且,女性男性出了跟入店盗窃扯上关系几率一个调查为这个现象提出了原因苏格兰意大利西班牙1418女孩有一半存在着购物成瘾的征兆或问题

    And women are nine times more likely than men to be affected - one study found up to half of all 14- to 18-year-old girls in Scotland, Italy and Spain displayed signs of shopping addiction.


  • 简单数据库问题比如磁盘索引丢失,常常引起问题真正原因

    Simple database-side problems such slow disks or missing indices can be the actual culprit.


  • 受益者还包括某些次要发达经济体,这些经济体监控措施严格而著称,问题直接间接风险敞口有限。次贷问题是导致本次危机根本原因

    Some fringe developed economies with a reputation for tough regulatory controls and limited direct or indirect exposure to the subprime problem at the root of the crisis have benefited.


  • 我国司法解释存在很多合理合法合法但不合理领域这些问题形成既有历史的亦现实原因

    In our country, the judicatory explanation exists a lot of reasonable but illegal or legal but not reasonable realms, the formation of these problems have the realistic and historical reasons.


  • 一个严重问题如果承包分包商要控告不论原因

    An even more serious problem would be if the contractor or sub-contractor sues you, for whatever reason.


  • 尽管这些故障诊断方法并不是特定资源监控,但传输任务没有预期发生监控器定义没有显示已注册可以按照以下方法找出产生问题原因

    Although not specific to resource monitoring, when transfers do not occur when expected, or monitors do not show as registered when defined, you can do a number of things to find out what happened


  • 发生问题原因在于数据库索引锁定存(例如事务处理日志周围的索引锁定锁存),直到应用程序使用分区数据库为止。

    This happens because the index locks or latches within the database (such as those surrounding the transaction log) until the application is using a partitioned database.


  • 药物原因导致提前引产可能包括体型过大胎儿成长不足以及母亲糖尿病问题

    Medical reasons for earlier induction may include advanced size or lack of proper growth of the fetus and maternal issues like diabetes.


  • 此前其他人是如何试图解决这个问题的?他们的解决方案成功失败原因是什么? ?

    How have others attempted to solve this problem before, and why did their solutions succeed or fail?


  • 应该感到羞愧害怕因为没有什么可担心——你真的明白引起问题的的原因

    You shouldn't be ashamed or afraid, because you have nothing to fear - you really do not understand the causes of a problem.


  • 原因未查明,由于缺乏明显证据明确测试导致一些医生质疑是否是身体心理问题

    Its cause is unknown, and the lack of obvious signs or definitive tests has led some doctors to question whether it is a physical or psychological problem.


  • 对于这个问题没有明确正确答案对于“为什么生命值得活下去” 这个问题我们不同身上汇集一些有趣的原因

    There is no definite or right answer in this case, but we have put together a few interesting reasons from different people as to why life is worth living.


  • 通常原因这些机器设置错误,操作系统BOINC安装上出了问题

    Often these machines are misconfigured or have some other Operating System or BOINC installation problem which needs to be fixed.


  • 近年来某些领导干部存在领导作风工作作风工作方法问题成为引发“群体性突发事件”的直接间接原因

    Recently, the problems in leadership style, work style and method of some leaders have become the direct or indirect reasons for"group contingencies".


  • 数据显示,父母后悔主要原因名字大众化太多人使用(25%)。其他后悔原因包括拼写发音问题(11%)。

    The main reason for any regret was how regularly the name was used by others (25%), the data suggested. Other sources of regret included spelling or pronunciation issues (11%).


  • 数据显示,父母后悔主要原因名字大众化太多人使用(25%)。其他后悔原因包括拼写发音问题(11%)。

    The main reason for any regret was how regularly the name was used by others (25%), the data suggested. Other sources of regret included spelling or pronunciation issues (11%).


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定